All Chapters of The King's Mate: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
104 Chapters
70: Hunting Game
Chapter 70POV: Prince Raven PierceAs he walked in front of the make-shift stage – made just in front of the castle, he had this unreadable and stoic-looking face.Everyone shushed as he came to a halt in front of the golden podium, not only out of respect for him, but also because he was now surrounded by a menacing and dark aura, almost identical to the King's. This wasn’t his normal behavior – not in front of everyone. He was always playful and smiling – but totally not today.There were a lot of thoughts that it was because of Shahara - that would explain his sudden change of mood - and it helped them - sort of.But not with the Darkwoods and their allies.He didn’t care less, though.Think of the things that they want to think of. As he faced every pack that had gathered into the castle, Prince Raven let out a menacing smirk in his thoughts.“Good evening, everyone. Before we start with the hunting game, I would like to give some reminders and instructions before this momentous
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71: Gone Bad
Chapter 71 POV: Lamina DarkwoodShe furiously stomped her feet as she walked towards their designated tent to prepare for the hunting game. She instantly poured herself a glass of wine and drank it straight – like a thirsty fish that had finally gone back to the water. Her heightened anger was now making her mind go haywire and her inner wolf restless within her.“Don’t be too emotional. This is just the beginning. We still have our plans on the go, right?” She heard Elder Courdamus comment, but she couldn’t just deny the fact that all of their plans would have been closer to victory if the King was badly hurt and that Tamara would have been killed during the infiltration.“But it would still be a better outcome if Cornelius had critically wounded the King. I thought that everything was under control?! What the heck just happened?” She snapped at everyone around her, and her children
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72: Painful Betrayal
Chapter 72 POV: Queen Tamara PierceOnly the hooting of the owl was heard in the midst of darkness. It just intensified the heaviness of the tension that was surrounding her and Leah. She didn’t know what the heck had just happened to her. It was like she had suddenly turned into an odd creature – something that she didn’t know what.Leah let out a wicked and low chuckle while staring eerily at her. She could sense that something was up with her. Something dangerous and strong. Something that was out of her league, yet she needed to face.Tamara felt like her heart was hammering inside her ribs too fast and too hard that it hurt her a bit. She swallowed hard as she felt the sudden darkening aura that was surrounding Leah – that it worried her a bit.“This is one of Aeron’s inventions. I just tried it now, but it seemed so effective, huh?” Leah mockingly stated as she suddenly
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73: Moon’s Blessing
Chapter 73 POV: Queen Tamara PierceIt took her some time to compose herself after everything that had happened. The betrayal that was slowly lingering inside her heart was just so painful. The trust and friendship that she had given to Kage just vanished in a snap.Until now, she still couldn’t believe that he could do that to her.Tamara let out a deep sigh, but sobs mixed with her exhale. It seemed like even her breathing was too heavy to lose. It was clenching her heart.“Stop crying, Tamara, hmm?” Hades whispered in her ear as he was still hugging her so tightly.Tamara bit her lower lip as she tried to stifle the sobs that were still escaping her lips. She slowly took a deep breath before letting it go out of her lungs.She moved a bit, and Hades loosened his grip on her. He gently wiped away the tears from her face.“I just couldn’t believe that Kage could do t
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74: Declared War
Chapter 74POV: Prince Raven Pierce“Congratulations. I heard all about it from Elder Zeparu.” He seriously stated as he saw his brother enter the Throne Room.He was sitting in one of the chairs in the room, bored, and cast a quick glance at his brother, who was walking down the red carpet, before looking down at the glass chess board, where he was playing the glass chess pieces—all by himself. He moved the King and let out a deep sigh before he leaned against the seat and intertwined his fingers as he placed his elbows on his knees – while his legs were crossed.Raven stared at his brother intensely – trying to determine what he was thinking right now.And he almost fell from his seat when Hades gave him a small smile. He let out a low curse under his breath as his eyes widened in surprise.One thing that was oddly different to his brother’s attitude was that he never smiled. Well, not after they were already in their teenage years. His brother always became grumpy, menacing, and ru
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75: Chance
Chapter 75POV: Queen Tamara Pierce“Is everything alright?” She worriedly asked Hades as he entered their room.He might not have had to tell her about it, she knew that something was wrong. So, even though, she had a strong desire to hug and kiss him tightly, she had to stop herself from doing so because of the gloominess that was surrounding him – no matter how much he tried to hide it.Tamara didn’t know how she had managed to be sensitive about it, but her pregnant hormones might be helping her right now to be extra sensitive to everyone around her.Besides, she also knew that something was wrong based on how darkened Hades’ aura was – no matter how much he tried to cover it up with his small smile. Her ruthless and sweet husband just couldn’t fake his emotions anymore – not in front of her.“Nothing, wife. How are you?” He acted like nothing was worrying him.Tamara’s brow suddenly shot upwards.“Just tell me, what is happening, Hades. You know how I hate being left in the shado
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76: Revelation and Decision
Chapter 76 POV: Kage Esmeray“You?! Who the heck are you and where did you come from?!” He asked in between his gritting teeth.The woman was wearing a black flowy dress with sleeves that reached her wrists.“Tell me, have you decided to take your own life now?” Her cold voice was making him feel eerie.But he was more attentive to what he was she was babbling about. Kage’s forehead furrowed as he squinted his eyes at her – annoyed at her mischievous remarks.“Why do you care, anyway?” He replied in pure irritation – even rolled his eyes at that.The woman just smirked at him – as if she was never bothered by what he was doing – which was making him more curious as to why she was doing this or why she cared about what he wanted to do with his own life.However, despite the fact that he was preoccupied by that thought, he was more am
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77: Discovered
Chapter 77POV: Queen Tamara PierceShe instantly moved away from Kage and faced Hades’ enraged expression. She knew that he could kill Kage in an instant, but she wouldn’t take the chance.Her heart was beating swiftly inside her – she didn’t want any commotion between them. If Kage was telling the truth, creating a greater rift between these two men was surely not a good thing.Hades pulled her towards him, that she bumped into his chest.“Sorry, are you okay?” Hades instantly checked on her, whether she was hurt or something because of his sudden action. Tamara shook her head as she immediately put her hand in his chest – stopping him from doing anything foolish.“I’m fine.” She softly stated.She could see his eyes turning darker, the moment it turned to Kage once again, and she knew that she had to stop him. Hades looked at her and she slightly shook her head once again – asking him to stop being so furious at Kage.He just let out a low groan of frustration, but he still shot K
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78: Mysterious Women
Chapter 78POV: ArlanHe instantly got up from the bed where he was lying. It created an eerie creaking sound, and he couldn’t stop himself from shivering at the creepiness of the place.The place was unfamiliar to him. The walls were made of wood, and the countless white candles gave light to the entire room. One corner of the wall had a hanging shelf where peculiar species of insects, roots, and plants were placed inside the jars. When he saw exotic dead animals like toads, rats, snakes, iguanas, and other animals he couldn't look at, he just wanted to puke. They seemed to be preserved, and he was just grateful that they didn’t emit a foul smell.He grunted as he felt the throbbing pain in his back and his vision was slightly blurred, but he tried to know where he was. He felt so disoriented as he held his aching temple. The indistinct weirdness of the place was making him more uncomfortable with every second that he was staying there.There were some old books stored and neatly arr
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79: Arrival
Chapter 79POV: ArlanHe and the two mysterious women took an unfamiliar path to the foggy and darkest part of the house's far western wing. He didn’t even know whether he was still on the South Side or not.But Tamika confirmed that they were still on the South Side. Apparently, it was the deepest part of the South Side that no one had ever discovered before. He didn’t know how long they had been walking on the dark path and he didn’t know how many times he had almost tripped on the twigs around him, but all that he felt was the painful wound behind him.His exhaustion was almost eating him up, but his strong will was keeping him going – fueling his inner desire to go on and fulfill his duty as the King’s loyal servant.Tamika gave him a wooden crutch to aid him in walking. It was better, though – for he didn’t want any of them to help him with walking. It was hard for him – especially that his arms were forcing his back to move, making his wound ache more.However, his determination
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