All Chapters of Touch Me While I Taste You: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
125 Chapters
Haiden CrossAs her head weighed on my chest I knew she had fallen asleep. I sighed, soaking in the feel of her in my arms. With the way things were going, I wasn't so sure I'd make it out alive.I had a huge target on my back and I had every intention of fighting for her, for us.But there's so little I could do when a gun is aiming for my head.My eyes drop to her head and I brushed the hair off her face so I could watch her sleep. Her nose twitches in her sleep and I smiled.At least I know I went down fighting for the love of my life.I snorted lightly. Who would've thought, me, Haiden Cross would rather die than give up a girl?But Bella wasn't just any girl, she was my girl. She was the only one to break through my barriers with just one look. She grasped my heart inside my chest without me knowing and never gave it back. I didn't want it back, it was safer with her.It was hers. I was hers.I trailed a finge
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Arabella RiveraI hated taking the bus. But today I had no choice. Haiden's truck wasn't in his driveway, neither was Gwen going to pick me up seeing as we weren't on speaking terms.I was to be blamed for that rift I caused between us, but as bad as it sounds, I didn't regret saying those things to her.She should never have told Christian about Haiden and I. This wasn't her secret for her to tell. It was mine, and she had no right.As I got off the bus, I pressed my lips together in irritation as the students forcefully push me as they rushed towards the school building. I was sure it wasn't their need for sudden knowledge that made them so urgent. They just wanted to find out the latest gossip.Come to find out, I was the headline of the said gossip today.____My eyes scan the entire hallway in search of Haiden. I noticed his truck outside but I was yet to see him. But as my eyes continued to survey around, I couldn't help but not
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Arabella Rivera My stomach churn in disgust as I looked at her. I was certain I looked as shocked as I felt.Did she really just say that, or was I hallucinating? Taking a step back, I looked at her lost. "Is this a sick joke to somehow get back at me?" I whispered. Despite father and I not being on the best of terms, he was still my father and was married to my mother. As much as they never got along, I never thought in a million years he'd been sleeping with my so-called best friend. If this was true, how long were they doing this for? And as her eyes stayed glued on me and the smirk on her lips grew, I couldn't help but feel like a complete fool for not even realizing it sooner. During last summer, Gwen supposedly had been on a date with some 'older guy' she met. Apparently, they knocked it right off the bat and she was supposedly going to be his sugar baby. I didn't think much of it before because it wasn't my place
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Haiden CrossJesus when did she get so strong? I was struggling to pull her away and that was saying something."You're a crazy bitch!" Gwen's irritating scream made me clench my teeth and I pondered if to let Arabella go and have her shut her up. But the thought of Arabella getting into trouble made me rethink."You haven't seen crazy yet, you backstabbing slut!" Bella sneered and inwardly I was chuckling yet confused by their sudden hostility. It was no secret that Gwen wasn't my favorite person on the planet but she was Arabella's best friend.It was hard to see the two not friendly and fighting like enemies.What the hell did I miss?Then a sudden thought crept into my mind.It couldn't be that, could it?Did Arabella find out? Did she finally find out?I hissed lowly when Bella's nails dig into my skin. Fuck. If she didn't stop now, I was afraid my arm would be bloody."Bella. Bella, baby calm down." I
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Arabella Rivera"I will have to call one of your parents to come to pick you up Arabella,"The principal's words weren't a surprise, I was expecting it actually, so I just nodded. After zoning out his entire speech about no fighting in school, all I wanted to do was get away from the school. And probably my problems, but of course, that's not possible."Don't call my father," I grumble lowly. I didn't want to face him right now. If I do, I wasn't so sure I'd hold back. It wasn't a good idea to fight my problems physically but sometimes, you need to.The principal looks at me confused."She has daddy issues. " Gwen chuckled beside me.My grip around the arm of the chair tightens until the blood leaves my fingers. But instead of punching her, I decided to hurt her mentally. "And what about you Gwen? Where's your dad? Still haven't gotten that milk?" I spat.Gwen's dad left her mom and her, it's been a very lengthy time.Gwe
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Arabella RiveraMy father was all sorts of things, a cheater, a liar, a manipulator and I can go on and on. But a murderer? That was something I couldn't swallow or visualize.My vision blurs. "You're lying." I accused, shaking my head in denial. The man who shared the same DNA with me can't be a murderer. He was my father for fuck sake. Yes, he was overwhelming but a killer?I shook my head more aggressively as if Haiden's words will just magically fly out of my ears. But they had already taken root in my brain and now they were sprouting."Bella, " Haiden's hand shoots out to grasp me but I backed away, shaking my head."You're lying Haiden." I whispered shakily.It felt like my life was crashing down and there was no escape, no tunnel to get out of. No sun. And a miracle? Waiting for a miracle or hope was now impossible. In a matter of a few hours, my life had completely turned to ruin."Oooh trouble in paradise?" Gwen's nasty voic
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Arabella Rivera"I'm coming with you," Haiden breathes out as he catches up with me.I looked at him. "No, you can't. I'm going home Haiden, if he happens to be there and sees you then he'll be angry and I won't be able to do what I'm planning."I get that he was trying to protect me but I was so tired of people protecting me. He needed to make me fight this battle on my own. All this mess was my family.Haiden scowls. "Are you fucking kidding? Did you not hear what I said Bella, he's dangerous. He put a fucking bullet-I clenched my eyes, forcing out the image that crept into my mind. I didn't want to picture father doing what Haiden said he had done. It was very hard to."Shit sorry. I just don't want you to get hurt Bella." Haiden whispers, tugging my hand to make me stop.I sighed heavily, looking at him. "He's my father Haiden, he won't hurt me," I said those words yet I knew they were utter bullshit. But if I needed this t
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Arabella Rivera"Please don't take too long in there Arabella," Gertrude whispered, looking down the hallway then flicking her eyes back to me."I'll just take a second, I'll be out before mother gets back here. " I promised while scanning my eyes over father's study.It was very neat for a man who didn't allow his maid in there. Everything was lined perfectly and one would think he had never touched the place.If I needed mother to believe that her husband was a cheating bastard and a drug lord, I needed proof. Not only for her, but the police. I just really hope I would get some evidence even if I didn't know what I was looking for specifically."I hope you know what you're doing Arabella," Gertrude sighs and closes the door. I hear the soft padding of her footsteps as she leaves me alone in my father's study.I pressed my lips together looking around the room. I didn't know where to start first. I didn't even know what I was looking for.
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Arabella Rivera My phone buzzed. I had been in my room, toweling my hair as I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I wasn't sure how long I had been standing there, gaping at the girl who looked like a total stranger.It was like I wasn't myself anymore. But wasn't sure if this was the better version or not.It all took a couple of hours to have my life turn to nothing but ruins. My so-called perfect family wasn't so perfect anymore. Sweeping or gluing the pieces back together was impossible now. And the look on mother's face said exactly that.My phone starts to ring and successfully draws me away from the mirror. I walked stark naked to my bed, wrapp
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Arabella Rivera"Margie-"No shut up and let me finish," Mother spat. I was tempted to go downstairs and face him as well but she did tell me to stay there. I had to trust that she could handle it."I did everything to be a better wife for you. I tried so fucking hard to make this work. Yet here we are today. Turns out my husband for years have been sleeping with an underage girl that I once considered as a daughter-Mother laughs dryly but I could hear the raw pain in her voice. "I should've seen this coming, the late nights, the not satisfied with anything I do for you. You've been doing this for years behind my back weren't you?" Her voice cracks and my heart squeezes painfully.She didn't deserve this."Margie she came on to me-"Great, a cliche line overused by many cheating husbands. What does a bastard do when he's approached by underage teenage girls? Oh he accepts their advances and even pays them like they're prostitut
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