All Chapters of A Night With Richard: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
142 Chapters
Chapter 60 If any harm comes to her, forget about having a family in your entire life
         "You look tired, why don't we go out for lunch? It's almost time for lunch and you need a little break," Sarah said, stroking his eyebrows.          "Okay,"  Richard replied without a second thought. As far as Sarah wanted them to go out, he would cave in to her demand first. Every other things can wait until he comes back. He stood up and wore his suit jacket, then left the office with Sarah through a private elevator.  Downstairs, they decided to use Richard's car so Kelly drove them to Kings palace club which was also one of the Wilson's properties. It had a restaurant which was highly rated in the country and only extremely rich folks v
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Chapter 61 Tell me the truth, is my face that ugly?
  It was Saturday. Neither Sarah nor Daisy went to work today. Sarah didn't have anything else to do today apart from eating, keeping Richard company and sleeping. On Daisy's part, today would be the worst day of her life if she didn't find a way to sneak out of the house and avoid the impending visit of a pot-bellied bulky pig that her parents had arranged to marry her. Daisy rang Sarah up at home and quickly gave her an address of a restaurant to meet her. She pulled off her shoes, carefully tiptoed to the kitchen and peeped through a hole in the doorknob and saw her mum and Debra running around in the kitchen and preparing assorted delicacies. 'Are these two so desperate to have a son-in-law and a brother-in-law?' she thought to herself. She quietly opened the door and ran out of sight. 
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Chapter 62 Who gave you the boldness to disobey me, are you tired of living?
  Sarah got home around 9:20pm. When she entered the sitting room, she discovered that there was nobody there. Not even a single servant was in sight except for the bodyguards outside. They had probably retired to bed or were gisting in their rooms. She wondered, though, it was somehow odd that they would retire to their rooms by this time. She headed straight to the staircase. When she was about to turn to the direction of the bedroom, she looked in the direction of Richard's study on instinct and noticed that the light in the room was still on. On impulse, Sarah made to go to the study but decided against it in the next second. She had to take her bath first.  After freshening up, Sarah came out of the bathroom in a white bathrobe and a thick white towel tied around her head to dry her wet hair. She l
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Chapter 63
          There was a knock on the door again. Daisy quickly went to answer the door as Sarah was in the bathroom. When Daisy opened the door, she saw a tall man in a company-themed jacket and baseball cap standing at the door with plastic bags.         "You ordered these," he said, handing the plastic bags to Daisy.  Daisy remembered that nanny Vera had placed an order for them.          "Yes, yes, yes. Thanks," she collected the plastic bags and went back inside.  Sarah came out from the bathroom, drying her hair with a towel. She sniffed in the aroma of the food and hurriedly tossed the towel away then headed to t
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Chapter 64 That jerk can't die without my permission
        "Where's he?"  Sarah asked when she entered the villa and saw Kelly instructing the guards outside the compound. She approached Kelly with long strides. Her eyes lacked light and she looked pale and haggard. Kelly tried to calm her down first.        "Mrs. Wilson, hold yourself together. I have instructed some men to conduct a thorough investigation first. Mr. Wilson was…"          "He can't be dead right? Richard can't die!" Sarah squeaked, gazing blankly at Kelly. Strokes of tears streamed down her cheeks. Nanny Vera walked out of the living room and went up to them. She collected Sarah's handbag from her an
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Chapter 65 Why are you still alive if Richard is dead?
  When Sarah was led out of the study by Kelly, her face was already ashen white. She weakly entered the living room and caught a glimpse of Kimara staring at her scornfully from a distance. Mr. Dennis was standing by the window side and was seriously discussing something with a man in a black suit, his face looking very pale.  It was no longer about the death of Mr. Wilson, the CEO of Wilson industry but majorly about the sudden death of all his long term dreams. Richard was someone he couldn't afford to lose no matter what. He took out a white handkerchief from the pocket of his trousers and wiped his forehead. When his eyes caught Sarah's, he made sure he gave her the death stare before looking away. Kimara threw caution to the wind and angrily  walked towards Sarah. She couldn't bear to watch h
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Chapter 66 For your sake, I hope you have nothing to do with what happened to Richard
Chapter 66 A black tinted splashy car drove into the villa and a man clad in black outfit with a refined appearance came out from the car. He looked ahead of him through the dark sunglasses that he was wearing and directly at the entrance of the living room then strode towards it, his face looking very stony.  Mrs. Harriet and the three other women that were outside earlier had gone inside by now. The transparent door to the living room slided open and the man walked into the living room and headed straight to Mrs. Harriet. After saying what sounded like condolences to Mrs. Harriet, he walked up to Kate and gracefully sat beside her.        "My brother can't die just like that right?" Kate leaned against his shoulder and two lines of f
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Chapter 67 If you still want to live, come with me
   Sarah considered this deeply and agreed to what Frank had just said. She would lodge in a hotel now and carefully go about this later to avoid alerting the enemies.         "Okay. I'll wait for you in a hotel. I'll send you its address later," she said.          "Good. I'll talk to you again later. I'm about to board a flight now. Be good," Frank said and hung up immediately.  How could she be good when Richard was no longer there?  Sarah shook her head painfully. With the last strength in her, she managed to keep her tears at bay and followed the compass to a well-furnished five star hote
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Chapter 68 I simply want a night with you
  The tall slender man carried her into the passenger's seat of her car, walked around and jumped into the driver's seat and zoomed off with the speed of lightning. Only when the car had driven out of the lonely road and into the town and reduced its speed did Sarah breathe a sigh of relief.  Due to the speed of the car and the amount of air that had flown in through her nostrils, Sarah felt like puking. She was fighting very hard to control the urge to do so. Eventually, she managed to suppress it.  When the car drove across a street light, Sarah used this opportunity to look at the man sitting beside her. Surprisedly, his profile appeared very strange to her. She hadn't seen him before. Fear gripped Sarah instantly. Her fingernails dug into the skin on her palms as she watched the dark-haired man
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Chapter 69 It's fine, you can eat them all
  Richard took her again and again, sending her wild in ecstasy. Sarah cried out his name softly as she freely gave in to the thrilling passion that had engulfed them. It was beyond her expectations. At a point, Sarah felt like she was dreaming and would occasionally open her eyes to look at the handsome man breaking her walls of self-restraint. She had completely surrounded her body to him. Not only was he giving her the best pleasure she had ever dreamt of but was also completely breaking the fears of losing him that had gripped her heart earlier.  It felt so good and almost surreal that she was having this intimate moment with Mr. Wilson whom she feared she might not see again. She grabbed his waist and moaned softly under him.  By the
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