All Chapters of Mated For Life The Alpha's Mate : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
62 Chapters
Chapter 51: In The Sunshine
Laying in Eric’s strong arms, I feel the warmth of the sun beating down on my skin and refuse to open my eyes for a moment while I take it all in.  Yesterday was interesting to say the least.  I had feared the humans intruding into our territory, but the minute Jeremy stepped out of the car Eric greeted him warmly.  The rest of the night he told me tales of when he was a young pup and Jeremy was his best friend in the world till their fathers had a fight and Jeremy moved far away.  Now, apparently Jeremy is back, and he is one of the most influential men in the human world.  If he had known that Eric was one of the Alphas of this territory, he would have never let the hunters attack us. Now, we are venturing into a new period, where humans and our kind peacefully coexist.  At least for the time being.  Eric has high hopes that this means no more fighting, but I on the other hand realize that there will always be tension between us f
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Chapter 52: Is It Jealousy Or Something Else?
Sitting on the bed, I try to calm him down.  “It’s alright.  Really.  I just had a bad nightmare that’s all.”  I smile at him and give him a soft kiss on the lips before he says, “I know you better than that Raven.  You are hiding something from me.  You are a bad liar.  Now tell me, what was it about?” Hesitating, I think about this.  I don’t want to alarm him, so I lie and say, “It was really nothing.  I just had a nightmare about the pups.” Staring into my eyes, he starts to relax and sit back, before asking, “Are you sure?” “Yes.”  I say too quickly and then he knows that I am not telling the truth. “Come on.  What could be so bad that you can’t tell me?  I am your mate after all.”  A smirk spreads across his face before he wipes it off. “No, it wasn’t anything really bad, it was just strange.”  I reply and then my voice trails off as I stare off into the shadows
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Chapter 53: Did He?
“So, did Eric say when he would be back?”  Ryder watches me intently as he waits for my answer.  He knows that I am nervous about this whole thing with Jeremy, so why ask?  Trust me if I knew when he would be back, I wouldn’t feel so damn upset right now.  He missed dinner and Ryder came all this way just to speak with him.  However, now he is riding my back in hopes of rekindling what we had started earlier. Pacing around the living room, I shake my head and finally exclaim, “Just stop!  I know what you are trying to do.  You won’t tear us apart, no matter how hard you try.” His eyes flash golden for a brief moment before he says, “You are mine Raven.  You always will be.  Just because my brother has claimed you, doesn’t mean it isn’t so.  You knew it the minute I first touched you.  That’s why whenever I kiss you, you melt in my hands.” Starting to sob, I cry out, “No, I am not.  Just becau
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Chapter 54: It Was Better When I didn't Know
I wake up groggy and look at the clock, it’s 4:15 but Eric is mumbling something in his sleep with his arm tight around my chest.  Not being able to break free, I try to turn over at least but can’t.  Instead, I end up staring at the ceiling and listening to every horrible word he says.  “Jeremy, yyyou have to stop with the women.  I can only take sooooo many.”  He slurs and there are several moments when he just stops before finishing the sentence.  Hearing him speak, makes me want to curl up and die because I realize that he is talking about yesterday.  Lying there, I silently cry because I know what he has done is wrong.  The problem is I have done the same thing before.  Haven’t I?  I know that it was not to the same extent, but the sheer fact is that I cheated on him and now he has gotten his revenge.  Feeling him start to move, I try to wiggle from his grasp, but I don’t succeed.  Instead, he m
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Chapter 55: The Decision
“It’s not what it looks like.  I promise.”  Ryder turns around to face Eric and tries to explain. “Hmm.  Let’s see.  My mate is wet and naked, you are touching her chin and it looks like you just kissed her.  Exactly what is it then?”  I can already see the rage in Eric’s eyes from clear across the room. Ryder glances from me to Eric and then replies, “I walked in, because I saw you stomp off in a huff from your bedroom.”  He sighs before continuing.  “Wanting to make sure she was alright, I knocked and when she didn’t answer, I entered.  When I did, she was in a horrible mess, ranting and raving about Jeremy so I threw her in the shower to cool off and get ahold of herself.” Walking closer to Eric now, he keeps an eye on him as he says, “This is just before you came in.  When I shut off the shower, she walked out and then I was just about to ask her a question when you came through the door.” Eric sta
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Chapter 56: It Was him
“I knew that Eric’s little bitch wasn’t very strong.  I am frankly surprised that he chose you in the first place.  He could have had any number of women.  Matter of fact, even now after having human women, he still prefers you and I have no idea why.”  Jeremy’s face is so close to me that I feel the spittle running down my face as he speaks vehemently towards me. As I feel someone yank me backwards and to my feet by my upper arms sharply, I wince in pain when I feel my shoulder dislocate.  I hear a popping noise and then close my eyes in pain and agony.  Writhing around, I grimace when he forces me to look at him.  “Look at me bitch!  You are a female dog after all.” He stares into my eyes as close as he possibly can before he snaps his teeth together, acting like he is going to bite my nose off.  “I bite too you know?”  He winks at me and then shows me his biggest Cheshire Cat smile. They yank me har
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Chapter 57: Is It A Figment Of My Imagination?
“Bang” “Boom” My eyes hurt and feel puffy, but when I wake up it is pale in comparison to the sharp pain still in my shoulder.  Now I am beginning to wonder if the blow to my skull hasn’t caused me to hallucinate, because I hear loud noises in the next room and Eric’s voice again.  He is shouting out asking, “Where is she?  I know you have her.” “Boom” “Crash” “Boom” Sitting there, I notice something after a little while.  Everything grows quiet and right before Jeremy’s face peers through the door, I see someone sitting in the corner staring at me.  It is a bit odd, but I dismiss it quickly as also part of my imagination till he turns the light on, and I see it is not. Jeremy walks in and then I see an older grey-haired man who looks to be almost 7 foot tall.  His eyes are wide and a shade of blue that is so bright that it looks unreal.  I can smell his cologne from a mile away and it makes m
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Chapter 58: The Strange Disappearance
“Raven, do you know where Lizzy went?  The pups are hungry, and she isn’t anywhere to be found.  I don’t like the fact that people disappear far too frequently around here.  We have to start doing something about it.”  He stares at me with a frown before waiting for me to answer. “Well, I can take care of the pups food needs for the moment, but we have to find someone who will actually be here full time.  I thought she was responsible enough, but maybe she found her mate and they have gone off somewhere to be alone.  Who knows?” He nods and then leans down before giving me a kiss on the lips that feels more like he is thinking of something else.  His eyes wander to the window before he walks off and disappears out the door.  Staring after him, I put down my book and stand up to go to the kitchen, when I hear a strange noise in the bathroom. Cocking my head, I listen for a minute longer.  Nothing, but the minute I s
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Chapter 59: A Rose By Any Other Name
As soon as word gets out that I am about to get out of the clinic, Eric comes rushing in with a dozen red roses and a huge smile on his handsome face.  The last few days, he has been staying at the clinic, but this morning he ran off and I didn’t know why till now.  I stare at him as he waits patiently for the doctor to walk in and check me over.  Hearing the doctor from the other room, we both glance at each other and smile.  The door opens and then the doctor peers in, checking to make sure he isn’t intruding before he enters the room.  Eric immediately starts pacing because I can tell he can’t wait to get me out of here.  After all, tonight is a full moon. Still holding the roses, he remembers that he is carrying them and leans forward so I can smell.  So, I close my eyes and take a breath in through my nose.  The scent fills me, and I make a “Mm” Sound. When the doctor walks over to me and listens to my heart, he gl
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Chapter 60: The Calm Before The Storm
It has been 2 years since the war with the humans.  When Eric stomped them down, the mafia bosses seemed to not want any more to do with us.  Just as long as we don’t leave our territory, and they don’t leave theirs we all get along. “Momma, momma.” “Momma.” Turning to Hope and Justin, I smile and then take one in each arm before standing up.  Kissing them on the head, I remember when things weren’t going so well.  My world is different now though, because everyone respects me and when I say something, there are no more doubts.  Of course, Eric might have something to do with that.  The moment someone even thinks about it, Eric rips their throats out and doesn’t give them a second chance, because he is a powerful adversary all on his own and with me by his side, we are unstoppable.  Not to mention, now that the pups are growing big and strong, he would never let anything happen to them ever again. As I carry
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