All Chapters of The Three Little Guardian Angels: Chapter 171 - Chapter 180
2769 Chapters
Chapter 171
Maisie made her way to him and got down on her knees in front of him weakly. There was no telling if she was scared or something else. “Where did you go, Waylon? How did this happen?”“I’m sorry, Mommy. It was my fault that Daddy was hurt.”Waylon’s tone was so calm that it was terrifying. It stunned Maisie for a moment. “What… What happened to him?”Meanwhile, the doctor walked out of the ward. “Who is the family of Nolan Goldmann?”Maisie stood up fearfully. On the other hand, Quincy walked over in the meantime. “We’re all his family. May we inquire what happened to him?”The doctor had a stern expression. “We’ve already dressed up his wounds and given him a blood serum injection. It’s fortunate that the snake that bit him isn’t very venomous, or else not even doctors could save him. We will still need to keep him for observation for two more days to monitor his condition.”‘Nolan was bitten by a venomous snake!?’Maisie pursed her lips tightly while her face appeared to be
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Chapter 172
Nolan sat upright slowly, looked at her, and enunciated word by word, “Feed me.”If this was the past, Maisie would have placed down the food tray and said to him, “Suit yourself!” However, she did not say anything this time. Instead, she sat next to the bed and personally spooned the food to him. She felt rather shy as he stared at her from such a close distance, so she explained, “I’m only doing this reluctantly for Waylon.”Nolan gulped down the food she fed and stared at her without looking away while cracking a smile. He suddenly realized that it was rather nice for him to be injured. When he was done with the meal, Maisie put the food tray away. Nolan gazed at her as he leaned on the pillow and rested. After noticing that she stayed, he said, “Are you staying to keep me company?”“Do you think I’m doing this willingly?” She would never stay had he not gotten hurt trying to save Waylon.Nolan narrowed his eyes and suddenly tugged away the blanket, revealing the empty spa
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Chapter 173
Nolan’s expression was solemn. Quincy gave her another pinch and said through his tightly-gnashed teeth, “Eat.”Cherie remembered something else, so she said to Maisie with excitement. “Please allow me to introduce myself, madam. My name is Cherie Lawson, and I’m the younger sister of this idiot. Mr. Goldmann is like a big brother to us, and we have a strong friendship, so please don’t misunderstand us!”Maisie cracked a smile. ‘Whoa! Cherie’s personality is rather feisty indeed, and she is quite loquacious. She looked toward Quincy. “So you have a younger sister too, huh?”Quincy was frustrated. “My sister has always been with the troops all this time, so she snuck out of there to check you out when she found out that Nolan was coming home with you.”“Will you please speak properly? I came after seeking permission from my commanding officer!” Cherie was displeased. Quincy cast her a look. “The commanding officer would have penalized you if not for his friendship with our e
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Chapter 174
Maisie’s ringing phone interrupted the ambiance in the car at this very moment. The caller ID showed that it was Kennedy. Maisie could not help looking solemn when she picked up the call and heard Kennedy’s voice. “Uncle Kennedy…”Maisie arrived on the 16th floor and saw that Kennedy was discussing something with the other staff members.Kennedy halted his discussion upon hearing her voice and stopped working on the task on hand to walk toward her. “You’re back.”“What’s going on?” Maisie assumed a stern expression. How had something like that happened when she was only away for three days?Kennedy said with a stern expression, “I have no idea what happened either. It’s the Lucas family. Other than Taylor Jewelry, they stopped all our suppliers from supplying mineral raw materials to us.”“The Lucas family?”Maisie assumed a solemn expression. Could it be related to Willow? She was under the assumption that Willow would behave herself after experiencing those incidents in
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Chapter 175
“While we’re at it, we’ll show everyone what sort of crook Millennial Gemstone is that the company refuses to give compensation after breaching a contract.”Noticing that she was planning on making a big deal out of this, Mr. Parker was shocked. He had no choice but to calm her down. “Hehehe. Hey girl, we’re all businessmen here, so why do you have to go as far as that? I can give compensation but doubling the amount is—”“I’m taking double compensation, and I won’t leave even if there’s a penny less,” said Maisie coldly. Millennial Gemstone Inc was planning to renege on the deal because the Lucas family was their backer. Moreover, Mr. Parker did not fear Soul Jewelry because it was an unknown, small company new to the market.Yet, he did not expect that he would encounter a woman that would pester him incessantly. He figured that he should not be blamed for her gullibility. Mr. Parker grunted. “If you wish to go to court, you’re going to have to win the case too. Let me tell
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Chapter 176
“Ms. Vanderbilt, Ms.—”Maisie hung up without hesitation. Kennedy laughed and said, “You really are turning into your mother.”She was not going to let herself be taken advantage of. At the Lucas family’s mansion…“Goldmann, have you gone mad!?”Larissa stared straight at Nolan. He just used Maisie to threaten her. Was he trying to openly challenge the Lucas family and even the de Armas? Nolan crossed his legs and leaned backward. “If you insist on going against my fiancée, the Goldmanns will happily play along.”Larissa’s expression darkened. “For a woman? Have the Goldmanns lost your senses?”“She’s my woman, which means she’s a Goldmann. What do you think?”Nolan slowly picked up his teacup and took a sip before saying, “The de Armas should know how reasonable us Goldmanns are, especially your father, right?”Larissa’s expression darkened even further. It was true, the Goldmanns were not reasonable people. That was especially the case of his grandfather, Titus, the m
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Chapter 177
Quincy gasped. ‘Willow is a de Arma? Shouldn’t that be Maisie?‘That’s why the Lucas family is helping Willow. She pretended to be Maisie and went to them. That woman really doesn’t understand the concept of humility.’“Nolan, I—”“Your mother was Marina de Armas?” Nolan stared at her coldly. It was as if he was seeing through her, giving her chills down her spine. Willow’s legs almost gave way. Nolan squinted and said, “I seem to remember that Maisie’s mother was Marina. Isn’t your mother Leila? Hah, you’re really trying hard to get what doesn’t belong to you.”Hadn’t she pretended to be Maisie six years ago?Now she was reusing the same trick and stole Maisie’s identity again. Nolan was glad that he had dodged a bullet, looking at her disgusting face. He would have hated himself otherwise.Willow held out a hand to hold him. “Nolan, no, I was just—” Nolan took a step back to avoid her like she was the plague. “Don’t touch me with your filthy hands. You’re nothing compar
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Chapter 178
Maisie wasn’t afraid of offending the Lucas family. Someone had to be responsible, but she didn’t expect that Erwin would get the royal lawyer involved. Still, Mr. Parker would probably inform the Lucas family, so would Erwin be the Lucas family’s next target?Kenny paused and slowly replied. “I’m not sure either. I just know that he has a complicated background.”Maisie suddenly asked, “Do you know my mother’s identity then?”Kennedy and Erwin knew her mother. Erwin knew that her mother was a de Arma, but what about Kennedy?Kennedy looked down and shook his head. “I don’t know your mother’s past. She never mentioned her family.”Maisie wanted to say something, but she received a text. It was from Nolan!Maisie walked to his office. Just when she was going to push the door open, she heard a woman’s voice. She paused. Wasn’t that Linda’s voice? “Nolan, Maisie doesn't like me. She asked me to do the heavy lifting. Can I come here—”Maisie, who was standing outside, presse
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Chapter 179
Maisie pushed his face that was coming closer to her away. Nolan was stuck to her like glue. Quincy walked right into a sappy scene when he opened the door. Maisie and Nolan both looked toward Quincy. The air froze.Quincy backed up and closed the door. Maisie pushed Nolan away and calmly said, “Show’s over. I’m leaving.”“Wait.” Nolan pulled her hand.Maisie turned around curiously but saw him smiling. “Don’t you want to know about the Lucas family?”‘The Lucas family?’ Maisie paused. ‘Did he ask to see me because of them?’“You found out?” Maisie looked down. She could keep nothing from him. “Mrs. Lucas is your mother’s sister, Larissa, one of the de Armas,” Nolan said. Maisie froze on the spot upon hearing that.Larissa de Arma. Her mother’s sister. Maisie had only found out that her mother was a de Arma before this but didn’t know about her sister. She finally learned that Mrs. Lucas was her mother’s sister!But she was the one helping Willow. Nolan stood u
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Chapter 180
Madam Nera nodded. She heard about Pearl’s scandal, but she didn’t expect that it was related. Madam Nera hummed. “The Lucases have lost their minds for helping a thief bully you. Larissa is moving farther backward the older she gets!”Maisie didn’t say anything. The Lucas family was helping Willow because she pretended to be someone she wasn’t.Maisie never thought that Willow would lie that she was Marina’s daughter. It seemed like she thought Stephen didn’t know about her mother’s identity.“But don’t worry. Taylor Jewelry always appreciates talent. Even if the Lucas family asked, I wouldn’t comply.”Maisie felt relief. The other jewelry companies might be afraid of the Lucas family, but Taylor wouldn’t. Maisie smiled. “Madam, you wouldn’t renege like the rest of them.”After the high tea session, they left the private room together.Maisie pushed Madam Nera’s wheelchair and enjoyed a chat with her, with a few maids and bodyguards behind them.However, Maisie frowned wh
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