All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 291 - Chapter 300
357 Chapters
Chapter 291
Michael went straight to the couch and sat down with both legs spread apart while he shook them continually, he finally rested his back on the couch for few seconds, his eyes looked blood shot, he could feel his head slightly spinning and his mouth getting dry, he couldn't tell if he was feeling that way because he was tipsy or because he was hurt, he just wished so hard that their was something he could do just to delete the pain he was feeling off his chest and perhaps he would feel better afterwards and forget completely that he ever had someone in his life called Florence. He couldn't resist how he was feeling anymore, he couldn't deny the pain that was burning in his chest anymore and he burst into uncontrollable tears, he jerked up to his feet and hurried to the bar, he grabbed bottles of wine containing heavy volumes of alcohol and started gulping them all down his throat, one would only wonder if he was drinking water, he didn't care if he gets drunk or if he looses consciousn
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Chapter 292
Rose watched her through her side mirror, she grinned with so much excitement boiling in her chest, she felt proud of herself and appreciated herself for a work well done "you can't eat your cake and have it back Florence, not now, not ever" she burst into laughter, as far as she was concerned this was the best revenge ever, after all she believed that she was the one Charles wanted to enjoy everything they have worked so hard to achieve over the years with, she wondered what kind of a person Florence was, she had a man who obviously loves her and is willing to do anything for her, why must she equally go after her own Charles? Even if Charles was the one that came after her, can't she be decent enough to say no? She scoffed feeling even more determined to do things worse than this if she ever finds her anywhere around Charles, she adjusted her seat belt and decided to follow Florence, to see where she is heading to and perhaps confront her and warn her to stay far away from Charles.
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Chapter 293
The weather still looked favorable and absolutely pleasant but certainly not to Florence who gave concluded over and over again that her life was already over especially for the fact that Michael have actually left her few weeks to their wedding, she thought of what to tell people if they eventually ask her what happened cause she was so sure that they will but what would she tell her grand ma? She looked up at the wall and there stood her hand mother's portrait, she was a beautiful woman with blue eyes like the sea, Florence smiled walking closer to it and running her hands through the portrait, tears rolled down her cheeks wetting her fair face,she wondered how life could be so cruel and unfair to her, for once she was at the verge of experiencing true happiness and now this, how could this actually happen to her? She sighed wondering her case was always different, first she lost her parents to the cold hands of death at a very young age, she was bullied most of the time in school f
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Chapter 294
Florence's mouth dropped open, what did she just hear Rose say? How could she even dare to tell her something like that, she couldn't recall doing anything to hurt her rather Rose have been the one doing everything possible to hurt her more than she have already done so why on earth should she be apologizing especially for something she knows nothing about? If their is anyone who deserves to be apologized to, she was the one, after all she is the one who is hurting here, she is the one who is being dumped, she is equally the one who is going to face the humiliation of a cancelled wedding, how on earth was she supposed to face the world after carrying both herself and engagement ring with so much pride and dignity "if their is anyone who deserves to be apologized to, I am the one, I am the one who was offended by you, I am the one who is hurting here, I am the one who is being face with a huge embarrassment yet here you are telling me that you deserve an apology, how dare you?""Now do
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Chapter 295
Rose hissed shaking her head while she drove down the road, she squeezed her face in anger feeling totally irritated by Florence's guts, gradually her face broke into a broad grin, she felt super proud of herself and what she have achieved so far, the delight in her heart was something she couldn't measure even with the most expensive scale in the world, she gently turned up her radio playing a.loud hip pop music while nodding her head to the rhythm in celebration of what she was able to bring together for the day so far, suddenly she heard a familiar sound, it was coming from her hand bag, she rolled her eyes pulling the hand bag which was in the next seat, she still held on to the steering while she continually moved he gaze from the road down to the handbag, it was her phone and she wanted to get it out,finally she succeeded, gazing at the screen of her phone she gasped in amazement, she couldn't believe what her eyes was seeing "Charles, why is he calling?" She thought aloud. Afte
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Chapter 296
He chortled staring straight at her face, he admired how beautifully dressed she was, he beautiful silky hair also complimented her looks as it kept swinging from one side to the other, he sighed while getting both of his hands even deeper into the pockets, he didn't blame Rose for acting the way she is doing at the moment, after all for a while now they haven't been talking, two partners in crime suddenly turned into enemies, but why wouldn't he get upset when he got home and found out that the documents were gone, though he blamed himself for it all, he blamed himself for being a big mouth, if only he knew that Rose would go as far as stealing the documents, he wouldn't have made his plans of taking the properties all to himself until he finally does so then he dumped her just like he had planned to but just because he was tired of letting Rose know all his moves, he was tired if answering to her, he was equally tired of being the one to satisfy her sexual urge, he decided to do awa
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Chapter 297
She burst into a loud range of laughter leaning backwards on hee car trying her best not to fall to the ground, Charles was surprised, he only wondered what was amusing about what he just said, he shrugged spreading his hands apart, Rose fixed her gaze at him, she was finally done laughing, she shook her head slowly "what in the world makes you think that I need you or your Melanie to get the Clifford's properties, wait a minute, do you actually think that I took those documents just to get you to come back to me or what?" She frowned her face deeply and walked closer to him, she have decided to play the game, since Charles doesn't have the documents and she doesn't have it either but he thinks she does, to get him to do whatever she wants and remain loyal to her if possible was to continue acting like she has the documents in her care while she tries to find out who the third party is and get the documents, her thoughts wandered off to Florence, she thought of the possiblity that she
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Chapter 298
Rose finally pulled herself off his grip, she frowned her face with anger turning her face to the side mirror on her car while bending properly to take a look at her face, she noticed that lipstick have been smeared at every corner of her face, she gasped in anger taking a fierce glare at Charles, she quickly opened her bag, took out a napkin and wiped her mouth properly with it, Charles looked down at his hand and noticed that he had most of the lipstick in his palm too, she sighed out loud "women, what a mess, can I have a napkin too?" He asked politely.She arched her brow turning to him "do you deserve it?" She looked so upset, you should be apologizing right now for what you have done, do you know how expensive this lipstick is? Why would you stop me from saying what you know is nothing but the truth Charles? You possibly can't blame me for a crime you committed, yes you were with me the say Romeo died but I can't remember forcing you to this place, I can't remember pointing a gu
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Chapter 299
The day was gradually getting dark, it was obvious as Charles could see cars driving into the garage, he could understand clearly that these were tenants who lived in different apartments in the building, he took a glance at his wrist watch and realized that he needed to get home as soon as possible, he scratch his head thinking of how he was going to sack Florence just like that, he scoffed in disbelief wondering why it had to be the dismissal of Florence from the company without no vital reason, he hissed over the thought, he knew he had no choice other than to do what Rose had requested else she would ensure he doesn't get his hands on the documents. He equally looked exhausted and hungry, he yawned stretching his hands as he lifted them both above his head.He stood there for a while staring at nothing in particular, alot of things kept going through his head, at a point he wished he could go after her but he was afraid of what her reaction might be, secondly he wouldn't want her
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Chapter 300
If only the time could go faster, if only this day never came, if only they did not bump into Rose in the mall, none of these would have happened, her life wouldn't have turned out this way, her relationship would still be as strong as ever and her wedding plans wouldn't have been cancelled neither would Michael break off the engagement, she blamed her self over and over again for persisting on going to shop for her wedding dress and his suit that day,maybe she should have waited a little more, if she had listened to Michael's pleads of leaving the shopping till the next day none of these would have occurred,she didn't know 9f she could continue blaming herself or blame Rose or maybe Michael who already believes that she's a whore, she felt totally disgusted about herself, for a second she wished the ground could open and swallow her, the sound of her phone ringing and vibrating at the same time was beginning to irritate her horribly, she just wished she could fling the phone out thro
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