All Chapters of The Alpha's Unleashed Luna: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
199 Chapters
Chapter 81 – Love In Paris
Lisa's POV An hour later, they all made their way into my room, each of them casting me an annoyed look as I waved at them, except for Klaus, who kept his head turned away from my bed. Chairs had been brought in earlier by the nurses to accommodate everyone. Both Kayden and Klaus grabbed one chair and took them to opposite ends of the room to stay away from each other. Klaus sat close to my bed, while he took a spot close to the door. Brandon had been quiet since he entered the room. He also seemed to hide in the corner between my bed and the bathroom door, which juts out of the wall. He was at opposite ends to both Kayden and Klaus.The tension in the air was becoming uncomfortable. This was going to be a great bonding experience.Jonas inserted the DVD into the player and took his seat at the edge of
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CHAPTER 82 – We Could Have Been Happy Together
Lisa's POV His eyes meet mine briefly before they return to the floor. "I'm sorry for what I said, Lisa." He took my hand. I just can't seem to stop blaming myself for her death. Every day, I wish I could get another chance to set things right and take her place. " I was used to this; it was what he always did. He was always sweet and nice
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CHAPTER 83 – Becoming Familiar
LISA'S POV They all blinked at me simultaneously, their faces were devoid of expression. It was like they couldn't fathom what I just said. They remained silent, waiting for me to proceed further.
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Chapter 84 – They Are Aware
Lisa's POV The waitress comes to our table. Her black hair was pulled back into a tight knot, but a few strands managed to escape and fall across her face. She looked like she was no older than me."Good evening. My name is Melissa. Can I get you all something to drink or eat, or do you already have an order that you want me to bring to you? "We began to place our orders, starting with Klaus, me, and Dom, and continuing around the circle. When she gets to Kayden, Raymond nudges him. Kayden cleared his throat and sat up straight, his eyes popping open. "Sorry about that... I'll just have chicken wings." His eyes shut down and his head dropped to his chest once more.
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Chapter 87 - We Need To Talk
Kayden's POV Everyone else was already making their way to the pool. Without further ado, Lisa and I also follow the signs leading to it. The pool was inside the hotel, in its own separate room a few metres away from the gym house. I pushed open the door for us to make our way inside, and immediately the humidity from the pool washed over us. For now, the air feels warm and welcoming. The ground was covered with neon green tiles, and the tiles were littered with several puddles of water. I sighed as we stepped inside and shut the door.My cousins and Brandon were already inside the pool, shirtless and stripped down to their underwear. They were oblivio
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Chapter 85 – Conversation from the Heart
Lisa's POV   My knees began to buckle from the lack of movement as bones seeped into my bones as I stared at him. If they were walking around the house while I was there, don't you think that I would have noticed some strange wolf-like monster of some sort prowling the grounds of the estate? It's kind of hard to miss something out of the ordinary. " Kayden stared at me as I continued to shiver, and then he laughed. They're not monsters, Lisa. They look perfectly normal, like every human being would, if I should put it that way. They're part of my family. " But you said they're some sort of mystical creatures and telling me about them might cause some sort of harm to me.
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CHAPTER 86 – You Worry Too Much
LISA'S POV   We remained in silence for a long while but I knew Dom hasn't fallen asleep because I could hear him drumming on the leather seats with his fingers. "Do you regret what you did in the past?" "You mean turning everyone in when my undercover mission was over?" He asked. I couldn't say I was surprised that he knew exactly what I was talking about. "Yes. And being solely responsible for their deaths." "I do regret what happened sometimes. But other times, I remind myself that what I did was for the benefit of the Council. They were trying to destroy my family and I got to them first before they could make their first step." "I thought we were all one big family living together in the shelter house?" "Don't be delusional, Lisa. We were merely tools waiting to be exploited by the rebels." "Even at that, I still thought of them as a family of some sort." "Woul
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Chapter 88 – I Have Strong Feelings for Both of You
Kayden's POV What's going on, man? Talk to us. " Elijah asked.I said it was nothing, I'm just tired. You know, I drove all day. " I must say, the fluorescent light in the room and the constant hum emanating from somewhere in the room weren't helping me relax. Where the hell were we?Stefan placed his hand on my shoulder. Kayden, we're family. We've all grown up together. We've had our differences, but don't tell us it's nothing. I could smell your fear. I've never seen you scared of anything before. "I appreciate your concern, but the last thing I want to do is bother you with trivial personal matters of mine.
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CHAPTER 89 – Cheeseburgers and Water
LISA'S POV My head sinks into a cloud. My whole body feels light. My eyes flutter open to a dark room. Little rays of sunlight sneak into the room past the curtains opposite my bed. I sit up on my bed. I tried to remember getting into bed without putting on my nightwear, but I couldn't. Everything seemed surreal to me. I was used to this feeling
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CHAPTER 90 – Caught By The Rebels
LISA'S POV This was one of the worst travel experiences I have ever had. Here I was, stuck in a car with almost a dozen guys who were all severely deprived of adequate sleep for twelve hours. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. It got to a point where they began to bicker like little girls, complaining about any little touch or movement. from someone breathing too loudly, someone talking too much, or even sitting too close to them.They deemed it fit in their delusional state of mind to talk about me as if I wasn't present in the car with them. I found it rather funny when they hurled insults at me and said that I wouldn't last a week when we got to the estate. When I tried singing them a lullaby so they would shut up and sleep properly, they became
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