All Chapters of The Hunt: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
81 Chapters
Chapter 51: Keeping Promises
Izzy's head pounded, her left temple throbbing from the raider's sword that she took to the head. Her eyes were blurry as she gazed around in confusion. She remembered being attacked in the caravan by raiders and she remembered being grabbed and hauled off the wagon unceremoniously, then her memory goes fuzzy. The pounding in her head was a definite indication that she was injured in the attack, but she didn't recognize anything around her as she glanced around the tent.  She sat up with a start, she wasn't in a tent. She was in a room with a door. She was lying in a bed with a fire roaring in the fireplace in front of her. There was a chair sitting by the fire and a table by her bed. The room was simple, a small stone room with no window, meant for utility not luxury. Izzy looked around the room, trying to figure out where she was and how she was going to make her way back to her new tribe when the door was flung open. "Good, you're awake. We're leaving
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Chapter 52: As the Madness Spreads
Cliff pushed his horse harder; he was on the road north toward Castle Fairfield. He had traveled south to meet the raiders that would steal Izzy back for him before he went west to find the others in his party. An hour passed and he rode closer to the dark cabin in the woods. It was hidden on a path that few knew about. It was two stories, but it blended in with the giant evergreens surrounding it. He dismounted and put his horse in the stable next to the cabin before he walked in the door without preamble. “Are you ready?” Cliff asked the three men standing inside the room. All three men were dressed in all black, they had a wild look in their eyes. The same look Cliff sported when he watched Izzy from afar. “Do you have her?” the closest man, Mikael, asked. “She is being brought north as we speak,” Cliff said, nodding his head. “You trust the Rangers?” Rikkard asked, the skepticism in his eyes. “No, but they will do the job f
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Chapter 53: Back to Your Mate
Izzy slept fitfully in the cabin, waking twice throughout the night. She screamed into the darkness, calling out for her sister and Susanna. They never came. She was far away from them and alone. They wouldn't be coming to comfort her tonight. She opened her eyes and saw the fate she had been destined for. She glanced around the room in fear, waiting for someone to jump out to attack her.  She took a deep breath and calmed herself down, 'If they were going to attack me, they would have done it by now. They're taking me somewhere, I just don't know where.' She needed to find out where they were going, the only way to do that was to show them that she was ready and willing to cooperate with them. She could do that. She could be docile. She was Izzy, she made friends with a fence post if it would listen to her chatter. That was before the attack, yes, but she was alone now and she needed to fight this battle herself. She steeled her shoulders and gave hers
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Chapter 54: Nightmares are Real
Izzy watched Cliff converge on her as she sat petrified on the bed. He was there, near her, in the flesh and she had nowhere to run. She didn't know what to do. She froze when he reached out to her and grasped her in his arms, drawing her to her feet and inhaling deeply. He ran his nose along her neck and into her hair, breathing in her scent in satisfaction. "Please, let me go," Izzy whispered. She relaxed in his arms, forcing her muscles to soften as she screamed internally. She couldn't handle the pain she had gone through the last time; she knew the more she tensed, the worse it would be. Her internal monologue had failed her, she was panicking inside. She let out small gasps of breath. She couldn’t move, she was petrified by the sight of him. "No," he murmured as he ran his lips across her shoulder and toward her chest.  She took in a deep breath and in a sudden move of defense, she kneed him in the groin as hard as she possibly could. He le
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Chapter 55: A Journey North
Theo escorted Izzy toward the guest wing of the castle, walking slightly in front of her as he mutely led the way. They walked past many other Daikon, Theo nodding to each in greeting as he went.  "Do you know when I'll be able to go home?" Izzy asked curiously, trying to get Theo to talk. Theo shook his head. "Who were you looking for?" Izzy innocently asked Theo as they walked through the castle halls. Theo glanced at her as they made their way toward the guest wing of the castle. He looked forward again as he started to talk, "The King is looking for his mate. He had reason to believe Cliff was with her recently and he sent me to collect her. You are obviously not her," Theo said as he glanced back and down at her while smiling slightly. Izzy grinned up at him. He was really tall. "No, I'm not." She considered Theo's words as he stopped in front of a door in the guest wing and knocked lightly before opening the door for Izzy and gestur
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Chapter 56: The Dragon's Lair
"That's quite the story, Nate," Evan said quietly as he took in all of the information that Nate had told him. It had taken almost an hour to go through the details that Nate knew, with help from the others. "I think Cliff is the one who has been raiding the caravans in the weeks leading up to The Hunt," Logan added thoughtfully. "He's in charge of fighting off the raiders, though," Seth added, his brows furrowed. "Who better to pretend to defend the people than the man attacking them," Susanna said sarcastically. "If he is attacking the caravans in the weeks leading up to The Hunt, what is he looking for exactly?" Kate asked. "Or who is he looking for, may be the better question to ask ourselves," Seth added. "You think he was after Izzy before The Hunt?" Kate asked, stunned. "No, he didn't meet Izzy until The Hunt," Susanna shook her head. "We met him together, he had an odd look in his eye when he met her, but there was no r
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Chapter 57: Desperation
Cliff looked around the mountain range, he wouldn't be able to cross the shortcut, he would have to go around. If he followed the trail around the mountains, he could reach the dragon's castle in a week's time, but he didn't have a week to spare. He would have to postpone his conquest. Not capturing Izzy would mean she could potentially give him away and then everything he'd worked for would be destroyed. He couldn't let that happen either. He needed another option. "Gregory, I'm needed in the Fae Kingdom for Council business, I will have to leave you to track my mate and bring her back," Cliff said sternly to the leader of the raiders he had hired to bring Izzy to him.  "Understood, we will recover her and return her to you," Gregory agreed. "The Daikon are a fierce people and they hate Shifters, this wasn't part of our original agreement, we will require additional payment." Cliff cursed, "I will get you the gold when you bring my mate to me."
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Chapter 58: When Fate Chose Wrong
Izzy looked around with trepidation, she knew from stories back home that the dragons didn't get along with shifters, but the hateful glares she was getting as she followed Marielle toward the front of the hall were astoundingly vicious. She smiled timidly at a few of the dragons before shifting her gaze to watch the head table. The King had not yet noticed she was in the hall, he was busy talking with Theo who sitting on his left-hand side. As the dragons in the hall stopped talking to glare at Izzy, she watched as the King looked around the hall searching for the cause of the silence and change in atmosphere. His gaze focused on Izzy and he gave her a welcoming smile. Theo glanced up, too, and seeing Izzy and Marielle he gave them a small smile and nod. He stood from his chair next to the King and went to meet Izzy and Marielle at the bottom of the steps of the dais. He offered Izzy his arm and gave her a soft smile. Izzy looked up at him nervously. She took his ar
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Chapter 59: An Enemy Already
Nate had been throughout the day. He had a sick feeling in his stomach, as if the world was at odds. He couldn’t explain it. The feeling lingered all day. He was desperate to get to Daikon. The longer the journey took, the more anxious he felt.   “What do you think Izzy is doing in Daikon?” Kate asked Susanna as they rode behind Nate and Logan. Seth rode at the rear of their party with Kevin. “She’s probably hiding from everyone,” Susanna said. “Is the dragon’s event over by now?” Kate asked, turning to glance behind her at Seth. “I think theirs lasts the full month,” Seth answered. “A full month?” Susanna asked. “Yes, it’s not a simple hunt. The dragon alpha has to find the thing most important to his mate and bring it to her where she hides. If he gets it wrong, he has to correct his mistake. That’s why it’s called the Dragon’s Treasure. If you don’t know what your mate values more than anything else, you will never win her hand
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Chapter 60: Bonded Together
Izzy sat on the bench, her head swirling with the information she had received about her mate. Nate was supposed to be her perfect mate. He was supposed to love her, no other. Why would he make promises to another when he had sworn to stay by her side? “Izzy?” a soft voice called out to her. She ignored the woman calling. “Izzy?” the voice called out more insistently. Izzy looked up and saw the kind eyes of Violetta staring back at her. “What is it?” Izzy whispered, barely able to focus on the words to say. “Marchessa is jealous of you. I don’t know if what she said is true or not, but the only way to find the truth is to talk to your mate. You can’t let this bother you until you hear the truth from his lips. She has loved Nate since the moment he walked into Daikon. She would do anything to make him hers,” Violetta said softly, running a hand down Izzy’s hair comfortingly. “There is truth to her words,” Izzy said. “They’ve slept toget
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