All Chapters of I Was Reborn As The Most Powerful Princess In History?!: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
171 Chapters
Chapter 30: Days Like These (2)
"I FEEL like I'm dying. I'm on my last breath." "It would've been better if it was." Aldrich glared at Aimilios because of his comment but the latter was just ignoring him, writing something down on a piece of paper like that day was normal. They both knew that it was not. "Father just hogged Ales to himself!" Aldrich complained as he kicked the table, causing it to shake. Aimilios angrily glared at Aldrich for causing the table to shake, which made his handwriting crooked. He picked the pen up and threw it in Aldrich's direction. "Quit it!" Aldrich effortlessly dodged it but he glared back. "Aren't you supposed to be dying inside because you can't see Ales? Why do you act like you don't? Is that how shallow your love for our little sister is?" Aimilios stopped writing as he looked Aldrich dead in the eye before showing him the paper that he had been writing on. It was full of Aleste
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Chapter 31: She Who Once Was (1)
THE WORLD is filled with powers and mysteries that are waiting to be uncovered. May it be the scenery, a structure, lore, or its roots; all of it is a source of mystery that one can be defined through their worth in one's perception. Of course, many mysteries are yet to be unveiled in the eyes of the people; mysteries that are eye-catching and thrilling, some may even feel a sense of rush. However, one of the greatest mysteries in the world occurred in an eastern land far from the Vlatka empire. It is where the fields are green, the crops luscious, and the air was clear. The trees were full of life and the soil was fertile, while the fruits they bore were treated as a sacred offering to the Gods. The Gods, who were pleased with everything, lived in peace amongst the citizens and granted their every heed. Everything was once a bountiful and prosperous land, that was until a change happened that eventually turned into a mystery.
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Chapter 32: She Who Once Was (2)
TENSION SURROUNDS the room as Xerxes looked at his children coldly; his eyes narrowing at Aldrich, who is carrying Alesteria, and Aimilios, who is glaring at him in the same manner."I will ask again, where are you planning to take your sister?"Aldrich and Aimilios avoided their gazes at him as Xerxes still waited for their answer, but a few minutes passed by and they still kept their mouths shut.Alesteria sighed at the stubbornness between them and just decided to take matters into her own hands.'If this stretches out any longer, brothers will be punished again.' She thought as her eyes traveled to the two boys.'Although, they could've just said that we are going to the lake.'What Alesteria fails to understand in Aldrich and Aimilios' part is that they want to have her all for themselves; no Xerxes, Nicholae, or anyone else but her alone.It seems that Morgaine's past lecture about 'monopolizin
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Chapter 33: A Lost Friend
"YUM! WHO knew that blueberries can taste like this!?" Alesteria sighed at her friend's remarks, who kept filling her face with the pie she'd concealed in case Bella decided she'd had enough sweets for the day, which happened all the time. 'There goes my last piece.' She mused as Parie ate another slice before moving on to the next. Parie was blissfully unconscious of Alesteria's thoughts as she ate the slice, the sweetness and sourness well-matched, as was the pastry, which was baked to perfection. "This is so good! Do you have many more? I haven't eaten in days!" Parie filled her face even more before pausing for a little minute to cast a longing glimpse towards Alesteria, who was staring at her with a jaded expression on her face. "W-Witch… Can I eat all of these?" When Alesteria saw Parie's expression, she knew she was hungry, as in near famished. She hasn't eaten properly in months, accord
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Chapter 34: So Close
"YOUR HIGHNESS, is there something wrong with the food?" Bella's troubled voice jolted Alesteria out of her reverie as she looked up from her untouched dish to her, quietly shaking her head as she returned her gaze to the plate. 'Ah, I didn't notice that the food is here.' She thought as she reached for her spoon. 'But I don't have any appetite either.' "Do you perhaps not like the food prepared today? Are you craving for something else?" When Bella asks that, the kitchen worker in the corner flinches and begins to sweat. 'T-The princess dislikes the food?!' I-Is our food lacking? D-Does she no longer enjoy the way we cook?' Then, the kitchen staff glances at the food they prepared and pales. 'Maybe, the princess doesn't like mushrooms in her soup?!' Alesteria, on the other hand, shook her head as she took a mouthful following Bella's worrisome comments.
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Chapter 35: Plans For The Future
WHILE ALESTERIA is dealing with a little problem on her own, she is ignorant of the rumors about her that are spreading across the continent; they have even reached the farthest part of the continent where the sea reaches beyond the sky. Stories about the princess spread like wildfire as the citizens of Vlatka celebrated her accomplishment; from merchants to travelers, everyone was talking about the princess "There is no one else like the princess in this world!" They proudly exclaimed as they tell stories about her. The legends revolved around her ability to walk at the age of four months, her speech at a younger age than others, and her ability to manipulate mana from the minute she was born. The latter was merely exaggerated. That, however, is not a lie. Because so many people are talking about her and her excellent achievement, these rumors have reached the ears of several priests and high-ranking church officials.
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Chapter 36: New Perspective
"PAWIE, AWEN'T you bweing twoo comfowtable?" (Parie, aren’t you being too comfortable?) Parie pauses her eating for a moment, ignoring Alesteria's lisp because she's become accustomed to it, as she notices Alesteria frowning at her, hands on her waist, as the little pixie delicately sets the cookie brought in by the maid. "What? It's only a little munching, and you know how much we need to eat in order to use our mana." Parie shrugged and gazed with sparkling eyes at the platter of butter cookies. "Besides, I can tell if someone comes in uninvited; I'm not a pixie for nothing!" Parie's comment made Alesteria sigh before the latter resumed eating the biscuits, crumbs everywhere as she savors it. "Still. Thewe awe pweople you can't sense." Alesteria said as three people suddenly came into mind. (Still. There are people you can’t sense.) 'Like my father and brothers.' Parie smile
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Chapter 37: Brother Trouble
"ALRIGHT ALESTERIA, you just have to put all the mana you can get and--WOAH!" BANG!                                                               The sound of a massive explosion is enough to frighten everyone in the palace, especially if it comes from the princess's room. They did, however, consider soundproofing the chamber early on to avoid detection. And it seemed to be the best option they could have made as Parie stared at the massive hole in the wall, smokes from the hole appearing as the silver-colored ball evaporates into thin air, leaving just the proof of its presence. "What the… Are you tryin
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Chapter 38: Carving
A PRINCE'S knight faction is a group that manages the prince's protection and abides in them entirely; they can never betray the prince that they serve and will always be faithful to them. It is also where talented people are personally acknowledged and taken in by the prince, with them vowing to serve the prince for the rest of eternity; some of these people stood by the prince's heir, and so will their descendants. As such, it has become a tradition for every royal to have knights of their own. It also makes sense because royals required protection from those who wanted to harm them, but it's not like the royals don't have the capacity to do so on their own. It's just that it's much easier for the royals to travel around without too much trouble. And, according to tradition, each royal must have fifteen to twenty knights, which excludes a personal aide because they are typically recognized as the prince's right-hand man.
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Chapter 39: A Friend (1)
'YESTERDAY WAS fun.' Alesteria thought as she quietly sipped her drink which is again, just milk.She can't have tea yet since she's only three years old, which annoys her because she used to drink lavender tea all the time when she was the witch.She's putting up with it for the time being.Alesteria laid her cup down as she reflected on what had transpired the day before, which brought a warm grin to her face.'We played in the fields after watching Aldrich carve out our initials on the three for what felt like an eternity.'Alesteria felt her mood lightened up because of yesterday's events, even if the news about her brothers leaving soured it a little, but that's fine.Aldrich and Aimilios tried their best to make her feel that she is treasured and important in their lives; to the point that her brothers did everything with her, played with her, told her everything that happened to them whilst they were gone, and accomm
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