All Chapters of Shh, Don't Tell Daddy: Chapter 51 - Chapter 56
56 Chapters
The Story
I sit down holding a cup, it warming my hands slightly."You should get some sleep, baby girl." Damon looks at me, but I shake my head."Not until I find out what happened." I look between him and Rose. "How did she get in?" Did Rose let her?"I heard a noise in the garage. When I went through I looked around but couldn't see anyone. I thought one of you had come back early. The garage door was shut and locked so I just assumed it was one of the boxes or something that fallen. When I walked back through I felt something hit my head. I woke up tied to a chair in the room. I couldn't make noise she had taped my mouth."Looking around, I consider how she got in."I felt off, I don't know why. As I walk in I passed out, when I woke up Lucy was there. Apparently she had hid inside the moving van and stayed in the garage. She put something in that bottle I was drinking. She only got in because of the van, otherwise she wouldn't have.""I know." My
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I wake up and feel Damon wrapped around me. It feels strange now, knowing that everything is over. "Morning baby girl." His words cause me to smile. "Morning daddy, you got out of last night." I roll over to face him. "With how bad I was feeling it is a good thing we didn't use the room. I would have passed out and left you tied up." He laughs and I have to nod and laugh with him. "True, so what is the plan now daddy?" I look at him. "We go home. I spoke to the police last night, CCTV confirms everything. They had the scene cleared up. So home, a week without anything, no work, no club, just me, you and Raye." He pulls me against his chest and I have to agree, it sounds good. I don't reply, my mind replays everything and I consider if there was a way to stop it all. If I had gone home with Damon, if I had refused to go out. "What's up baby girl?" He peers down at me. "Just thinking if there is anything I should have don
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A dress
One week has passed, and I have spent it relaxing. Just me, Damon and Raye.My dad and mum have stayed away all week, which feels weird but I understand why."So, it's been a week, baby girl." I turn and see Damon stood by the door.I know what he is wanting. He has mentioned it a few times. I laugh slightly."Okay, let's do it. Let's get started and look." I smile at him."Date?" He looks at me."I don't know." I really don't."The sooner the better, baby girl.""Really? How about next week, daddy?" I smirk at him."Fine, baby girl.""I was joking, that is impossible!" Laughing I shake my head."It isn't, you have the venue, you need the dress, flowers and stuff. The hardest part is the venue and your dress."I laugh, it's impossible, and he knows it is."Come on baby girl, are we getting married or not?" He looks at me waiting."So next week? You really think we can get it sorted by n
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Climbing off the bed, I walk towards the bathroom, slowly removing my clothes along the way.I smile as I see his back to me, stepping into the shower, my arms wrap around his waist."God, baby girl." He groans slightly as my hand strokes down his body and grasps his cock.My hand moves over it slowly, I smile as I see his head fall back slightly in pleasure. The water running across us as my hand pumps his shaft.I move, and begin to walk around him, my hand staying on his cock. Stopping before him, I lean up and press my lips against his.His hand moves, and wraps around my throat, a groan escaping his lips as my hand moves faster, the kiss becoming more forceful as I whimper.Moving back slightly, I kiss along his body until I am kneeling. My tongue strokes along his cock, watching as his head falls back slightly.Sucking him into my mouth, my tongue teases along it before I pull back. My hand grips his cock tighter, as my tongue c
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Wedding Day
I wake to find Damon gone, I want to complain, but I can't. He is getting ready somewhere else.Getting up and showered I walk downstairs, my mum sat holding Raye."Morning, today's the day." She smiles at me and I nod. "You forgot two things, but Damon sorted it for you." "What two things?" What did I forget?"Makeup and hair, Damon has booked a woman she should be here soon. He made breakfast as well before leaving." She points towards the table, sitting I eat.This doesn't feel real, it has all happened so quickly."Your flowers are here as well, the plan is, you have your hair and makeup done. I will get Raye ready, your dad will be here as well to go with you in the car.""Thank you mum." I finish eating just as someone knocks."That will be the woman, I will let her in." Walking to the door she opens it. I watch the woman walk in and smile at me."Okay, so do you know the sort of style you want your hair and makeu
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Happy Ending
I feel nervous and I'm not entirely sure why. I sit in the car looking at the club. "What's wrong princess?" My dad looks at me as he holds the door open, waiting for me to climb out of the car. "I'm just anxious and worried." I feel sick. "Why? You can't run princess, that would kill him." He looks at me. "I'm not running, just. I don't know, I feel worried." "Okay, what about? Tell me and I can try help." He climbs into the car and sits with me. "Everything has gone wrong dad, everything. It's been a few months of us dating and already I live with him and am getting married." "True, but he isn't a stranger princess. This isn't like you just met him. You have known him since you were born." He smiles at me. "Which is the worry." My words are quiet. "Why is that a worry princess?" He looks at me confused. "Because his feelings could just be messed up and confused! He could realise pretty soon he doesn't
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