All Chapters of Indestructible : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
30 Chapters
Chapter 10: Get To Know
"You seemed extra energetic today." Nesha commented as she watched Eleonna do their PE exercises so fast.   She couldn't believe how her behavior yesterday contradicts today.   "Ah, I had a good sleep last night, that's why." Eleonna giggled as she reached out for her water container.   "Huh? You done already? Wait for me!"   Eleonna grinned and ran away from her. She could hear her call her name which made the teachers look her way. Oh how she loves teasing her dear friend. Yesterday's brawling session was a good warm up for her. It seemed like it awakened her sleeping skill, improved even. She was glad that Celeste didn't take her defeat personal, though.   Mace called them for a meeting yesterday to discuss how to get Eleonna a pass card. Turned out, the necklace that she got from Eleanor was not just a fashion necklace, its barcode pendant was a tool to let her enter the unde
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Chapter 11: Sy
After a long day of class and hanging out with Nesha and Liya, Eleonna finally got to lay on her bed. She couldn't help but to reminisce about the things that had happened these past days. Is what she's doing the right thing? How is this gonna affect her life? She groaned and decided to sit on her chair to do her schoolworks. She doesn't want to overthink today, not now. As she was getting her papers, a polaroid fell from the shelves. She picked it up and scanned it. She forgot about this. The picture that she found from her home. She flipped the picture and read the names written on it.  Arthur Salvelle Johnson Vierro George Donn Valmora Allerick Hemming "I really don't know these guys..." she murmured to herself as she tried to remember her childhood days if her father had introduced them.  
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Chapter 12: Pests
Someone had told Eleonna to think of her actions thoroughly before making it happen, because it will either result to something good or bad.    Well in this situation, she couldn't really tell if the consequence of her action was a good thing. I mean, she now knew the name of that girl her sister was talking to now that might be a big help for her, but at what cost? Ofcoure to get beaten up and harassed by some irresponsible drunkards.   "Here, use this to mend those cuts." Shaun said as he placed the medicine kit on top of the table.    Eleonna opened her eyes and sat properly, she groaned as she felt the aftermath pain. Must've been that adrenaline rush that caused her not to realize just how bad she actually got beaten up, 'cause let's be honest, even if this girl knows how to actually fight, that doesn't mean that it'll make her untouchable.    Shaun watched as the girl visibly fro
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Chapter 13: Despair
"Woah, that's a lot of bruises and cuts you got there. You know, a lady should take care of herself, specially her face." Celeste said as she dodge Eleonna's punch.   Eleonna's brows creased at her statement. Oh, she doesn't want to talk about the cuts.   "Just shut it and focus---argh!" she groaned when the girl managed to kick her from behind.   Celeste immediately wrapped her arms around the girl's neck as she pointed the knife on her neck.   "You see, when you fight with someone, you shouldn't get frustrated because if you do, then you wouldn't be able to focus and think of a good strategy to win against them."   Eleonna rolled her eyes at her statement. Immediately recognizing her advice for her when they first brawl.    "That's what you said, and it's actually effective so thanks," she grinned as she let her go. "What's wrong with you? It's very bo
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Chapter 14: Life's Prize
Time flies fast, whether you like it or not, it does. As for Eleonna, she isn't that glad of how fast the days passed.   For the past few days, the girl didn't have anything in mind but the game. Mace told her that it will happen the day after tomorrow, which is Saturday.   Her routine had been the same, school, hideout, home. To say that she's nervous is an understatement. I mean, who wouldn't get scared for themselves if they knew they'll be doing some dangerous shits for the next day?   Not to mention, Illegal too.    Everytime she goes to that place, she couldn't help but to rethink about her decisions. It felt like what she's doing is not right, but at the same time if it weren't for this then she wouldn't know the things that she discovered now. She couldn't quit now that she's closer to the truth she wants to find out. And maybe, she'll finally find her too.   She alr
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Chapter 15: No Turning Back
"Hey," Eleonna greeted as soon as the both of them got inside. Albeit weirded out by the stares they're giving to them, to her specifically. She walked towards the couch where everyone was situated. Mace stood up and went in front of them.  "So, since everyone is here. We'll be discussing about our new tactics in the game," he glanced at Eleonna, "And as for you since this is your first time, buckle up 'cause I'm gonna tell you things that you need to know." Audella sat beside her. Mace carried the table to the font as he scanned each paper above it.  "Hotel de Devio is a famous five star hotel in the Philippines, we all know that underneath their luxury profile, there's hell," he showed them a paper, "This is the official list of the members of the group we'll be facing this year." He gave them the paper and let them read it individually. There wer
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Chapter 16: A Luxury Hell
Eleonna drank her nth cup of water for the evening as she stared at the wall clock in her room. It's already 11 in the evening, and you know what that means. The girl has been walking back and forth in the room while silently saying her prayers. She turned to look around the room, if she dies, who's gonna take care of her toy collection? The girl shook her head as she tried to get her mind off of negative things. She's already nervous as it is and thinking about death wouldn't do her any better. Eleonna went out of her room to go downstairs, to her surprise her uncle was still awake and is currently watching a TV. She walked towards him and sat across the single couch. "It's late, why are you still awake?" he asked, eyes still on the television. "I can't sleep. So I decided to walk around the house. How about you, uncle? Don't you have a work tomorrow?" The girl couldn't help but
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Chapter 17: Wealthy Evils
Eleonna always hated the violence. She could never understand why people often choose to create chaos when they can just talk it out. Well, easy said than done, because let's admit it, we can't use peace talks in every situation and there are things that are better done than said.    The girl has been staring outside the window of their room. Her eyes watched every single person who comes inside. All of them looked very professional and wealthy, if it weren't for this game then she would look up to them and view them as her inspiration to keep studying and graduate so that someday she could find a decent job and earn money then she could enjoy the rest her life. But to her, they're just a well dressed evils, a wealthy one it is.   Shaun was sitting beside Celeste who's talking to him about something. This is the first time that the guy actually didn't understand what the girl is saying. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Eleonna, don't ge
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Chapter 18: Dead End
With fear and uncertainty in her heart, Eleonna walked towards the door. As soon as she stepped in, the loud bang of the steel door echoed around the place.   It was gloomy, and the lights were dim. The girl looked around hoping to see the others, but they already left and went on their way. She didn't have a choice but to continue walking on the path Audella told her to.   Her breathing became shaky as she scanned the place. It looked like an abandoned building. There were spider webs and vandalism on the wall. Did the people who got in this place did this? She couldn't help but to compare the state inside this place and the outside. This was complete opposite of the luxury looking place outside.   Her brows furrowed when she saw a nail scratch on the wall, it had a trace of dried blood. She could tell that it was here for a long time now. Someone must have died here. The thought of dead people almost made her throw up.
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Chapter 19: Player 7
The man known as Mr. Vierro walked past the people watching the big screen. He shook his head in disappointment by their actions. For him, they all looked dumb for being entertained by all this sick way of making money. If only he didn't needed to be associated with this what they call business, he would've taken this place down. He entered an elevator along with his secretary to get to the office. "Sir, aren't you worried about your son being here?" his secretary suddenly asked, worry evident on her face. He glanced at her reflection on the glass. "His safety is guaranteed. He may not know it, but no one can touch him in that game." he said nonchalantly. "But why won't you just ban your son from joining here, sir?" The man sighed. The elevator opened and they immediately walked towards the lone office. "I already did that, but he won't listen to his own fath
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