All Chapters of The Blue Moon: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
322 Chapters
Devi drove into his yard and found Ben’s car parked there. His head felt like it could drop off from the neck. He got out of the car and slowly walked to the front door limping. As soon as he entered the house, he directly went to his little bar in his living room and grabbed a quarter bottle of Jameson and gulped it all the way down his oesophagus. He then put the bottle on the counter and wondered where Ben was. He heard footsteps behind him and turned around, there stood Ben with a weary face.“Damn!” Devi gritted his teeth. “Sometimes you act like this is your house.”Ben didn’t say anything but walked past him and grabbed the same bottle he had drank from and gulped as well. If Devi knew, he would have noticed that Ben was in turmoil.“Why would you need that for?” Devi grabbed the bottle from him.As Devi wanted to take another sip, he heard footsteps coming from the other room and knew there was another person in the house. He turned round to check on Ben and all Ben could give
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Ludo was wide awake early in the morning. She never had much sleep during the night. She saw the sun rise when she was about to dose. When leaving for the firm, she went to the room Walutanga had slept and found him conscious, arguing with her mother. When he saw her, he started shouting and screaming quavering Hunter’s name. She introduced herself and made it clear that he was there following Hunter’s request.“Where is he?” he asked.“He will come, don’t worry. He has to take care of some things. There are some people who wants to hurt you.”Walutanga remembered what had happened last night. When Ludo mentioned her name, he remembered Hunter talking about her to him and gradually became calm.She left him with an assurance that her mother would take good care of him till he got better. He was reluctant at first but he had no option. For Hunter to bring him to these people, it means he trusted them and therefore he also had to trust them.Thirty minutes into the office, Lance came fi
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“I didn’t like the way he looked at me,” Ludo told Hunter.Immediately after leaving her office, she got on a cab to Central Park where she found Hunter waiting for her. She wasn’t sure how she would meet him at first because she didn’t get his phone number. She just went trusting that he would show up and he did.“Perhaps you've both met somewhere before,” Hunter said.“He’s my boss' cousin. There is something about him that i didn’t like. Enough of that, any progress on the search for the two murderers?”“Not really but i have been asking around. No one seems to know where they are found these days.”“I think my new boss can help us. We will just have to wait.”“How?”“Leave that to me.”He stared at her and looked away. “How’s the boy?”“On my way here, i talked to mom. She said he’s doing much better and keeps asking about you.”“That’s good,” Hunter got quiet.“What’s on your mind?”“Ben and Devi of course. They wiped out an entire family. I really need to find them and know who
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Lance woke up to a text from Anderson telling him about the preliminary trial date set by the judge. Lance and his team had three weeks for prep and both attorneys from each side had to trade information they had that was pertinent to proving their client’s cases. After getting done preparing, he called his wife and asked how she was doing with the pregnancy and promised to visit her during the weekend. He also mentioned to her that his cousin Stone was with him for a couple of days. She didn’t like the idea because she had never heard of him and where has he been all this time? Lance attributed her suspicions to the pregnancy but after hanging up the phone, his wife’s intuition was always right, he thought. Where was Stone all this time? Yes, he told Lance that he had been moving up and about but where was he exactly?“So, your sister-in-law sends her greetings over the phone,” he told Stone when they were having breakfast.“Thanks, how is she?” Stone asked.“Doing great,” he cleared
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Feeling accomplished over the last three weeks, Mapulanga was on top of it all. He never thought he would ever be this close to becoming chief when he exiled himself with Grace. The last few weeks had been a handful for him. Against the wishes of some village members, He went ahead and planned the funerals for his brother and family. There was nothing anyone could have done but just watch and hope for a miracle. He had made himself Chief but it wasn’t official because Walu was apparently missing and nobody knew where he was. Mapulanga had theorized to the elders that the boy was dead because the hospital he had been taken to had no records of him. This raised suspicions but no one dared to ask. They were only waiting for the day when some other elders would come to Chisoti village and crown him as chief.He sat next to his wife he now referred to as Queen with no trace of shame. They were both happy and were really convinced that this was the work of Karma for what happened a long tim
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Hunter instructed Ludo and Walu to hide under the bed as he caught a glimpse of the outside one more time. He saw nothing again, but the squeaky noise at the door was increasing. He slowly reached for it too and pulled the door. The door was also forcefully pushed from outside it widely opened. Standing before Hunter was a tall giant figure of a man staring directly into his eyes. Hunter didn’t want to take any chances he threw a punch at the man and boom, the man was knocked down to the floor. He pulled him into the room and grabbed his head and struck him with his knee. He then jabbed him in the stomach, now looking at him clearly.“I come in peace,” the man shouted, his hands in the air.Hunter didn’t recognize the man. “Who are you? Identify yourself.”“I am Dumi from Chisoti village!” the man responded with fear in his voice while coughing.“Dumi!” Walutanga yelled from under the bed.Hunter heard the bed shaking and knew Walu was coming out. He tried to oppose but it was too lat
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Pieces of glass were shattered everywhere in the tiny room and there was a stench of blood. With one hand on the floor and a fist covered in blood, Hunter looked at Devi whose devilish smile didn’t fade on his face despite the punches that landed on his face the last 3 minutes. He didn’t leave Hunter unpunished as well, he threw in his heaviest blows on Hunter’s face that his nose was broken but that couldn’t be compared to how his jaw was hanging loose. The smile made it awkward.Hunter knew he had to take him out for good. He charged and threw one punch which Devi weakly blocked and removed his knife. He swung it across Hunter but he stepped back seeing it pass through his face inches away. Hunter grabbed Devi’s hand with the knife and hit it in the joint, the knife left his hand and dropped on the floor. Devi wanted to reach for it but Hunter beat him to it and kicked it under the bed. With his hand held tightly by Hunter, Devi decided to jump on Hunter and poked his eyes. Hunter l
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Ludo walked out of the house and found Hunter standing at the gate confused. She ran to where he was. He looked at her and told her to wait for him. She watched him go back to the house. After some minutes he came back looking even more confused. She didn’t want to say anything yet. He left her again and went to the car park and came back with her handbag and his bag.“How did you find me?” she asked as they started walking out of the yard.“Your phone,” he pointed at her handbag.It then dawned on her that her parents must have been calling her. She quickly searched her bag and removed the phone but it was switched off already.“I overheard them talking about taking the boy back to the village,” she sighed.“I am going back there.”She didn’t say anything. They walked to the taxi rank and got a cab. Hunter wanted to make sure that Ludo had reached home safely. They reached Ludo’s place. Whilst in the car, Hunter felt something was not right. He got out of the car and told Ludo to sta
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Walutanga cried his lungs out till he got tired. For the last few hours, He couldn’t see anything but could feel he was confined to a tiny space and he was in something that was moving. He remembered what happened before he blacked out.He was with Hunter and Ludo and Hunter was fighting the little man who seemed to get the better of him. He had woken up at a house with Ludo by his side who didn’t seem to be alive. He tried to wake her up but she wasn’t waking up till the little man came. Walutanga watched him admire the unconscious Ludo till he started undressing her. He couldn’t watch what the little man wanted to do with Ludo. He got up and fought him off throwing anything he could in the room at him. He dragged Ludo to his side and threatened the man that he would kill him. He knew he couldn’t but he was lucky when the other man came in the room.“What’s wrong Devi?” the other man, who happened to be Ben, had asked.“It’s this little rat.” Devi had answered.“Your friend was touch
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Ben knelt before Walutanga and whispered, “This is not a personal vendetta, chap,” he started untying him.The three men got to where they were and stood looking at Ben untying Walu. He finished and turned to face them.“Where is Mapulanga?” he asked looking around.“He told us that you should take the boy to the palace in the evening,” one of the men answered.“What!” Ben yelled. “Who does he think he is? The agreement was that we meet here. He signs the papers and i hand the boy over to him. I have to get back to the city.”The three men looked at each other indifferent to what Ben was blabbering about. They had passed on the message and that was it. They told him that they had to go back. Ben was even more upset that he had to deal with Walutanga for at least another six hours. He calmed himself with the hope that it was only six hours and then their job would be done; he would be on his way back home k3 million richer.Six hours was like five days to Ben. He had tied Walu’s legs a
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