All Chapters of Lost In The Dark: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
357 Chapters
Chapter 341
The king cleared his voice “we should be on our way, I need to check up on Diana, it’s very important that I see her.”She gasped in her hiding place feeling her heart grow bigger with so much anger and hatred towards her sister, she shut her eyes and bit tight at the end of her lips, she folded her fist and silently punched it into her other palm over and over again, the fact that she didn’t succeed with her initial plan was still hurting her a lot how much more her own future husband , someone she would be getting married to tomorrow going out there to see the same one she had woefully failed to get rid of, she gritted her teeth and bit hard on her nails, she shook her head sadly feeling totally broken that the king would eventually do what he had threatened to do and that is bringing Diana back, he wondered how possible it would be for her to be able to perfect her plans if she finally returns, she felt like a fool and at the same time lost, if only she could turn back the hands o
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Chapter 342
The sun was beginning to go down gradually though the weather looked clear, Joshua haven’t forgotten that he had somewhere important he wanted to go, his eyes were steady on the road while he got worried that he might take so much time to get to his destination, he didn’t want the sun to go down on him or before it gets dark .“You don’t believe that she is truly sick, do you?” Terry asked taking a glance at the king as they made their way out of Zara’s house into the deeper part of the wood, Joshua remained silent perhaps contemplating on the question Terry asked as he wondered why he would ask him such question, he took a glance at him with both of his hands comfortably placed backwards while he kept walking pondering on the question, he flashed back at what had happened earlier, he was actually in the middle of sourcing out information from Carmella before she started complaining about stomach ache, could it be that their is something Terry noticed that he was unable to? Perhaps be
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Chapter 343
Melanie walked outside the hospital, she stood for a while without flagging down any can like she was supposed to do, she took in a deep breath as she could feel a fresh beautiful wind blow past her smiling face, she shut her eyes for a moment with her hands folded properly across her chest, the thought vof being free, the thought of feeling fulfilled, the thought of finally having a life and being able to have a future overwhelmed her, the thought of not being afraid of being hit like a common thief, being yelled at or hated with passion by a man wcho wants nothing but her inheritance, she cede shook her head sadly sighing out loud while she wondered how a man could be so cruel to stay with a woman for years all because he wanted one thing so badly, she ran her fingers through her thick hair agreeing with herself that truly Charles and Rose were both selfish and greedy, she shook her head wondering what she must have gone through in their hands that she could barely remember, the one
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Chapter 344
The king turned to Terry and then fixed his gaze at the door while ensuring that he remains properly hidden behind the leaves, he noticed Charles car parked there as he could vividly recall that Charles was the one that owns the car, he wondered if that wasn’t the same car he had seen Diana drive into the compound with the day he attacked her children then he shook his head recalling that it wasn’t the same, the car was no where near the compound and just maybe the human had sold it out, after all he knows how badly he treats Diana though he just couldn’t understand why Diana would still remain there despite all of that “we should wait here a while, I think the human is at home, if eventually he leaves or Diana comes outside, we would grab her and ensure she is fine” he turned to Terry on recalling that he had told him something earlier about Diana being I trouble “I thought you said that something weird was going on here?” He asked but Terry shrugged equally looking surprised at how
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Chapter 345
Melanie chortled about the way he addressed Charles as a human wondering what he himself thought he looked like if not a human too, she equally wondered if Charles does deserve to be addressed as a human, she believes the word ‘monster’ would suit him best, she shrugged “if that’s what you choose to call him then fine, he would be spending the rest of his life in jail for all the horrible things he have done to me over the years, for all the lies he told and the bad things he did, his cup his finally full and I am finally free to live my life just the way I want it, like I said our marriage is equally over, most times I don’t understand how I ended up with someone like him” she hit her hand on her forehead and rolled her eyes “actually he was able to treat me that way because I had an accident according to the doctor and when they found me, I had already lost my memory, you were right when you said that I wasn’t with my people, I found out that the same people who saved me were the s
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Chapter 346
If only he had a way he would ensure that this very day never comes and if actually he had a time machine, he would certainly rewind it and ensure that nothing of what is about to happen ever takes place, the new day came so fast, the king could barely remember sleeping for long as he could vividly remember being unable to fall asleep thinking of how he shamelessly told Diana that he had slept with her elder sister, he equally thought about her beautiful smile and how he just couldn’t wait any longer to have her right in his arms forever just like he had always wished for, but the thought that she might not show up just like she had promised gradually enveloped him, he told her to her face that he was getting married to her elder sister, like… what woman in her right senses would want to attend the wedding of her own elder sister getting married to her husband? It all sounded pretty insane and it wasn’t like she leaving him was her choice or fault but something prompted it all and he
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Chapter 347
“If your father was alive you would have had an heir by now, if he was alive you would have married Carmella long before now!” She said in anger walking closer to him “what is your problem? You were drowning yourself in alcohol, you look depressed and someone opted to get you out of it and I agreed now you blame me for your inability to be able to keep your genitals between your legs? What’s your problem son? Haven’t I done enough just to ensure that our legacy continues?”“You have done more than enough just to satisfy yourself and make yourself happy cause I won’t and would never love Carmella, besides you shouldn’t be the one telling me when to get dressed, I would get dressed when I want, so if you don’t mind I was busy before you walked in” he said looking away while his heart kept pounding in his chest, his anger was beyond being managed but he was trying his very best to keep it all under control and avoid raising his voice on his mother higher than he already had, perhaps she
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Chapter 348
Most times he just wished he wasn’t born at all, just when he thought his happiness was complete years back, nature snatched it away from his bare hands making him feel totally helpless, he thought he felt horrible this morning now he feels even worse after his mother have walked into his room asking him why he was yet to get dressed for his wedding, who gets dressed so early for a wedding they aren’t even happy about? He thought to himself gritting his teeth, he move gently towards his wardrobe and opened it, their were lots of beautiful clothes to pick from, he didn’t seem to interested in look his very best so he just picked whatever he felt comfortable with, he had just dropped it on the couch when another knock came at the door, he gasped wondering who it was this time around “mother if that’s you please leave, I would get dressed when I feel like” he said with a frown on his face. “It’s not the queen…” he heard male voice say, he recognized it and quickly moved towards the door
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Chapter 349
Melanie had slept off in the hospital after having a good time with her daughter the previous day, she actually spent the night on the couch pondering over what Joshua had told her that evening especially about the wedding, she felt irritated and upset and wondered how many more evil people existed in the world if her own sister could go as far as wanting to marry her husband, her eyes gently went open when she heard footsteps approaching the ward, she felt really weak and her body ached a lot, she looked up and there stood the female doctor who have been taking care of her daughter, she smiled at her “good morning…” she greeted almost in a faint tone. The doctor smiled at her in response as they both stepped outside few minutes later to have a conversation after she was done checking on Brenda who was still very much asleep.Melanie cleared her voice “so when can we go home doctor?” She asked politely.“You’re free to go today, she’s okay, the least you can do is bring her twice ever
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Chapter 350
Few hours later, they arrived the village and the palace in particular, the wedding ceremony have been conducted as people could be seen dancing and eating, Zara whose face was covered with sadness was about leaving the palace when she sighted Diana in the company of Terry, she gasped in shock “Diana!” She called out in a loud tone.That instant every where was silent, the music stopped, everyone turned around staring at Diana who looked totally confused, a palace guard ran into the palace building, the king, queen and Carmela were in the throne room when he came to inform them of the latest development, Carmella was the first to run out of the throne room to confirm what the guard had said, on stepping out she saw Diana standing beside Terry, it was obvious that he was the one that brought her back home “I knew it that he would do whatsoever it takes to ensure that my happiness is completely snatched away from me” she muttered feeling so upset, the queen and the king were soon outsid
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