Lahat ng Kabanata ng Unforgivable Secret : Kabanata 61 - Kabanata 70
72 Kabanata
 Except for Hope’s random bouts of laughter over the silly, immature jokes, we watched the rest of the movie in silence. I really had no idea what was going on with it since my thoughts were elsewhere, like on Ethan and our situation.Even though she kept having severe bouts of yawning, Hope kept talking about everything and nothing all at the same time. I think I missed her youth and naiveness as much as it seemed she missed me.Finally, after numerous threats of telling their grandmother that she wasn’t listening, Ethan got Hope to leave around nine o’clock, thirty minutes after the movie ended. We all said our goodbyes, Hope clinging like she’d never see me again until Ethan took her hand and pulled her away.Then, I watched as the taillights faded off into the darkness.                        &nb
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Ninety minutes and ninety-seven questions later, our team was losing by two. There were three questions left, and we had to win all three to take the lead and win. If the other side won any of them, it was over.“Our last three questions will come from the subject matter of Human Anatomy.” The spokesperson for our debate announced what the last topic would cover.I breathed a partial sigh of relief. Not that I was too confident that we would win, the other team had been kicking our ass all day, but at least I had a general knowledge of the topic of interest.I glanced over at Ethan, my anatomy partner in more than one way. He gave me a big smile and thumbs up. He was more confident that we would win than I was at the moment.The first question went to the opposing side. They had to name all the facial bones.Unbelievable! After they finished their answer and said they were done, I realized that the other team forgot the lacrimal bones.
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“Ethan, come on,” Hope yelled through the bedroom door for the millionth time.I’d changed my shirt once again. Okay, maybe I was as bad as a girl when it came to getting ready. I already had five discarded outfits laying on the floor.But, this night was different. I could feel it.Or at least I prayed that it would be.Even after our separation, I never stopped loving Morgan. I couldn’t imagine spending my days and nights with anyone but her. I wanted to spend every waking and sleeping moment with her by my side.A loud rap on the door once again brought me out of my fantasy world.‘What the fuck was wrong with me? I really needed to get my shit together. I was acting like a middle school boy in love for the first time.But it felt so good and so right.’I brushed my hand through my hair once more, dabbed on some cologne, and opened the door just as Hope was about to bang
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Ethan and I sat in the parking lot for almost an hour. We talked about everything and anything. Even though I really didn’t want to, I just didn’t want to relieve what had happened and wanted to try and move on, but I got to hear Ethan’s side of the story.He started at the beginning of the year before he got to know me and how his past captains of the soccer team had made him the designated person for ‘the challenge.’ I happened to be Clarissa’s little sister, Matt had wanted to take one last jab at her, and I had to suffer the consequences of his desire to torture.It seemed Matt and Ethan never got along, even when they played on the same team. He was as big of a bully as he still was now.Ethan revealed that he was never a fan of the shit that they did to girls, but never gave it a second thought because it never affected him directly.No matter the circumstance, it was still so wrong to do to any girl.Fortu
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Two weeks later, I still hadn’t received a full on the mouth kiss from Ethan yet. I could understand wanting to take it slow, but now this was getting kind of ridiculous.Every evening ended with a soft, lingering touch, then just a peck on the cheek.I wasn’t complaining though, it felt great to have him by my side again. There were no more worries about whether he was hiding anything, like another secret bet or something. I had to trust him in order for us to move forward.My family, along with Hope, Ethan’s mom, and grandmother went to the state finals with him for soccer. Even though we were broken up for that time, like for three whole months, I still secretly sneaked to his games and practices. I watched from afar and marveled at his abilities, but I couldn’t let him know that I still cared.That I still wanted him.That I still loved him.But now, I could scream my head off for the man that was running down the
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After the state final, mine and Morgan’s official we are back together celebration, our graduation rolled around quick.I couldn’t believe that in less than one hour we would all be high school graduates.Morgan bounced out of her house with her graduation robe flowing out behind her. If she didn’t hurry, we were going to be late commencement.I guess that would have to be partly my fault since I kept her a bit longer in my bed than I should’ve.What could I say? This part of the make-up was good…like really, really good. It felt great to have Morgan at my side day and night.The sound of my horn giving a short honk startled her. She jumped and jogged faster to the car.“I’m coming.” Morgan plopped down in the passenger seat and slammed the door closed.I smiled and looked at the clock. “You said those exact words about an hour ago.” My hand skimmed across her arm and gooseb
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I couldn’t believe it had been ten days since we graduated.Ten days since we left it all behind and never looked back. We rode off into the sunset and lived like a king and queen.Okay, not really. We didn’t go anywhere except for a few parties and the special getaway that Ethan had planned for our graduation night. One in which I fell in love with him ten times over.After stopping in at a few get-togethers graduation night, Ethan took me a bed and breakfast a short distance out of town. Without me knowing, he had Clarissa gather up a bag for me so that I would have what I needed for the night and the following day. My sister decided to pack Victoria's Secret negligee, stockings, and stilettos, instead of my usual shorts and t-shirt for nighttime wear.Did I wear them?Hmm, let’s just say they didn’t stay on too long.Anyhow, Ethan had been acting kind of weird the past week. He hasn’t told me anything that wa
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An hour later, me and Hope packed up two more boxes in her room. I think we spent more time playing around, dancing to her favorite songs than we did any actual work.I heard a soft knock on the door, and Ethan poked his head in. “I have to get Morgan back home.”Really? I didn’t know I had a curfew. Maybe this was his way of getting rid of me?“Aw, c’mon. We were having fun. I won’t get to see Morgan much longer.” Hope flopped down across her bed. She put on her best pouty face, hoping to get her own way.“You’ll see her tomorrow. Maybe.” Ethan would say anything to put a smile on his sister’s face.“Okay.” Hope bounced back up, put her arm around my waist, and led me back down to the living room.I gave her a quick hug and kiss, a promise to come back tomorrow, then followed Ethan out.The ride back home was…quiet. Like Ethan didn’t even turn
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It’s been over a month since Ethan and his family made the big move to Florida. We talk every day and video chat at least three times a week. He sent me pictures of him and Hope at the beach. His hair had gotten longer, and the constant sun exposure brought out all kinds of highlights. With his dark tan, good looks, and perfect body he could be a model for some vacation guide or something. I mean really, once someone would see Ethan on the front cover, they would want to go the Keys that minute.He told me Hope has already made some friends, and that he found a new love. But once he saw my hurt expression, he had to backtrack on what he just told me. He loves trying to surf and is even taking lessons from one of their new neighbors.I told him I’m doing well, but that’s a lie, and he probably knew it. I’m sure he could see and hear the pain every time he talked to me.I couldn’t help it, I just wanted him to come back home, but I kn
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Epilogue - Morgan
“Ethan, it’s almost dinner time,” I called out from the balcony that looked over our own private section of the beach. I was staying at Christine’s house, Ethan’s grandmother. Like she’d said back in Pennsylvania, she had a big house with a bedroom just for me if I wanted anywhere to stay. What I didn’t know at that time was that Ms. Christine was quite wealthy. It seemed she and her late husband had bought up a lot of oceanfront property way back in the day before Key West became a tourist site. Then, as the years progressed she sold off several plots of land to developers but kept some of it for her own personal oasis. Now, she has a six-bedroom house on five acres that looks out into the deep, dark blue ocean. I’d been in Key West with all of them for over six months now. Clarissa came to help me pack the night before my flight left. We’d put almost all of my summer clothes, laptop, and the basic necessities that I would need into two suitcases. I said goodbye to
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