Lahat ng Kabanata ng Surviving My Love: Kabanata 71 - Kabanata 80
81 Kabanata
Chapter 71
“Why can’t you just fucking die?” Mason screamed at Chase, waving the gun about. “How the hell did you even manage to escape the bomb on the plane?”The plane crash! Anger welled up deep in Chase’s abdomen, anger so raw and overpowering it blunted the pain in his shoulder. Flashes of the dead bodies, the girl he buried on the island, the suffering they went through at the hands of the pirates, it all came rushing back to him. Mason was responsible for all of it.“You… It was you.” Chase growled out.“Yes, shocking, isn’t it.” Mason chuckled, “And you survived. Do you have any idea what it felt like seeing your face every day and knowing you killed Amanda? Did you know she was pregnant?” He wiped some spittle from his lips, his pupils dilated. He waved the firearm about like a madman. “That’s why I took Christine. You owe me a life.”Two shots fired. There would be four left in the chamber. He waited for Mason to come closer.Chase suppressed a groan. He was not going to give Mason the
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Chapter 72
“Where the hell are you?” Erica Ward was going out of her mind. “What do you mean you’ve been detained?” She spoke to Raven who called her from the police station in Phoenix. “Please, Ma. I need you to stay calm. Dad and Chase are in the hospital. Christine as well, but she’s okay.” Raven breathed deeply. His mother wasn’t easily upset, but this news would surely undo her. “What! Speak sense, boy? Hospital? What happened? You disappeared four days ago without telling me anything. And now you tell me your father is in hospital?” Erica yelled into the cellphone. The twins rushed into her bedroom to see what was upsetting their mother. “Is it Dad?” Nathan asked. “Is he dead?” Ethan went to his mother to put his hand on her arm. “Are you alright, Ma?” Erica turned a pale face to her sons. “Pack some clothes. We’re leaving for Phoenix.” *** Christine gave her statement to the two detectives who came to see her in the hospital. “We’ll be in touch with you, Ms. Morrison.” Detective
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Chapter 73
Christmas was unlike any other the Ward family had celebrated. In fact, it was the most dismal day, they all agreed. There was no exchanging of gifts that year, no shouting Merry Christmas or kissing under the mistletoe for them.While other guests enjoyed the festivities at the hotel they were staying at, indulging in the lavish food and drink, laughing and chatting, as Christmas music played in the background, the five of them congregated in Christine’s room. Alexander and Chase were being transported back to New York.“I’m afraid the media is going to be all over this. We won’t have a moment’s peace. You’ll have to be ready for it.” Erica sighed. She held Christine’s cold hands in hers. As if they haven’t been through enough already, but the press didn’t care. It was sensation they craved, like vampires craved blood.“I’ve seen the news on the television.” Raven turned away from the window where he watched the road below. “At least they haven’t sniffed us out yet.”“Will Dad and C
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Chapter 74
“I thought we would never get out of there.” Chase lifted Christine in his arms, carrying her to the bedroom.“Your family missed you terribly.” Christine laid her head on his shoulder. “I missed you so, so much.”“I know. I missed them too and I love them. But I need you.”She looked up into his stormy grey eyes. “You just need me?” she couldn’t help but tease him.He smirked, “Of course, I just need you for sex. What did you think?” he teased her back. But then his face turned serious. He placed her onto the bed and went onto his knees before her.“What are you doing?” Christine asked alarmed.“Christine Morrison, would you take this broken man to be your husband?” he laid his hands on her knees.“Oh, Chase…” Christine looked at the handsome man before her through misty eyes. She took his face in both her hands. There were extra lines on his handsome face that weren’t there a few months ago, but that made her love him more. “You’re not broken. I love you. I wouldn’t want to be anyon
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Chapter 75
“You look very handsome today, Mr. Ward.” Christine straightened Chase’s dark grey tie. “Are you going to court so soon?”“No, I’m going to the prison. A client of mine has his parole hearing next week. I need to consult with him before we take it to the judge.” Chase replied, smiling and kissing her temple. “Wish me luck.” Chase wasn’t looking forward to it. If it were up to him, he never wanted to sit foot in that goddamn place ever again. But a promise was a promise, and his word was his bond.“Don’t you need me to assist?” Christine was reluctant to stay at home alone and she missed feeling useful. “I am your secretary, after all.”Chase stroked her belly lovingly. “Nope. I can handle this. You look after this.”A message on his cell phone alerted him to the driver waiting for him outside. He pecked a kiss on Christine’s lips and breezed out of the door before she could say another word.Christine hurriedly locked the door behind him. She leaned against the door and sighed. The ap
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Chapter 76
Chase called Christine’s parents from the office.“I really think you should come. Christine needs you now.” Chase spoke to Lance.“We really cannot afford…” Lance began, but Chase interrupted him.“I’ve emailed you the plane tickets. Please accept them.” Chase pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn’t think Christine would appreciate him turning to her parents for help, but what other choice did he have. “I want to marry your daughter, Mr. Morrison. We need to plan our wedding and would like to have you involved.”Silence on the other end of the line.“Are you there, Mr. Morrison?”“Yes. Is that the only reason, Chase? You sound stressed.” Lance and Claire were both worried about Christine and what the effects of her kidnapping would lead to. And now Chase was asking them to come. “Is she alright?”“Depending how you look at it.” Chase sat back in his chair, staring up at the ceiling. “She’s not talking about it.”“The baby?” Lance thought about how devastated they were when they fou
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Chapter 77
“Hey, Bro! I brought the painting I promised.” Raven was the first to react, acting as if he just didn’t kiss Christine.“Fuck! Chase is going to kill me,” Raven thought to himself.Christine froze. How long has he been standing there, watching them. She didn’t mean to kiss Raven back; it was a spontaneous reaction. It’s not like it meant anything. But Chase wouldn’t see it that way.Chase stalked towards them his face expressionless. “Did I interrupt something?” His eyes flitted to the painting of Christine. Raven captured her beautifully. The likeness was so striking it seemed as if she could just walk out of that canvas.“No, of course not.” Christine found her voice. She went to Chase and kissed him. His lips were cold.Chase looked at her flushed face and then at Raven who couldn’t look him in the eyes.“I kissed Christine.” Raven blurted out. He’d rather have Chase smash his face in than look at them the way he was now, as if they’d betrayed him. “Just a peck. It wasn’t her faul
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Chapter 78
“Hey, Bro! I brought the painting I promised.” Raven was the first to react, acting as if he just didn’t kiss Christine.“Fuck! Chase is going to kill me,” Raven thought to himself.Christine froze. How long has he been standing there, watching them. She didn’t mean to kiss Raven back; it was a spontaneous reaction. It’s not like it meant anything. But Chase wouldn’t see it that way.Chase stalked towards them his face expressionless. “Did I interrupt something?” His eyes flitted to the painting of Christine. Raven captured her beautifully. The likeness was so striking it seemed as if she could just walk out of that canvas.“No, of course not.” Christine found her voice. She went to Chase and kissed him. His lips were cold.Chase looked at her flushed face and then at Raven who couldn’t look him in the eyes.“I kissed Christine.” Raven blurted out. He’d rather have Chase smash his face in than look at them the way he was now, as if they’d betrayed him. “Just a peck. It wasn’t her faul
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Chapter 79
“I would advise against it.” Alexander told Chase over the phone. Not that there was anything he could do to stop Chase from getting his hands on the footage if he was on a mission to do so. “Dad, I need to see it. It’s affecting my relationship with Christine.” He paused, “Please.” Alexander ruffled a hand through his hair. Does it ever stop? “Alright. I have it here.” “I’ll be right over.” Chase ended the call. For a long time, Alexander sat staring out at the window, watching the snow fall, swirling specks blown about by the ice wind. Just like us, Alexander thought, were all just specks being blown in all directions by an ill wind. He heard Erica and the twins come back, but he stayed in his office, not having the courage to face Erica and ask, no, beg her forgiveness for accusing her of seeing Justin Hunter. He should have known better. Erica wasn’t that kind of woman. After all these years he still felt inferior to Hunter. He, Alexander didn’t deserve a woman like Erica, but
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Chapter 80
To say it was a media circus would have been an understatement. Chase was beset with reporters from all sides as he stepped out of his car to get into the court building.“Mr. Ward, are you associating yourself with the Mafia now?” One reporter screamed at him.“How does it feel to be back in court after your time in jail, Mr. Ward?”Then there were the protesters waving placards and screaming protest slogans in support of the families that suffered at the hands of the crime boss.Chase muttered curses under his breath. So much for wanting to keep a low profile. He expected there to be some media presence, but this was outrageous. He ran up the steps of the court building, narrowly missed being hit in the face by a camera wielding television reporter.The security officers at the door ushered him through and kept the hounds at bay. He walked briskly down the broad corridor to where Carlucci’s bail hearing was to be held.***He spent the next two hours arguing Carlucci’s case before t
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