All Chapters of The Lycan's Unexpected Warrior Luna!: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
301 Chapters
I smile. "Can I help when we get there?" "I'm not sure. I remember what happened last time..." I sit up and straddle his lap once more, so I am facing him as I say, "Last time you threw me under the bus... You never said anything to me about what I actually had to do and then didn't defend me when they talked and treated me like a servant... The only real-time you showed any reaction was when they asked you to share me around at Malik's annual celebration..." Zachariah wraps his arms tighter around my waist and growls as his eyes flicker gold, "I share you with no one, especially like that!" I put my hand on his cheek, getting him to calm just a little."Zachariah! My point is that at no point during the time we were in that office with those other beasts did you let them know what I was to you or why I was in there in the first place... They saw me as the human I was then and treated me as such, which you allowed. You Made me think and feel that no matter what I did, I wouldn't
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Zachariah breaks his kiss for the first time since we started and trails more kisses along my jaw and down my neck. I lean my head back, letting out another low moan and allowing him more access to my neck and the top of my chest. This also moves the position of my hips, allowing him to slide in deeper every time I lifted my hips. He then growls low and, using his hand that is still on my hip, guides me to increase the speed of my hips. At his prompting, I continue to slowly increase my hips, not only faster but a little harder as well. I move my hand from his shoulder to his cheek, applying a little pressure, making him stop his kisses and look up at me. I then kiss him, making him lean back as I then trail my own kisses along his jaw, down his neck and then along his shoulder until I get to my mark. I kiss, suck, and then bite down on my mark. I smile as he then tightens his arm around me more, adding thrusts of his own hips to the movement of mine. He growls, "Do that again..."
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I turn to Raphael, "Is he always like that?" "Who? Zach or Alro?" "Both..." "Zach assesses and then reacts to each Alpha differently and then acts accordingly you will get used to it as there are some Alpha's and even Luna's that you can trust and others you will not so you must be very careful... Now Alpha Arlo he is one of those beasts that believe even someone's mate is fair game and if he can get his hands on you, he will not stop until he is satisfied..." "He gives me the creeps, and there seems to be something else here. My panther is going nuts in my head telling me that there is danger close by!" "I wouldn't be surprised as we have been followed since we left the dining room..." Raphael leads me into what seems like a guest bedroom and locks the door behind us. He points to the bathroom and says, "I will not be far. Don't close the door..." I nod and enter the bathroom. I don't feel sick now but I use the toilet, anyway. I then wash my hands and splash my face.
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I slowly get back to my feet and face him as he walks back into the centre of the room. He smiles, "I have heard rumours about Alpha Zachariah's mate..." "Really? I hope it wasn't all bad..." "Oh, no, nothing bad just that she was one hell of a fighter until Alpha Valentino broke her and now she is one hell of a submissive and will cower from any and all males, especially one in a place of power..." He allows his Alpha power to flow through the room. "Wow... You have heard a lot, haven't you?" His Alpha power doesn't bother or affect me... "Yes! Now, show me that nice submissive side and come here..." I smile, "Um... Why would I do that?" "I am an Alpha and I told you to... I want you to pleasure me... I want you to make me release inside your mouth..." "Ewe... Gross... I am not putting your thing in my mouth... I don't know where it has been!" He growls at me, "I told you to come here! Now do as you are told!" I go to take a step towards him, but then take one back as I say
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I pull on my arms as a wave of pain goes through me, but they won't move, instead metal digs into my wrists. I look up and see that my wrists are cuffed and chained to what looks like a headboard of a bed. I scream as another wave of pain passes through me. I then hear a male's voice "PUSH!" "Just a little more, my little shifter, and then I will make you mine!" I wake with a start and, covered in sweat; I sit up and rub my wrists as the lingering feel of the chains seems to stick with me. I look around and noticed that I was not in the SUV or in Zachariah's warm arms anymore. I look down and see the beautiful gold silk nightdress Rania gave me. I smile, knowing that Zachariah would have changed me when we arrived. I realise that we must be at the next pack as I look around the room and don't recognise anything. I slip from the bed and find the bathroom. I walk in and turn on the water. I wait until the water is warm and then slip off the nightdress and step under the spray of wat
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After I had made contact, they both growled and the next one joins in grabbing me from behind. I struggle a little in his arms as the original one takes a couple of steps closer and growls,"I think that is game over, little female. Time for you to go back to the kitchen..."I smile at him, and as soon as he is in reach I use the beast holding me and kick out, catching not only his privates but his chin and knocking him to the ground. I then throw my elbow back and hear a slight crack as I fracture his rib. My sudden attack on him makes him loosen his hold, allowing me to slip down and out of his grip.Once I am on the ground, I drop into my crouch and then swing my leg around, knocking the one that grabbed me to the ground. I move quickly, my Lycan providing my panther, and then she lent me some strength as I punch him in the nose, knocking him out.I then roll over and off of him and back onto my feet. I face the original beast once more as he is now back on his feet. He looks over
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When I wake the next morning, I am a little sore from my encounter with Nolan and his friends, but I feel good. I go to move, but 2 arms tighten slightly around me. I smile and turn over to look into Zachariah's eyes, but he still has them closed. I lift my hand and lightly run my fingers over his face, starting at his forehead, sliding them across and then down, moving the slightly longer bit of his fringe off of his face and behind his ear.He growls low and tightens his arms a little more, but still doesn't open his eyes. I move my fingers back up and do it again, only this time I follow his cheek. I then slide my fingers down the side of his neck and over his shoulder, making him moan as I skim over my mark. I lift my head and study my mark as I haven't had a real chance to look at it since I put it there. It is similar to his, but mine has both a panther and a wolf entwined with a moon rising behind them like mine in the shape of 2 crowns.I smile, knowing for some reason he is n
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I am surprised when I venture down and outside the packhouse to find that there are pack members everywhere running around putting up decorations here and there. I move more out onto the porch and then sit down on the steps and just watch. I scan the yard in front of me and smile when I find Zachariah.He is helping not only the males but some of the females and then he helps and plays with young ones as well. I absentmindedly move my hand down to my stomach, thinking that one day soon he will be helping and playing with our pup like that. I jump a little at the sound of Luna Mary's voice beside me."It is a sight, isn't it?""What is?""To see Zachariah so relaxed and just being himself for a change, instead of the Alpha everyone expects him to be...""Mary, can I ask you something?"'Of course, my dear...""Were you human when you met Alpha Jasper?"She smiles and looks at the other end of the yard. I follow her gaze and spot, Alpha Jasper, running around with some of the slightly o
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He then picks her up, turns and walks away, heading over to where Mary was standing talking to some of the other older females. I jump a little as I feel a hand on my arm. I turn away from watching Zachariah to face the teen females that had now gathered closer to me. One asks shyly, "May we see?" I look at her, confused until I see her eyes flick to my shoulder. I look down at it and sigh as I see the rip. I then smile and say, "Of course." I move my blouse just a little more, exposing Zachariah's mark completely but keeping my scars covered, I really am not in the mood to explain where they came from. I smile as they all take another surprised intake of breath, as the one that asked to see says, "So it is true, you are his mate..." "Yep..." "What's he like?" "Have you had sex with him?" "Is he as unforgiving to you as he is to everyone else?" I smile at all their questions but snap my eyes to one young female as she says, "Did he force you?" I step up to her, lower my vo
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(*** WARNING *** Please read at your own discretion... This chapter contains a third person's account of a group forced scene and may trigger some people... Again... Please read at your own discretion!)She then wipes her eyes, takes a deep breath and continues,"Now even though the full moon forces us to shift that doesn't happen until after the moon reaches the highest place in the sky, so up until then we are still in our human forms but especially the males they are more wolf unless they are taught to control at least some of it. The rite of passage was done during this time when the males would have trouble fighting their instincts to find their mate. Now the females the Elders had chosen were led into the Elders' meeting chamber. They were then blindfolded and led into a room that was strictly off-limits to everyone but the Elders. I managed to sneak in with them and I found a small cupboard to hide in, I then watched in horror as Elder Jay, Elder Zane and Elder Chuck each took
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