All Chapters of Eternal Wolves: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
Chapter 10 - Breakfast
Ares’s POV A rapping noise comes from my bedroom door. I sit up and look at the clock, 6:30 A.M. Who the hell is bothering me so early in the morning? “Master Martin, breakfast will be served at 7 AM sharp,” Sergio stated, waking me from my sleep. I don’t sleep very much or for very long at a time. Sleep is a luxury when you are used to your father bursting through the door stark raving drunk thinking you’ve done something to undermine him ready to beat you into a bloody pulp. I got up rubbing my face going to the bathroom to take a quick shower before going downstairs for breakfast. As I saunter down the stairs, I run into Alec and Alessandro apparently heading to breakfast themselves. “Hey man! How was your sleep last night?” Alec sees me and asks, smiling. “ was fine as usual. Nothing to write home about, but the bed is pretty comfortable.” I smirk. “Yeah...Alessandro snored like a damn freight train last night. App
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Chapter 11 - Hot Tub Antics
Ares’s POV By the afternoon, I was ready to explore some more of the packhouse and attempt to mingle with some guests. Just as I was getting ready to leave my room, I heard a knock on my door. “Ares! Dude! What are you doing? You can beat off tonight! C’mon dude! There are some seriously smokin’ hot she-wolves out by the pool!” I open my door knowing all too well who is on the other side. “Hey Alec...dude - you’re such a dick. I wasn’t beating off! I was just laying down resting. I don’t sleep much, you know that.” “I know dude but seriously! Throw some swim trunks on and let’s go!” “Okay, okay. I’ll be right behind you. Is Alessandro going with you?” “Yeah - he’s already down there. He texted me and said the hot tub has nothing but she-wolves in it, and him...fuckin pimp.” Alec laughs. “Okay, well, you know I don’t care about the other shit. My father wants me strictly to search for her.” “Yeah yeah...there wil
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Chapter 12 - Wolves and Their Games
Ares’s POV I was jolted awake by the pounding on my door, “DUDE! It’s ten o’clock! You are going to miss the ball if you don’t come down NOW!” Alec shouts from the other side. “What are you doing in there?” “Huh?” I shake my head and rub my eyes, realizing I’ve done it again, only no release. This was going to be a rough night with me all hot and bothered. I begin stretching and rolling out of the bed to go open the door. “I was sleeping!” That’s when I realized I actually slept quite well. I guess all my muscles relaxing allowed me to sleep more than normal. I rushed to the bathroom to put a wet, cold wash cloth around my standing soldier to make it stop throbbing. I also didn’t want Alec to think I was beating off again. Goddess he can be so annoying at times. Alec was standing in the doorway when I opened it, but I quickly rushed to the bathroom before he could see my current situation. When I came back out of the bathroom he gave me a once over and said,
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Chapter 13 - MATE!
Ares’s POV The ball was pretty energetic and it is clear that Alpha King Harmon spared no expense this year. As you walk into the ballroom you immediately see the dance floor with all the strobe lights and multi-colored lights flashing all around. The music is loud and helps to create an energizing atmosphere. The bar was expansive and stretched across the entire back of the giant room. People were dancing all around but mostly in the center of the room, some were standing around the sides of the ballroom socializing, and others were hanging out towards the back by the bar. I figured I could walk around the ballroom to scope the place out and see if I could pick up that scent again. It was dark in the ballroom and the fog machine on the dance floor made the air smell musty, but it was at least worth a shot. I started at the bar, picking up a crown and coke. Just as I left the bar to begin my lap around the song, ‘Search Party’ by Sam Bruno came on and that se
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Chapter 14 - Who IS My Mate?
Ares’s POV When I get to my room, I change into some comfortable sweats and go lay in bed. I was in such a daze, so excited about the fact that I met my mate that I don’t think anything could bring me down from my personal high. As I thought about who my mate could be, I started thinking about the ranked wolves and their of-age children, trying to jog my memory to possibly figure out who she was. I remembered that Alpha King Harmon had a daughter - obviously, I couldn’t forget that, my father only reminded me of that fact every day since I was about ten years old; though I have never seen her since I don’t follow the gossip magazines or human television networks that like to blast our personal lives for goddess and everyone to know about. His beta Harold didn’t have any daughters, just sons, but his gamma did have a daughter that would be about 20 years old. I think her name was Anika if I remembered correctly. Was this my mate? That’s when I realized
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Chapter 15 - Girl Talk
Ari’s POV I woke up the next day feeling reinvigorated. Today was the claiming. The most important event of the week. This was it. I would meet my mate. The way the claiming worked was pretty straightforward. All the unmated she-wolves were sequestered the morning of the claiming and taken far away from the packhouse into the woods that surround it to an undisclosed location where they house us for the day. All the unmated males were ordered to stay within the packhouse walls and not permitted to go outside for any reason whatsoever. While the unmated wolves paced the floors waiting eagerly to begin the claiming, those not partaking in the claiming were doing all the things needed to get everything ready for the claiming. There was a lot to prepare and get ready for the day of the event. Tents had to be set up all around in the woods in case any couples that mated wanted some privacy. Some don’t care and mate in the woods where they find each other, others are more s
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Chapter 16 - Secret's Out
Ares POV The following morning I woke up and eagerly got ready for the day. I knew all the she-wolves would be gone and out of the packhouse before breakfast to ready themselves for the claiming tonight, but I was still excited knowing that I will have my mate in my arms in less than twenty-four hours. At breakfast, I see my father, Alec, and Alessandro all sitting together about to begin eating what looked to be biscuits and gravy, scrambled eggs, and thick-cut bacon. GODDESS everything smelled good! I didn’t realize until that moment that I hadn’t eaten much since we got here. “Hey Ares! Good morning!” Alec shouted, waving me over to their table. I take my plate of food and walk over to their table to the seat next to my father that they saved for me. “So, what is this I hear about you finding your mate?!” My father growled at me, obviously pissed that I didn’t tell him last night. “I saw her at a distance, father. It was the end of the nigh
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Chapter 17 - In a Holding Pattern
Ares’s POV The day went by rather quickly. After we worked out and played some basketball it was nearly three in the afternoon. The sun usually sets between six and seven so I knew I had three to four more hours. As the time kept ticking down, I swear I was becoming hornier and hornier. I don’t know how that is possible but with every deep breath I took, I felt a mild tingling sensation course through my chest and through the rest of my body that went straight to my cock. “I’m horny as FUCK dude! What if we don’t find our mate? Do we just get to walk around with a massive boner until we rub one out or is there another party for the unmated wolves so we can hook up with other unmated wolves?” Alessandro questioned rather rhetorically as we all walked over to the billiards tables in the rec room. “Uhh...well, there is the mating ceremony for all the wolves that found their mates at the claiming. Then the celebration parties...those are ongoing throughout the la
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Chapter 18 - The Claiming
Ares’s POV It didn’t take long for me to wash up and come back downstairs. I knew I wasn’t going to be wearing clothes for very long, since Eros was itching to get out and run, not to mention hornier than we’ve ever been. I swear I’d fuck a knot-hole in a tree if it looked like a woman at this point. Alpha King Harmon had to have done something to us all...Did he put some additive in our breakfast or something? He had to have. I make note to ask him after the claiming is over. Everyone was starting to gather outside behind the pack house in front of the Master of Ceremonies, who was sitting on a podium above us all with Alpha King Harmon. “Can I have your attention, gentle wolves?” Master of Ceremonies, better known by his pack mates as Clarence, bellows. Everyone settles down to listen to him, even though testosterone is at an all-time high and every unmated male’s hormones are off the charts. “You will have until dawn to find your mate and c
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Chapter 19 - A Change in Plans
Ari’s POV “ARI!!!” I begin being jolted around on my bed by someone jumping up and down all over it. I crack open my eyes and cup my ears when the squealing sound of Alexia hits my senses. “WHAAAAAAT?” I shout back. She begins to stop jumping and settles down next to me on the bed, “Nothing, I just wanted to wake you up.” She grins. “You bitch…” I mumble using a pillow near me to swat at her chuckling a little. “So, the Mistress of Ceremonies just announced that we should be getting released anytime now. She said we have 20 minutes before we need to be outside ready.” Anika states nonchalantly changing out of her fuzzy pajama pants and into the sexy exercise outfit she picked out. “OH SHIT!” I bolt upright and jump out of bed. “How do I look? Is my hair messed up? Should I touch up my makeup?” I huff my breath on my cupped hand in an attempt to smell my breath, “Ew...I need to brush my teeth for sure!” I say in a panicked voice.
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