All Chapters of THE SOUL EATER: Chapter 51 - Chapter 58
58 Chapters
Chapter 50: The Neon Lights
Shaking my head, I go back up to my room after eating, but something seems to be bothering me.  No matter what I do, I can’t seem to get comfortable in bed and when I turn over, a crazy thought pops in my head.   Wondering if she is responsible for the man’s disappearance, I decide that I must do some investigating further or I will never get to rest.After I open my eyes, I lie here staring at the ceiling for a few minutes while feeling wide awake.  “Should I just get it over with and go after her?  Or should I wait and see what happens tomorrow?” I ask myself as an afterthought when sighing and throwing the covers off.I sit up and rub my arms while trying to warm my skin, but it is a bit cold in my room and the heat doesn’t seem to be working all that well.  So, when I put my feet on the wood floor, I flinch and recoil them back up under the covers, for the moment.  Hearing a noise in the corner of the
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Chapter 51: What Was That?
Hearing a gun shot, I bolt up in bed faster than I ever thought possible and then grab my knife from my pants pocket.  I hide in the corner by the closet, because I have a nasty feeling that they are coming for me.  The Luminous group must have tracked me down and I am about to have to deal with them.When the door flies off it’s hinges violently, I realize that someone just kicked it a good one.  Someone big and really strong.  While it flies across the room, I watch it out of the corner of my eye as it lands on the bed between me and the place where the door once stood.  A shadow looms through the opening and then I see a hulking man slowly walk in, before staring directly at me with red tinged eyes.Not knowing what to do, I stand there waiting to see what he will do next.  I know damn well, that if I attack and gauge it wrong, I will be on the bed with the door and possibly worse.  Perhaps, I won’t make it out of here,
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Chapter 52: The Organization Has Me
While sitting in the back of the car and drinking my vodka on ice, I listen to the two of them upfront talk.  The driver refers to a man as “Mr. Thomas” when he says quietly, “Mr. Thomas told me that I can’t divulge anything besides when we are supposed to be there. Marion states rather happily with satisfaction in his voice, “Well, they just told me to get him in the car no matter what.  I just had to stop short of killing him and making it so he can’t talk, but anything else was up to my discretion.” His voice fades off as he remembers I am sitting behind them. Staring at me, he smiles a strange sort of smile that gives me chills, till he turns around and stares out the window.  As I watch the two of them, it kind of reminds me of Laurel and Hardy, a famous comedian act from the early Hollywood era.  They were famous because they were complete opposites.  One being so huge and the other sk
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Chapter 53: San Francisco
After 6 months of laying low, I have found myself staying in a flat in San Francisco.  My favorite thing to do as of late is ride the trolleys from work and then back home.  The people here are all so friendly and the best part is, I haven’t seen hide nor tale of “her” anywhere in my searches on the internet. The thing is, honestly, I kind of miss “her” and our game.  The one thing I am glad about though is that she has stopped stealing people’s souls and killing others for fun.  I happen to know that she doesn’t need to eat for sustenance, and it really makes me disgusted to know that she does it just because she can.Unfortunately, I just checked my computer after work tonight and I see something that disturbs me.  Reminding me of the days when I used to have to hunt her down and was always a step behind, I see a report of a woman with bright red hair attacking someone on a dark road.  &ldq
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Chapter 54: Ten Sleep
Three days later with no sign of “her”, I decide to head out of town and find a place where I can hold up for a little while, till I catch her again.  The organization has been all over town tracking me down, and several times I almost ran into them.  Today, was the last time and a very close call.  It was at the gas station, as I went to fill up the truck before going back to Ms. Flannigan’s house.When Marion spotted me, I was in the middle of filling my tank and had just paid, or I would have had the cops after me too.  A chase ensued as I drove all the way out of town and hid in a parking garage for a while, till I figured the coast was clear.  Afterwards, I drove back into town and then I headed back to Ms. Flannigan’s place.Not knowing where I want to go next, I flip a coin and decide to head west for a bit, because she always ends up there at some point in time.  She tends to either favor old ghost towns or
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Chapter 55: Ten Sleep Part 2
Waking up in the middle of the night, I hear a noise from the corner and when I see her fangs protrude from her mouth, I know that it is none other than “The Soul Eater” herself.  I bolt up in bed with wide eyes and struggle to free myself from the covers, that have wrapped themselves around my ankles so tightly that I can’t get out of them.  When she stands up from her crouching position, I note that she is not in her human form this time, but rather in a demon form or something akin to it.  Her “True” form, I am pretty sure. Strands of spit run down her fangs and onto the floor, where the moonlight shines on it and reflects off into the dark.  I hear her tell tale cackle and then her hiss before she moves slowly towards me and I finally free my feet.  Quickly reaching for my knife in its sheath, I touch the tip right before she manages to get to my leg and grasp it with her razor-sharp claws.  Knowing that ri
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Chapter 56: The Woods
The deeper I go, the denser the foliage around me and the harder it is to stay upright.  I fight with the fallen branches on the ground while tripping and occasionally falling, as the moon shines bright over the tree line.  The only problem with this, is the fact that the tree line is so thick.  There are hardly any streams of light filtering through the canopy at the floor level.When I see a flicker of her hair in the breeze, I watch till I see it again finally a few minutes later.  Rushing after her, I almost fall face first over a ridge and to my death into the depths down below. It’s at least 200 feet straight down, and now I must figure out a way around it. Scanning the area, I find a place where it finally closes, and I can walk across.  It’s a about a mile down from my original position, so I am not quite sure that I will even find her again once I am across it.  Still, I take the chance and keep going.Whe
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Chapter 57: Exactly Ten Years Later
Hearing a sound in the early morning, I scan the room to find her sitting there staring at me.  My migraine is gone, and the crows have stopped cawing, but that stench.  It needs to go away, before I hurl onto the covers. Whenever, I have caught a scent of her lately, it is so rancid that it smells ten thousand times worse than a dumpster full of rotten seafood.  I should know, because one time I did a stint at a local lobster manufacturing facility in Maine for a few months, while waiting for her to show her precious face around.  Eventually, she did and then I pounced on her like a cat playing with his mouse. The only problem at that time was there were too many people around to get hurt.  I ended up having to give up my pursuit of “her” before my coworkers found out.  Then of course, it was too late to find her anymore.Peering into the darkness, I strain my eyes and then see a faint glow in the shadows.&n
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