All Chapters of Getting Laid by the Last Lycan Prince: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
162 Chapters
Chapter 131 Expected Return
Alpha Oliver could no longer repudiate; everything Prince Mauricio was saying, even in silence. It made the warrior alpha justify that the Prince had indeed seen everything that happened in the palace the previous night. But what convinced Oliver the most was the fact that the Crown Prince seemed to have changed immensely overnight. It would never have been possible if the Prince did not witness anything just as he said he had seen, including mentioning the presence of the Moon Goddess. “To take it clearly, I am not anyone important in this Kingdom,” Mauricio stated with a sad yet honest smile. “You don’t have to be so polite to me like the way you used to; I am a son to a person who committed huge, not to mention unforgivable betrayal, treason, and crimes against the Kingdom and all its conquered realms and other creatures.”Mauricio spoke with due humbleness, and with a plea, he asked the warrior alpha for his help. “You can turn my requests down, but I am begging you…. Please, he
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Chapter 132 Causing Different Reactions
Aquila had not left the Queen’s side, and Alpha Lisbon was sure the Priestess would not take any other task at the moment. “Alpha Lisbon, I will let the Crown Prince take the fastest horse we can provide from here. I’m sorry, I am not very confident about taking a portal. It might even worsen the Prince’s condition,” Oliver politely declined. The idea of taking a portal was too dreadful not to turn down. Oliver has not tried it, but he had seen lycans who fell severely ill after experiencing such things, and he did not want to try something he was pretty sure was out of his supernatural abilities.“Okay, do what you think is best. I suggest you also make it fast. The execution will be at three, take note of that,” Lisbon reminded Oliver firmly. Alpha Oliver clearly affirmed his superior’s orders, and the conversation came to an end. Then, he turned around to speak to the Crown Prince respectfully. “Your Majesty,” Alpha Oliver addressed the Crown Prince respectfully. But Mauricio s
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Chapter 133 Father and Son
As expected, Alpha Oliver and Prince Mauricio, along with the group of lycan that left the western borders that noon, arrived less than an hour to the entrance of the square where the open court was located and where Borasco was supposed to be executed in front of the people.“Alpha Lisbon, we are about to enter the square. What would you like me to do?” Alpha Oliver reported just as his superior had ordered him to do. “The King said you should get to the palace first. If the Crown Prince gets seen by the people who aren’t happy with what King Borasco had done over the years, Prince Mauricio won’t be safe in the open. You should bring him to the palace, and the royal guards should escort him to ensure his safety.” Alpha Lisbon had been waiting for Oliver to contact and inform him of their whereabouts because The New King had already given orders of what to do. Ethan told Lisbon that in order to make the meeting of the father and son take place, they have to make sure the Prince arri
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Chapter 134 Sweet Moment
Mauricio couldn’t speak as well, he felt like a lump was in his throat, and no matter how hard he tried to swallow, even his spit felt painful to run down his gullets. “I may not have been the best son a father could ever have, but I am thankful to be alive. And I will make sure not to live in your footprints. I will live a happy life. I will love the woman Moon Goddess would send to my side and be my partner in life. And don’t worry about mother. I will love, respect, and be filial to her for the rest of my life.”“Mauricio…” Borasco softly called his son. He was weak, but the more he listened to his son’s words, Borasco was having mixed emotions. He was sad to see his son for the last time in this life, but he was proud to hear him say he would not live the way his father had led. And he was sad to be reminded that he would leave Eula behind, but he was also glad to hear Mauricio promised he would never neglect the woman who had played a significant role in their lives. “And I fo
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Chapter 135 Judged Accordingly
The High Priestess heard them speaking about the fulfillment of the tyrant King Borasco’s promise to be reborn. But she saw no one. “Queen Eula?” the other priestess asked in a whisper. “Nothing, I must have mistaken,” Aquila answered. Then she got closer to Eula. “Let’s wake her up. She might want to see her son at the open square.”“Do you think it’s a good idea to bring her there right now?” the other priestess worriedly asked. “We don’t know what plans the New King and Queen has. This might be the only chance for the mother and son to see each other. Although I m not sure they would want to witness what is about to happen to that man,” Aquila answered. 
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Chapter 136 Justice Served
Ethan gave a silent order to Alpha Lisbon to take Mauricio to the side. Then an assigned warrior proceed to carry out Borasco’s punishment. Mauricio was helpless, he wanted to help his father, but what could he do in this situation? All the son could do was embrace his mother tightly. Alpha Lisbon brought Mauricio next to Priestess Aquila, who was also next to the former Queen, now addressed as Lady Eula.The flogging started. The crowd was glad to watch everything that was happening. They were satisfied to see King Borasco was feeling pained. Many of them were hoping the tyrant former ruler Borasco would somehow feel the agony; even just the part of what they have had to suffer over the years under his reign. “Good for him!”Some mocked aloud. Some were crying aloud, not in sympathy for the man being punished, but the joy of victory that the day they have longed to come had finally shown. The indescribable emotions of triumph made their hearts cry for joy at the sight of their torm
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Chapter 137 Wise King
“I am just going to inform them. I think if I ask them about their opinion there will never be a solid answer from them because most of them would not agree with me and this might spark trouble with anyone next to them who would agree with my idea and it will create another chaos,” Ethan answered.“Then, you better tell them that if you continue with the hundred floggings, there will never be a chance to do the next punishment because he will die. So you are to choose if they want to see Borasco die from the first one, or if they want to see this man get every punishment he deserved. That is why we all have to agree that half of the flogging counts be given to his son, the Crown Prince,” Lexy stated discretely.Ethan did as Lexy had suggested. He even chose to say the exact same words Lexy had mentioned. The crowd reacted in a loud uproar of various comments, utterances, and statements. Some of them agreed while some did not. But most of those that wanted to see Borasco being executed
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Chapter 138 Blood Oath
Eula could not find it in her heart to feel sympathy. She would be lying if she said she was sorry for what happened to this cruel and wicked man. As a matter of fact, all she could feel was a relief that this man's tyranny had finally ended.Yet again, since she could see her son, Mauricio, was crying so pitifully. Eula could not help feeling like her heart was being crushed. The mother noticed that her son had somehow changed; so suddenly. In Eula's eyes, Mauricio looked like a man with a renewed heart. She was aware that the renewal of Mauricio's spirit was the only way he could step out of that realm where he was kept the whole time Eula was meditating and interceding for him.But she had only prayed for the most that were needed, and with great urgency, Eula did not get to imagine what a changed and renewed Mauricio would have looked like. After what happened to him in that realm, he somehow had this indescribable and inexplicable emotional connection with his father. It was deep
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Chapter 139 Signs of War
The vampires just realized they missed the chance to attack when the lycan kingdom was focused on watching and witnessing the end of the mighty and unbeatable King Borasco. The vampires found their slaves gathered in one place and were about to attack the lycan Kingdom on their own. They stepped forward to fulfill their deal but also with the hideous desire to make use of this chance to boldly kill as many lycans as they could. Weaken their enemy and bring fear to every other creature that would hear about the victory of the vampires against the lycans. “We don’t have to bother what or how they are feeling about this event. It is our chance to attack. We will start as soon as the sun goes down!”A loud roar filled the whole place. They were in a cave. It was where the vampires would gather their slaves when they had anything to announce, but this time, the creatures did not even wait for their masters to show up. Not all of them came since it was mid-day when the rest of the creature
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Chapter 140 Surprising Events
Lexy’s eyes followed where Ethan was looking. “What on earth…? Is going on?” Just like Ethan, she gasped with what her eyes seemed to be seeing. She even had to blink a few more times and widen her eyes to make sure she was not mistaken. “I feel like I am watching a marvel movie here or something.” “I am not sure I even know what to say with what my eyes can see,” Ethan did not know which direction to look in as the sound of screaming seemed to spread all over the place. He had to focus to get a grasp of what was happening. “Babe, I’m not sure I have seen this before….” Ethan did not get to finish his words before Aldric made his way to come forward without complete transformation. “I have heard about them, but just like Ethan, I have not seen vampires all my existence,” Lexy heard Aldric’s voice. “What?!” Lexy asked in surprise. “Look! Look over there!” Aldric raised his chin to his right, also a direction on Lexy’s right, outside the car window. “What are they doing?” Lexy
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