All Chapters of Ryder; Lord of Astaroth: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
94 Chapters
Sense Of Perception
“This is the place they were last seen.” Kye said to Syrana.They stood a good distance from the Inn, observing and being cautious, Syrana could already feel her eagerness rise and all she wanted to do at that moment was to burst into the Inn and locate her daughter. She grabbed a handful of the dress she had on and squeezed tightly, the thought of her daughter together with an Axeris irked her, especially an Axeris as Lord Ryder himself.She breathed in and out to calm herself down, she had not seen her daughter in almost sixty years and she was just as excited to see her as she was excited to see this Lord Ryder. She could battle him where ever and whenever and she would do so to keep her daughter as far away from him as possible.Then on thing struck her mind again, the other half Axeris, her sister’s son, Xanth. The fact that he had pledged his loyalty to the man whose father had caused the death of his own mother angered her but she knew that it was not his fault, he probably did
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Sacrificial Mistake
Xanth stood by the window, his full attention outside and waiting for any sign of Ryder or Lyra emerging from the forest. Ryder had asked him to meet up at Fang Peek meaning after he must have found Lyra, he had no plans of returning back here, he would proceed straight on to Venzor, Erstonia.He worried for Ryder journeying alone into the kingdom of Erstonia because of the history of the place and the connection it had with Ryder’s past. He sighed and turned away from the window, he should never have let Ryder go alone.Iris sat by the fire with the gypsy woman, Lillian as she tended to her injuries. People of Astaroth were incapable of healing on their own but they were very good when it came to endurance, Iris showed no sign of being in pain as the gypsy sewed her stab wound close, the cuts on her arms and back had already been cleaned and patched up and she reclined against the chair like she could feel no pain.“You’ve stood at that window for over four hours now,” Lillian pointe
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Face Off
Xanth was mortified, what Lillian had just revealed to them could not be the actual truth, or could it? Had they been hunting and killing Khione women for naught? For thousands of years they had kept this sacred duty of resorting the seal over Osyron with the blood and life of pure breed Khiones, if their deaths had been in vain and the whole thing had just been exaggerated, then they were responsible for it.Xanth gasped again when he thought of Lyra, right now she was on a journey with Ryder and he was oblivious to this new revelation. He was going to kill her at Fang Peek.“Lyra…” He said out loud, both Lillian and Iris looked at him but both with very different facial expressions. While Lilian looked at him with a knowing smirk, Iris looked at him in annoyance. Xanth ignored her.“But how are you so sure about this?” Xanth asked Lilian, he wanted to make sure everything she had said was the truth and not that she was saying it to help Indie. The witch after all, wanted Osyron free
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Leaving The Forest
Lyra winced when Ryder tried helping her put on the coat. The huge gash on her shoulder had begun to heal but it was slow in healing, Ryder believed it was because she was weak now. She sat with her back against a tree trunk, the extinguished fire pit was to her left and Ryder was to her right on one knee beside her. The expression on his face was set and serious and he frowned slightly but he never for once met her gaze, she suspected that he was trying to avoid doing that and she wondered why. Was he angry at her again? Even if he was, he had never really avoided her gaze.“Can you walk?” He asked her, still not lifting his head to meet her eyes. She pursed her lips in a thin line and nodded slightly, her eye brows furrowed in pain as she tried to stand, he placed one hand around her waist and the other held her hand as he helped her to her feet. When she was standing upright, he let go of her and took a step forward.“We have to leave this place.” His voice was harsh like he was b
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The Need To Find
Xanth sat uneasily on the chair in Lillian’s small but warm house and opposite him sat Syrana, Kye could not sit and Iris busied herself by the window keeping a keen eye on the rest of the Khiones who had positioned themselves outside to guard the place. Xanth had one elbow propped on the table and his head resting in his palm, his head felt light and his thoughts swam in his head making the feeling even worse, what he had just been told today felt more than a bomb shell.He sighed heavily.Kye leaned on the kitchen counter with his arms crossed and a tight frown on his face, he wished he could unhear what he had heard, he wished desperately that it was not true but he trusted Syrana so much that he could not doubt her, it has to be true.It was true.“You’ve known this for how long now?” Kye asked her to which she sighed and looked up to Xanth.“Not long, I only suspected a while but it’s true, I could not deny it.”“My mother,” Xanth choked as he spoke and lifted his head up to face
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“I’m freezing!” Lyra shouted out to Ryder who was walking on ahead of her. He stopped and turned around to look at her and then he gave a sigh. Of course she would be freezing, she barely had any clothes on. She had ripped the dress to make it shorter, had no shoes on and the only thing worthy of keeping the cold at bay was the thick cloak he had made her wear.“We are nearing the edge of the forest, into Zagaroth Mountain, it is always cold there. Erstonia is far up North and always covered in ice and blizzards.” He told her.One eye brow came up and she shook her head. “Okay, and? How does that help me right now?”The cold came from the ground to her exposed feet, she curled her toes in response and hugged the cloak tighter around her body now regretting why she had disposed of those worn out muddy shoes but then wearing wet shoes was way worse than being bare feet. She sighed.They could see the sea of white snow just past the trees ahead of them and Lyra heaved a sigh of relief th
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The Other Option
The snow this year had come earlier and fell more, so much so that it had already built up to two feet in depth. The sun was high above their heads and it offered a little bit of warmth even though it was far felt, Tezani sat upright on her horse right behind General Mavrek who was leading the small group journeying away from Kilead, to the north in the direction of Fang peek.The reason they were journeying there was to meet up with Ryder and to find out why the sacrifice had not happened because just the other day they had felt a tremendous tremble, the earth had quaked and there was a low rumble like a groaning sounds. The people had been terrified and the elders had been agitated. She remembered she had been in bed with the general in his room just as it had happened and right away he had called for a meeting with the other generals and the elders.The tremble had meant one thing and one thing only; Ryder had still not completed the sacrifice, some even wondered if he had made it
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At Lock Heads
Finding Axeris and Khiones together was an impossible sight except if one race was dead and the other was alive and standing over the corpse, but finding Axeris and Khiones working together was more than impossible yet it was where Iris, Xanth, Syrana and her Khione warriors found themselves in as they made their way through Oerth forest.It was very obvious and clear that the tension hanging in the air above them was heated enough to melt the snow and chase away the cold - which it literally did - but the party had a common goal and working together would help them in achieving their common goal faster, and the faster they achieved that goal, the faster they could be away from each other. But in the small tensed group, none was more disgusted than Kye.It was an irritation he didn’t bother to hide.“How long do you think it would take us to get to the other side of the forest?” Xanth asked Syrana as he slowed down to walk beside her.“Whenever we get to the other side, we get to th
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Heart Broken
“To be honest, we never actually had the thought of seeing you here.”“We assumed the proud ruler of Astaroth would never leave his kingdom except if he was going into war.” they chuckled and so did Ryder but without any joy. “But here you are, in the flesh and bone and blood!”It was far from being a party, and it was even lesser than a get together as they were only four men in the extremely large room. Borox led them, he ruled these band of outsiders, exiled from Erstonia and forced to take shelter within the cold caves of Zagaroth mountains. But here, he had built for themselves a fortress, and here, he was know as the king of the exiled.He trusted only two other people, and they were present in the room with him and Ryder. It had been hundred of years since they had had the pleasure of hosting Ryder, and although they were merry about it, Borox could not deny the uneasiness about Ryder. The feared Lord of Astaroth was troubled. And what could trouble an Axeris more than the fast
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Into The Blizzard
Iris still walked with a limp, the wound had sealed up but she still felt the pain on the inside. She was angry, that much was very obvious to see and she walked ahead of the group, nobody spoke, they all walked in silence, Syrana and Xanth walked behind Iris, Kye and the other few Khione warriors that had not been picked off by Indie walked behind.“Iris,” Xanth called out. “You don’t have to be stubborn about allowing Syrana help you with the injury you have.”“What injury do you speak of, Xanth?” she threw over her shoulder.“Iris…” he called again but Syrana placed a hand on his to stop him, and then with a smile, she said.“If she won’t admit to having an injury, then she doesn’t need my help, Xanth.”Iris scoffed. “At least we have a smart one among us.”Xanth frowned at Iris’ remark, he could not understand why she was being this hostile, maybe it was the fact that she had been seemingly humiliated by Indie, or ti was the fact that she had done it through a possessed Khione war
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