All Chapters of Triplets Secret Lover: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
70 Chapters
Chapter 51: How Dare You!
Merry hurriedly came to Ann Carter's room. Her action was predictable, so the bodyguards disguised as assistants were already getting ready to welcome her arrival. When Merry Smith arrived, several assistants were standing blocking the entrance."Good morning, Miss Merry Smith. Can I help you?" asked the assistants politely."Get out of the way, all of you! Stay out of my way! I have to meet that bitch!" cried Merry Smith, her face red with anger."Please be careful with your words, Ms. Merry Smith. We hope you can maintain the courtesy and peace of mind at work here," replied one of the large male assistants warning politely.Secretly, Sam Jardin contacted the HR people to be a witness to the scene. He had seen Merry Smith intending to make a fuss in Ann Carter's office."Don't try to piss me off! What's your job title? Your rank is much lower than mine! Get out of the way! I have to talk to Ann right now!" cried Merry Smith angrily.The as
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Chapter 52: Do You Fire Me?
Merry Smith went into a meeting room accompanied by several security officers. She was left there with the security guards while Dolores Martinez went with Roger Carpenter into Dolores' private office. Roger quickly reported the situation and the evidence he had related to the Merry Smith case. Dolores then called the rest of the HR team to take care of the administrative documents immediately, and then she returned to the meeting room to meet Merry Smith.Merry Smith sat irritably tapping her fingers on the table."How long do I have to wait here? I'm bored!" shouted Merry Smith.But the security guard at the door was just as silent as a stone statue.Merry Smith flung herself on the chair in annoyance. She sent Franz Smith a lengthy text message while she waited. Her father Patrick Smith recently had heart surgery, so Franz had told Merry not to burden their father's mind with unnecessary things.Merry Smith bit her nails in annoyance. It was the
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Chapter 53: Only 15 Minutes
Ann received a message from Hans Graham shortly after her marriage to J. Carter was made public. He wanted to meet to clarify the news. But Ann refused. He had no more reason to meet Hans Graham. He intended to ignore it, but Hans Graham sent a picture message that caught his attention.[I found it in one of the warehouses that used to belong to your father. It looks like your father's personal belongings were tucked away in one of the lockers. Can I throw it away, or do you want to take it?]Ann looked at the pictures carefully. Unfortunately, since her house caught fire, none of her father's belongings remained. However, Ann recognized her father's favorite hat and jacket among the items Hans found. So when she found some of her father's relics, Ann got a little sentimental.[I'll have someone pick it up.] Ann replied to the message.[I'm only willing to give it to you if you take the time to have lunch alone with me.] Hans sent a reply.[When?]
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Chapter 54: What is Going On?
When Ann woke up, she was in a room with her hands cuffed behind her back. She was sitting on a chair, and someone wrapped a rope around her, so Ann could hardly get herself out of the chair. Nevertheless, her legs were left free. The room was so dark that Ann's eyes had to get used to seeing in the darkness.Dimly, Ann noticed the room she was currently locked in. Unfortunately, this room was too good for the size of the confinement room. The shape was like a warehouse that had not been used recently. The roof was high, and the area was enormous. There were several empty and unused iron shelves.Ann felt familiar with the shape of this warehouse. The structure of this warehouse building was very similar to one of his father's warehouses. Was this a warehouse in the same warehouse complex, or was it his father's warehouse before the Grahams bought it?Ann recalled what had just happened. It seemed Hans Graham drugged Ann and kidnapped her while trying to retriev
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Chapter 55: Let’s Talk!
Ann glared sharply at Hans Graham."Hans… tell me… is what he said true? Is it true that you approached me to target my father?" asked Ann nervously. Silently she tried to break the rope that bound her hands."You look pathetic, Ann," said Hans Graham, taking a step closer.Hans crouched near Ann. He stroked Ann's hair and pushed it away from her face. Ann could now see Hans Graham's face more clearly because her vision was not blocked by hair. Franz was secretly jealous of Hans's gentle attitude towards Ann, but he tried to hide it."Answered Hans. Is it true that you never loved me at all? Is it true that you framed my father?" Ann asked with eyes wet with tears.Hans fell silent and swallowed his saliva. He had a hard time answering. His face looked gloomy and depressed. Seeing his reaction, Ann could guess Hans' answer, but she wanted to hear the answer directly from Hans' mouth. As a woman who once loved Hans, Ann wanted affirmat
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Chapter 56: Inside The Truck
Patrick Smith ordered a bodyguard to push his wheelchair toward Franz Smith."What is this? Why haven't you killed that woman yet?" asked Patrick Smith, almost losing his temper.Franz Smith grabbed the cell phone in Hans Graham's hand and showed his father the screen."Papa, Merry was kidnapped by J. Carter," said Franz Smith.Patrick Smith's eyes widened in surprise. The threat he had heard just now didn't seem like an empty bluff. Merry Smith was surrounded by people who were ready to shoot her in the head seriously."Patrick Smith. You dared to deceive my father in the past. So now you want to threaten me with my wife's life? I'll blow Merry's head off if you dare hurt her," threatened J. Carter with a scary grin."Don't touch Merry. What do you want?" asked Patrick Smith furiously."The exchange of hostages. Then sell your Carter stock to me. Or you can give it to me voluntarily. Your call," said J. Carter, grinning."You
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Chapter 57: This is not fair!
They arrived at a remote area outside the city. The area was an abandoned barren area with weeds and shrubs. There were no residential areas nearby, and cars rarely passed by. They entered across a barbed wire fence into a private estate that looked like an undeveloped factory area. There was a large area that was excavated by heavy equipment. Currently, the place did not appear to have any activity.There were barbed barricades and thick steel bars purposely installed there, so the vehicle had to stop, and Smith's troops had to park their car there and proceed to the interior on foot.A closed van truck stopped in the middle of the area, escorted by many other cars containing bodyguards. The back door of the truck container opened. Ann was escorted down with a bodyguard clutching her arm and holding a gun to her temple. Her face was a little wrinkled from the tear marks that ruined her makeup.Patrick Smith did not come to this location, but Hans Graham and Fra
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Chapter 58: You Deserve to Know!
When Ann opened her eyes, she was lying on the lap of someone she knew. It was Jace. The man looked dashing and very handsome. The last thing Ann remembered was when she trudged under Jake's protection to dodge the bullets. When she managed to reach an area safe enough and protected by Carter's troops, Ann fell unconscious from exhaustion.When she woke up, the first thing she saw was Jace's."Jace? Where's Jake?" asked Ann. Her throat felt dry. She tried to get out of Jace’s lap and sit next to Jace."Jake went in a different helicopter," Jace replied.Ann looked around and realized that she was in a rather large luxury helicopter. No one else was there but her and Jace. They sat in the back seat. Several seats in front of her obscured the view from the cockpit."Are you alright? The doctor has examined you. He said you just got some bruises and cuts. But maybe you're quite shaken by this incident," Jace said, stroking Ann's burgundy hair ge
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Chapter 59: We Are Too Late
Ann sat up, wringing her hands nervously. She was waiting for an explanation from Jace about the situation she was in. Knowing Ann's concern, Jace poured chamomile tea into making her feel more relaxed."Drink the tea first, Ann," Jace said, handing her a cup of tea.Ann took it and inhaled the aroma, then took a small sip."It smells good. It tastes nice, Jace," Ann replied with a grateful smile. She had calmed down a bit."Okay, let me start. You've heard Patrick explain to you, haven't you? So you already know that Hans Graham smuggled drugs through your father's company and piled it in your father warehouse," Jace began to explain."Yeah, Patrick told me. Is it true?" Ann asked, pulling her back straight."Yeah, Patrick isn't lying, Ann," Jace said."So it's true that they killed my father for knowing this? So the fire wasn't an accident?" Ann asked, covering her mouth with teary eyes.Jace shook his head."The fire
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Chapter 60: Here is The Story
Twenty-three years ago… Jax drove the car at high speed. For a ten-year-old child, his body was quite tall. His foot could reach the gas pedal, and he could steer proficiently. Jace sat next to him with his seat belt fastened. His legs were a little shorter than Jax's, so it was difficult for him to drive. "Dad will kill us if he finds out we left without anyone's escort," Jace said worriedly. "Well, I was planning to have you call and tell him. Who would have guessed that you brought a cell phone that ran out of battery? GPS was left at home. Good thing I remember the location without GPS. Help me look at the map, Jace. The map is in the dashboard drawer," complained Jax as he continued to speed in a zigzag motion. "It does not matter. I think dad would have known we were missing. He must have read the message I wrote on the paper on the table. He just might have seen the last GPS we saw. He must have caught up with us," Jace said, trying to reassure
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