All Chapters of The Race Against Death's Door: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
64 Chapters
Chapter 31
     Someone had once said that the thing that’s worse than death is betrayal. Yekaterina and the rest of Ahrio’s team felt the heavy truth of that as they know each passing second sends them closer to their own demise. Each jolt of electricity weakens them, blurring their vision, fainting their heartbeats and slowly losing their consciousness. For them his betrayal is more painful than his death.       But for Svetlana, his death was because of her, as well as the lives of his team. And that fact is harder to accept more than anything else. She’s weak, she’s fully reliant on others to save her every time. She had no right being the leader of the team when she can’t save them, she had never done so. Instead, she endange
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Chapter 32
     Andrik and Blaize was about to lift Ahrio’s body and take it to give him a proper burial when two robots came and shot them with a taser gun causing them to fall back and letting go of their hold on Ahrio. The two groaned and uttered curses in both pain and surprise.      “We will take the dead bodies.” One of the robots said in its all-robotic voice.      “Just let us bury him ourselves.” Yekaterina demanded firmly. The robots glanced at her and their eyes lit up a red colour then shot her with the taser gun as well. She
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Chapter 33
      Minerva’s statement earned different reactions from them. The first time she demanded it, Blaize and Zayden thought she wasn’t that serious about it, deduced it to be just a spur of the moment kind of thought. Yekaterina on the other hand knew very well that Minerva’s words weren’t just a weightless demand. She meant every word and she’s here to claim it.      Glancing at Zayden’s surprised expression, Yekaterina stared straight at Minerva’s impatient frown. “How about you get Tradd instead? Wouldn’t it be better to join forces with someone you know beforehand?” She tried negotiating with her.
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Chapter 34
     ‘She’s weird’. Zayden couldn’t help but think that as he watches Minerva placing and removing foods from their table.      “No, not that. Remove that. Zayden doesn’t like that.” Minerva instructed to BGN1, referring to the vegetable dish and the fish on the table. She looks up at him and smiled sweetly. “I got all your favorites.” She said.      Zayden’s eyebrow rose and his lips pursed as he stared at Minerva. How does she know all his favorite foods and the foods that he doesn’t like? He glances back at the buffet table and then back to
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Chapter 35
     The elevator ascends and inside were each of the teams as they were being taken to the venue of the next game. Twisting her wrist in a circular motion, Minerva can hear the soft cracking sounds of her joint. She must have strained it. She looked up and glance at Zayden when from her peripheral vision, she can clearly tell he is staring at her curiously.      Sighing, she looked at him straight and said, “We may be your new group but we will protect you as much as we protect each other.”       “I know. I would have never joined your group if I had doubts.”
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Chapter 36
     The shaking of the platform intensified and it rolled Draco almost to the edge. Tradd walked closer to him and without batting an eyelid, he kicks him off of the platform, sending him down to the hungry, awaiting snakes. The animal which is the same kind as him. His screams of terror can be heard as the large snake slithers up his body, encasing him whole, crushing his bones.        “Draco!” Olga screamed his name. Soon, he was reduced to nothing, but a delicious meal for the snakes.        Olga’s panicked voice broke as she cried, realizing there was
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Chapter 37
     The bridge lifted again, connecting the platforms and enabling the winning team to cross. Blaize caught up with Andrik who was walking a few steps ahead and threw his arm around him.      “Big brain!” He grinned, referring to how Andrik was able to figure out the way to complete the game despite the ordeal they were in.       Andrik removed his arm and gave him a pointed look of annoyance. He ignored him and went to Yekaterina to check on her.
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Chapter 38
     Andrik had cuts in several parts of his body. His arms, on the side of his stomach and on his back. She cleaned all of those and covered it with a bandage to keep it from getting infected. She’s almost done when she noticed Tradd stood up and started walking in a limping manner.       Her eyebrows furrowed and presumed he must have had a wound on his knee or anywhere on his leg. After a few steps, he walked back towards the bed and sat down again with a dramatically pained groan.       She finished up tending to Andrik’s wounds and turned t
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Chapter 39
     It was still early in the morning when the players were once again disturbed by the loud, robotic voice of an announcement coming from the speakers somewhere around the whole place, instructing them to gather in main hall. There weren't any games scheduled today so it's kind of odd that have to gather. It didn't take long for the players to be all in the same place, waiting for the information that might change their lives for the better or maybe for the worst.       A large, clear bowl jar is placed on top of tall round table in the middle of the stage. Inside it were small plastic balls of different colors. Behind, is the digital screen that shows nothing as of the moment. But soon enough, the s
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Chapter 40
     Back into the main hall, Zayden had just drawn a ball. His expression lights up in excitement the moment he read what was written inside it. ‘Privilege to Swap Leaders.”       His gaze immediately went to where Yekaterina was but he didn’t see her there. However, that didn’t diminish his excitement. He has the power to swap Yekaterina and Minerva. He can have her as his leader again, and this time without Andrik lurking around. Maybe this is his chance to get her to like him.       He closes the ball and grips it tightly, a smir
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