All Chapters of The Mighty Guardians.: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
179 Chapters
90: Creation Of The Spirituals.
 LEYLA'S POV:-   "Spirit! It is called the most powerful part of a human's body. A spirit is known as a part of God himself that was gifted to all humankind. When the human body was created, God tried everything to make it work. But nothing worked out. There was no way to get to work fully. Sometimes it melted. Sometimes it got blasted off. It just didn't work at all. Despite all the hard work to create just the humans. Some of the creatures are still soulless. And they worked out perfectly. But humans didn't. No one understood why the human body refused to stand for perfection." Alexander started telling me the story of the beginning of the Spirituals. And I was listening to him in awe.    "The reality was that God created all the creatures as the test to actually make humans. We creatures were the test models. We worked out fine because we only had single powers inside o
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91: Created To Be Lonely Forever.
 LEYLA'S POV:-    Once he was done telling me the history of the Spirituals, I was shocked with the differences between the story Angel Ramiel had told me. I was unable to process the whole information. Probably because the first story I heard kinda made me feel that the Spirituals were born to be evil. "What is going on in your mind, little girl? I can hear so much noise in your head. It is like you are standing in a fish market. Talk to me. I am the only person who can help you with anything you need to know about your powers." Alexander's voice pulled me out of the oceans of my deep thoughts. I blinked a few times while thinking about the starting point.    I had no idea where I should begin. I was not even sure if I should tell him about the story I was told by Angel Ramiel. Taking a deep breath, I looked back at Alexander's face. I had to start from somew
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92: Meeting Lucifer.
   LEYLA'S POV:-  I leaned back on the couch while engrossed with my thoughts. I couldn't imagine how much the ancient Spirituals had suffered. In my thouy, their actions were justified. As Alexander mentioned, it didn't end for centuries. They were punished for something they didn't do. And they endured it all thinking that it was a test. "Wow! I had no idea what our kind went through. We were simply created to make this world a better place. But everything happened to the Spirituals, no offense they got out of their tracks and started a rebellion against everyone." After a few minutes of silence, I finally spoke in a low tone. I could never imagine how unfair those angels were. It all started with a bunch of rebellious Angels.  "Let me correct you right there. The ancient Spirituals didn't even raise their voices against the angels and the creatures who were treating them lik
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93: They Were All Innocent.
 LEYLA'S POV:-        "Lucifer told the hybrids about a way. They were told to take over all the thirty kingdoms. And make all the creatures suffer. As humans were ruling a kingdom too, it was obvious that they would make humans suffer as well. His plan was to make the Spirituals to help him with the post apocalypse. And he almost succeeded with his plans. The hybrids took over all the Kingdoms. And again divided all the world into thirty kingdoms. Where the hybrids became the kings and queens of the kingdoms. And the Spirituals were given the respect they deserved." Alexander added in a low tone. I was definitely waiting to hear who fucked up actually. Because so far, everything made sense.  "The Spirituals refused to take over the thrones they meant for them. And without their help, there could be no post apocalypse. So Luci
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94: Tormenting Marcel.
  LUCIAN'S POV:-   I reached the city of darkness, Ombra. My father inhabited this city for this plan he had in mind to destroy the humans and take over their world. He inhabited this city so we could work in peace until the time is right. I went straight towards my bedroom. Actually, our bedroom. I never let any woman enter this room. Because the only woman who would step into that room and share that bed with me was none other than Leyla. She was the only woman who would ever enter that room. I laid down on the bed, looked at her pictures on the wall. My hand slipped into the pocket of my pants and I pulled the treasure out of my pockets.    It was the laced panty she was wearing. I hid it before she woke up. She looked everywhere for it. And in the end, she had no other choice but to wear my boxers under her pants. I put it on my nose and I sniffed onto her
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95: Disgusted.
  LUCIAN'S POV:-   After we were left alone, I turned to look at Marcel. To my surprise, he had this satisfied look on his face. As if the torment I had planned for him was actually a sexual satisfaction for him. I made a disgusted face while looking at him. It didn't matter for him whom he was fucking and who was fucking him. All he cared was getting fucked until he was satisfied. He had dead seeds of the demons on his whole body. And his face was filled with the cum of the female sex demons. That man was a whore. He didn't care that it was meant to be a punishment for him. Instead of feeling disgraced, he was smiling like a satisfied man after sex.   "Look at you. I was thinking you will feel disgraced. And here you are, satisfied with the sex demons. And you think of yourself as a worthy man who could be with Leyla. If she would have seen you right now, she woul
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96: Kurt's Dire Secret.
 KURT'S POV:-   As I stepped out of the hotel, I walked straight towards my car. I was unlocking my car when a very familiar voice called me from behind. "Kurt! Is that you?" I heard a very familiar voice. A small smile appeared on my face as I turned around. I slipped my hands in my pocket as she walked towards me with a wide smile on her face. She almost jumped into my arms and wrapped her arms around me. Chuckling, I wrapped my arms around her. I was definitely not expecting to see her face right after my break up with Leyla. Technically, I was hoping to never see her face in my life. I was not really ready to cope with a situation her entry would create in my life.    She broke the hug and pecked my lips. "You have no idea. I was so excited to meet you again. But I couldn't find you anywhere. I even asked your parents. They didn't tell me anything about you. Your phone
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97: What I Did To Audrey.
  KURT'S POV:-   I was shocked to hear her tone with me. She had gotten very brave in the last five years. At first, I literally thought that she was afraid of me. Maybe she was just overwhelmed with everything that was happening. She was hoping that it would be the time when I would give her the proper introduction to my family. But she got mad when I tried to deny her. "Fine, I will do it. But give me a week at least. I have a lot going on in my life. I need a little time to breathe. I need a week to tell my parents about you and Felicia." I replied to Audrey in a calmed tone. I was trying to keep myself calmed.    Audrey sighed and rested her head on my shoulder. She hugged my arm tightly and pecked my cheek. "I didn't even ask what you have been through. I am just tired. I am tired of lying to my parents. I am tired of hiding my daughter from them. I am ti
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98: I Didn't Believed Her At First.
  KURT'S POV:-   I felt like a jerk again. She was my wife. And I was technically in a serious relationship with Leyla. When Audrey was leaving for London, I told her that I would keep on dating women. So my parents wouldn't get suspicious. I told her that they would be angry. But the truth was that I wanted to keep dating. Just flirt and sleep a few times then move on kind of relationships. I gave her my words. And I was never going to change that. But I was a flirt. I never kept a relationship for more than three months. That I always move on towards the next woman. As I was famous, women ran after me like bees flying towards the honey.  I felt like I could enjoy my life a little more before I would start up a serious life with my wife. When Audrey told me that she was pregnant, I didn't believe her. In fact I didn't believe her for eight months. Her ninth month was very diff
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99: Did I Grow Horns?
 LEYLA'S POV:-   After hearing everything about our kind, I knew one thing for sure. I needed to watch my back all the time. If not, my life was surely in danger. And after talking to Alexander, I realized how true Lucian was. Perhaps his mother also suffered. And he might have seen it. But that didn't clear how old he really was. And if that power was forwarded by the genes, how come I had gotten that power? I was unsure of everything that was happening in my life. I was sure that I got my powers when Lucifer gave me his blood. Or maybe his blood did something different. Maybe it pushed something out that was always there. I had no idea what was the truth anymore.    I said my goodbyes to Alexander. He gave me my car keys. I stepped out of his house and went towards the garage. I hopped into my car and looked around. He was not bluffing when he said that he was ke
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