All Chapters of Breach: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
30 Chapters
Chapter 19
 The scene in the kitchen was stagnant, waiting to unfold when Caroline finally found her voice. She turned and gaped at me, her mouth popping open and closed, reminding me of a fish. The sight would have made me laugh if the situation hadn’t been so serious.With a deep sigh, I jumped down from the counter and walked to stand in front of her.“Nathan?” Her voice was almost shrill.I nodded and turned to find him already cleaning the chicken for me, letting me deal with my friend’s initial outburst.Caroline struggled to string her words together. “How… I mean… Really?”Again, I nodded.“But…it’s Nathan Thorne. You despise him.” She grabbed my arm and pulled me closer. “He’s your Christopher?”“Yes,” I replied. “I wanted to tell you, I did…I wanted… ”Caroline silenced me, placing her hand up between us as she stared at Nathan’s back. Her fist grabbed the front of my shirt and she dragged me into the living room. Her eyes were still glued on the kitchen when she stopped
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Chapter 20
 Later that week, thanks to the Boob Squad, we became aware of the accused offenders of the alleged affair: Sadie from our accounting department and Will from tax law. They were not only hiding a relationship, but were expecting.The story running rampant was Benjamin and his wife were at the OB/GYN for a checkup when they bumped into Will and Sadie. Benjamin’s wife told one of her friends about it, who told another, who told another, and so on, before it ended up in one of the biggest office gossip’s ear. You didn’t tell Sheila, Mr. Holloway’s assistant, anything that you didn’t want spread around.I felt bad for them, worrying about when the situation came to a head. I understood Holloway & Holloway’s policy and why it was in place. I was there during the Antonio and Karen blowup. The difference I found here was that Sadie and Will worked in separate departments and never interacted for work, while Karen had been Antonio’s legal assistant.Mr. Holloway could amend it so
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Chapter 21
 “Oh, my God. Could you quit flaunting your tits around? I’m getting so sick of looking at yours, I can hardly stand to look at my own. And, by the way, if he hasn’t taken the bait yet, he isn’t going to.” Caroline was attempting to get the point across to two B.S. members, Kelly and Tiffany.I was having a very difficult time keeping my coffee in my mouth. It was threatening to fly out all over my desk, files, and computer screen. There was nothing worse than coffee-stained documents.I chanced a glance over at Nathan, also attempting not to laugh, his hand covering his mouth, concealing his upturned lips. His eyes betrayed him, laugh lines crinkling in the corners.Laugh lines.My addiction to seeing them was growing stronger every day. Each time he smiled, I wanted more.Caroline was living up our secret to the fullest by giving it to the Boob Squad.“Whatever, Caroline.” Kelly sneered, pulling me from my internal musing, before grabbing Tiffany’s arm and leaving our of
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Chapter 22
 Nathan was always stiff and sore in the mornings. Some symptoms showed more than others. That day fell into the latter category. He literally rolled out of bed, and the limp in his leg was very pronounced.A few hours later, he popped more pills into his mouth, his hands moving to his temples, rubbing them in a counterclockwise motion.By two in the afternoon, he was on the third set of pain pills to numb the aches and migraine that plagued him. He had woken with a headache, and it increased as the day wore on. The medicine didn’t seem to help, and he skipped lunch, opting to lie down in a dark, empty office.He stood and continued to limp, heading to the break room. It was so bad that he was unable to walk it off.Throughout the day, I observed him as he wiggled in his chair and readjusted himself in an attempt to find a comfortable position. He’d give up, sighing in defeat, and settled for whatever position he found to be the most tolerable.It was easy to forget about h
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Chapter 23
 The next morning, I was shocked into silence when Andrew walked straight up to Nathan in the parking lot and hugged him. Nathan hugged him back, and they exchanged what I could only describe as some secret man-look. No fists, no angry words, but an understanding and friendship budded in front of my eyes as Andrew vowed to stay silent about us.Over the next few days, they became lunch buddies, Andrew splitting between the two of us. It was almost like shared custody.“Really?” I asked Nathan a few days later, my curiosity getting the better of me. I stood in front of the stove, a skillet full of ground turkey, springing the question on him as he walked back in from changing clothes.“What?”I waved the spatula in my hand. “You hug, exchange a look, and suddenly all of the animosity that’s been boiling between you two for months is gone.”“That about sums it up.”“Men are strange creatures.”“Nothing had to be said. I told him to search; I knew what he was going to find.”
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Chapter 24
 Days.Minutes.Weeks.Years.Hours.I didn’t know how much time had passed, nor did I care. It was peaceful in the black.Voices called to me, whispered echoes surrounded me. I could make them out, if I concentrated. But I didn’t want to concentrate. I wanted the peaceful black.Most of their words were lost in the depth, mangled, but I could hear the murmurs all the same.Caroline, Andrew…and Nathan.I could make out the tenor more than the actual words. Nathan didn’t say much, for which I was thankful, but I could hear Andrew. He was angry, screaming and cursing while Caroline was pleading.I shook every time I heard Nathan. His voice threatened to pull me back.I didn’t want to go back. The calm darkness held the pain at bay. I didn’t have to feel my heart shattering in there.Though the pain came through anyway every time he spoke.It wasn’t often, but it was there. He stayed silent, and I couldn’t help but wonder why he was there. Didn’t he leave me? Break me?
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Chapter 25
 I was having trouble concentrating on the document in front of me and decided perhaps a cup of coffee was in order. The smell of the coffee would help to override the permeating scent of Nathan.The hair-raising, cackling sound of the Boob Squad’s laughter could be heard before I made it into the break room. I didn’t want to see them right then, but the need for coffee prevailed. I wasn’t in the mood to put up with them.“Oh, hi, Delilah,” Jennifer said as I entered.I walked up to the cabinet and pulled out a clean cup. “Morning, Jennifer.”There were four of them standing around. I couldn’t help thinking they should be working.“So glad to see you finally decided to return to work.”All of the sudden, I felt like I was in high school, being ganged up on by the popular girls. The difference was that there was no stepbrother named Adam to lead them like when I was younger—just a warped sense of entitlement.Ignoring them, I poured the liquid into a cup. My hand reached f
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Special thanks to: My husband, David, for his support and encouragement in my writing endeavors. Crystal, for without her friendship, support, and guidance I would never have entered this journey. Massy, for being the voice of wisdom and clarity. Stephanie, for sharing is caring. Kyla, for her sessions. Nyddi, for her unending encouragement and help through this process. Deborah for her support and teachings. Chrisann, for her perspective and love of lemons. Last, but very much not least, to SM for writing a beautiful love story that helped me find the passion in life I was missing, and the fandom for bringing me friends, family, and the courage to spread my wings. Words can never express my gratitude and love to you all.
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About the Author
 K.I. Lynn is the USA Today Bestselling Author from The Bend Anthology and the Amazon Bestsellers, Breach and Becoming Mrs Lockwood. She spent her life in the arts, everything from music to painting and ceramics, then to writing. Characters have always run around in her head, acting out their stories, but it wasn’t until later in life she would put them to pen. It would turn out to be the one thing she was really passionate about. Since she began posting stories online, she’s garnered acclaim for her diverse stories and hard hitting writing style. Two stories and characters are never the same, her brain moving through different ideas faster than she can write them down as it also plots its quest for world domination…or cheese. Whichever is easier to obtain… Usually it’s cheese. WebsiteFacebookTwitterInstagramGet my Newsletter
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