All Chapters of To The Moon And Back: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
137 Chapters
Chapter 121
Ashton Exiquel Saavedra'sPoint of ViewEverything fell apart when she started pushing me away. I can't even enter her room because tons of guards were around.I have never seen a glimpse of her since she was discharged, not even her shadow.We lost our child. I lost them both.Several weeks has passed and the news about a car crash at the cliff where we used to hang out spread from news to social medias.It felt like someone has dropped and bomb in front of me as soon as I heard that the one driving the car was my wife.For the first time in one week, I left my room. Hired tons of skilled investigators and had the mafia involved to search for my wife.Her body was not found, there's a huge chance that she was rescued before her car exploded.Dad tried to stop me tons of times, he kept on insisting that my wife is gone, that she was burned to ashes when the explosion happened."Pull yourself up, Exiquel," He yelled when I came home drunk and they were sitting in the living room.I fel
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Chapter 122
It kept me in the mood for hours that I almost did not fall asleep.I have my men track her location down. And to my surprise, she's been closer to us than what we have imagined.I immediately drove to where she's currently staying, playing the song she has always loved.My forehead creased when I saw someone laying on the ground as the rain falls.I squinted my eyes and parked my car on the side of the road as I walked towards her.My lips parted when I realized who it was as my heart race the moment I heard what she said."Please, tell me the reason why because I can't recall, I don't know what to believe. I want to blame it all to someone because it fucking hurts that I'm taking it all in."She was staring at the void sky while her tears are pouring together with the rain."Dear God, it's so cold in here. Can you take me up there instead?"My feet felt cold. She closed her eyes and I can't help but panic. Was she out to kill herself again?No, love. Please, not again."You look fra
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Chapter 123
"The moon is beautiful, isn't it?" I asked out of nowhere.Her eyes darted on the moon. She tilted her head and tried to focus on it. My lips parted the moment I noticed the the gleam in her eyes whenever she stares at the moon has already vanished.She shook my head. "No, it's not." She uttered. "It's not like I am trying to plot an arguement but as far as I'm concerned, the sky will be so much better without the moon. Just the glittering stars on the night sky."She extended her hands and tried to reach for them even if she knows they're too far away and it's impossible to touch them."It'll be a total darkness in the evening," I said with a cute smile."Without the moon, the stars will shine better and will stop being a shadow of the moon. Just like how life works, a lot of people became a standard of beauty, of attitude, of everything and the rest of the population became their shadows and used them to discriminate the people who are so much far from their standard. Do get what I
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Chapter 124
"Then why can't you just tell me everything?" I faced her as our tears streams on our cheeks in unison. "Why don't you prove it? Quel, I can hear how you love me but I can't feel it. I can't bring myself to believe it."I shook my head. "Athijha, please don't doubt my love for you.""Whenever I look at your eyes, I feel nothing but the reality of winter. I can't feel and see the love you're talking about, Quel.""How, love? How can I make you feel and see how much I love you when you keep on running? Where should I start when everytime you look at me with your tantilizing eyes, the whole universe I used to see is gone? I don't know how to make you mine again when the way you look at me now is way more different from how you look at me?""You're being ridiculous."I rushed to get near her. I kneeled in front of her and wrapped my arms around her hegs legs as if I am lost kid. I hid my face on her stomach and cried like a lost kid."Stand up, Exiquel." She commanded which I refused to f
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Chapter 125
"Stop, both of you, please stop." Their attention came back to their mother. "Clea, it's not her fault, it's not your sister's fault. Stop blaming her." Her eyes watered again. "Y-you see, she came back. Your sister came back.""And you believed her lies? Who knows, maybe, maybe she's just Athijha's obsessed fan and undergone plastic surgery to look like my sister.""And what do you mean when you said that I am a badluck? That I am a blacksheep? You also believes in me, perhaps?" Athijha smirked. "Or did you have me tested? Did the DNA test resulted positive, sneaky rat?"Clea's eyes widened and a glimpse of horror passed through her eyes. And so did I. "H-how did yo-"When?What?How?What's happening?"Clea? What did you do?" Clio Alonso asked out of confusion.Clea let out a nervous laugh and played the role of an angel when her eyes and our mother's met, but when she turned to her sister, her sheep clothing flew away.Athijha flashed a glimpse of a victorious smile before looking
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Chapter 126
"Good morning, love. I love you." I said the moment she pick up the phone.She groaned. Why does it feels like she's about to lash out on me?[What now? Why do you have call me this fucking early?] She responded with a hint of annoyance."Early? Love, it's already nine in morning. Get up already." I said then chuckled.[Fuck the time then. I am still as sleepy as hell. How dare you bother my beauty sleep?] She angrily responded."You've been cursing a lot these past few weeks." I clicked his tongue. "Where's my innocent, baby? Leave her body now, Iris. You've been a bad influence to my baby."[Will you fucking shut your dirty mouth, Exiquel?] I faint noises of a mattress. I guess she's getting out of the bed.I leaned on the railings while suppressing a smile when she yawned. [Answer me, Exiquel. Do you have to call me every fucking day?]"Well, maybe. I mean, I just want to bless my day with your voice since you can't bless it with your presence, love."I can almost hear her rolling
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Chapter 127
"Tell me more," She said in a dismissive tone."After you almost drowned and when you came home to me with bruises and wounds, that was when I admitted that I have fallen deeply in love with you. I just don't want to accept that.""You were just guilty," She murmured."Yes, I was guilty. I was guilty because I made you feel that way. But I will never fake my feelings out of guiltiness, love. I am guilty but not to the extent that I did everything just to ease that. Those two months I spent with you before happened out of love and not out of guiltiness or just the obligations."She stared at me as if she's analyzing if I am telling the truth or not. She's probably wondering if she's going to believe me.I can't blame her.She bit her bottom lip and squinted her eyes. She tilted her head as seriousness starts to fill her eyes."Quel, do you really love me?" She asked out of nowhere.I looked me in the eye. My eyes started to get tainted by red and get a little warm. "I do, Love. I never
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Chapter 128
[I mean, stupid! I am not mad at all! I don't really care! I enjoyed eating four ice creams while chuckling whenever someone's kid stumbles!] She defensively replied.I laughed as I hear faint sounds of tapping from the background."Is that so?" I playfully asked. "Sure, I believe in you, love. You don't have to sound that defensive though."[I am not defensive at all, Exiquel,] She said with a hint of annoyance and warning."Really? That's good then."[Then stop teasing me,] She sneezed again.It sounds bad. Did she catch cold upon eating a lot of ice cream?"But what's not fine is that, you are sniffing and sneezing." I sighed as I massage my temple. "You are sick, are you not?"[So?] Sge replied in with an obvious tone of annoyance. [You don't have to feel guilty. I know you are feeling that way. For Pete's sake stop that. You are giving me a creepy vibes. It feels like I am being watched for experimental purposes. Besides, it is just cold. I am far more stronger than cold so back
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Chapter 129
She went out if the car and was about to guide me out but she doesn't really have to do that anymore. I jumped out on my own."It's okay, Jha. I am not drunk anymore," I flashed a smile. "You're back in here again."She nodded a little. She may not be aware of this but the way she acts while looking at the place that's used to be her home says how uncomfortable she is."You should take my car on your way home. It's dangerous," I said."No, thanks," She declined."Athijha.""No matter how much you put authority and warning in your voice, you can't order me to use this since I left my friend's car at the parking lot of the restuarant in front of the club where you drowned yourself."I took a remote out of my pants. "Then might as well spend the night here instead of going home at this hour."I walked in and didn't even dare to look back because I know that she'll choose to walk away and go with the first option I had given her.As I shower in the bathroom of her old room, my feet felt c
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Chapter 130
I felt how she got frozen on the spot when I planted a soft kiss on her forehead. I smiled at the back of my mind.I missed doing that."You're being considerate of my feelings too much again. I can handle myself, you know. Go on, love. Sleep now. I'll leave you here alone now. Goodnight, my love."I was wakened by terrified screams from the other room.Chill washed through my body when I realized it was my wife."No, son, no! No," She screamed."Athijha," I called in panic. She's still asleep and covered with sweat as she cries in her sleep."Fuck! Athijha, wake up!"She gasped for air then opened her eyes widely.She touched her cheeks and then brushed the tears away as I cup her face."Fuck! Are you okay, love?"She looked at me who's looking at her with my eyes filled with fear and nervousness.She held onto my wrist then tilted her head. "Quel," she called my name."Yes, love? What is it? Did you had a nightmare?" I asked in a worried manner."Love," She uttered our endearment th
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