All Chapters of My Alpha My Queen: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
105 Chapters
Sixty one.
Alpha Max’s POVI was raging with jealousy, I hated seeing them so close, I had never felt anything like it even when competing for Charlie's attention with my brother. But seeing them together, the way he looked at her so intensely, I had to stop it, stop everything before Alpha Zach had a chance to mark her.I had no idea what had happened with Kiwi but her cell was empty when I went to tell her I was leaving. When I came to find Alpha Zach,  I was only intending to ask him about Kiwi, but seeing their closeness just tipped me over the edge.As I pull her against my chest, she was warm, her scent wafting over me as it mingled with my own and without thinking about it, I mark her. I sink my canines into the soft flesh of her neck as she repeatedly fires her magic into my chest. Her nails dig into me and I feel the cracking of her bones beneath me, she was starting to shift and as I retract my teeth, Alpha Zach pulls her away and lunges at me.
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Sixty two.
Charlie’s POVI was completely and utterly shocked, I didn’t understand how he could do such a thing to me, especially if he still loved me.Standing with my hand cupped to my neck, I dig my nails in trying to scratch at the mark, trying to stop it from fully setting in whilst the men move around the room, staring at one another. They were fighting over me.My scratching made no difference, I was permanently marked!Their arguing fades in and out of my mind as the panic builds inside of me but I hear Zach tell me that there is one thing he could do and his eyes glaze over, his deep gravely voice filling my head, telling me to play to what Max wants but he will mark me too if I consent.I was about to answer when Max’s fingers dig into my shoulder. As he pulls me away, I punch him and so does Zach. As Max lets go of me and punches Zach in the nose, I beg them to stop. Telling Max that I would go with him, I will tell him anything i
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Sixty three.
Alpha Zach’s POVI had never seen anything like it, nor are there records anywhere. To be marked by two Alphas was just unheard of.I did the only thing in the moment that made sense. I revoked his welcome here. Alpha Max was no longer welcome in my territory. I needed him removed him from my land at least then I stood a chance of helping Charlie remove his mark and becoming my mate and only my mate.She stumbles over her words as she makes a decision about whther she wanted him here. A decision that I hated but as she explained to me that she would be torn apart, I knew she was right. Mate bonds were designed by the Moon Goddess to bring mates towards one another, not to keep them apart.A blue mark and a red mark. I could not take my eyes off of her neck as she asked about Katie. I could feel her jealousy, as soon as she heard that there was a young girl here, the jealousy appeared. I would not be the only one to feel her emotions, he would be abl
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Sixty four.
Alpha Max’s POVCould Kiwi really be dead or was he trying to give me something else to focus on??He leaves me in his office as he marches out with something on his mind. To my surprise, he leaves through the front door, I thought he was going to go and see Charlie. Should I go up and see if she was still awake? She was furious with me, maybe now was not the best time.I keep telling my wolf that he was an idiot for what he did to Charlie but he just laughs telling me that I was giving up on her to easily.“She does not want us”He laughs again “I do not care, she is mine and mine only”I could feel him trying to get out, like he was trying to take control over me. He had not been this riled up in a long time.“Stand down” I yell at him in my head and he tells me no and that it was his time.Fur starts sprouting along my arms, claws protruding from the ends of my fingers as my bones be
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Sixty five
Charlie’s POVI was just grateful to escape the room. The hormones coming from both men was mind boggling. Each one trying to be the bigger Alpha, the better Alpha.The marks on my neck had me confused. I could feel everything Max was feeling but then I could feel everything Zach was feeling too. It was like my body was no longer my own.It was not that I wanted to sleep with Zach, that was not why I asked if I could sleep in his room. I just did not want to be alone tonight, not after the last few days. Plus I was not giving Max the satisfaction of sleeping in his room. Not after the way he marked me.My skin felt tight, I was covered in wounds and dirt and who knows what else. I just wanted a shower and I wanted to sleep.I did not even make it into the shower. I turned it on, waiting for the hot water but when I came out I just crashed out on the sofa in Zach’s room. I was so exhausted I could not even get up to turn the shower off a
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Sixty six.
Alpha Zach’s POV Katie was bawling her eyes out. She was telling me that the Queen hated her and how she had no mommy now. What could I say to her? She was right, Charlie hated kids! Katie sits in the corner, hugging a small toy as the tears run down her face and all I could do was reassure her but I was in shock myself. Finding your mate was something every Lycan and wolf looks forward to but producing an heir was just as important, especially if you are a male Alpha. I feel the tug of the mate bond as she leaves the house. I could follow her but she clearly needs time alone and I needed to think things through. Max had been in my room last night, I knew it, I could scent him and his fur was all over my sofa and on her sleeping body. I tried to remove all evidence of it before she woke up. I didn’t need her to know that Max was the one who gave her comfort in the night and not me. Josh had not been helpful at all. He had spent
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Sixty seven.
Charlie’s POVMax or rather Ripper had helped get me some blood. The more I smelt it from his hunt, the more I craved it. He didn’t even question me about it and brought me animals. Animal blood was not as nice as human blood but it would do for now.I tell him what Adam and the humans had been doing to me and how Adam and his people had been feeding me blood daily instead of food, keeping me alive so they could beat me further.He didn’t shift back to his human form, he did not even try but Ripper seemed content as we moved through the forest. Walking by my side, I had forgotten how soft his fur was and find myself running my fingers through it“Where are you taking me?”“Up to the cliff, I want to see if you can remember anything and there is something I think you need to see”I stop, trying to jog my memories was not something I had considered doing. Zach had not mentioned anything about that but
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Sixty eight.
Alpha Max’s POVCharlie smiles at us as she drains the blood from another deer. She tells us everything that Adam had done to her. After hearing everything, Ripper and I vowed revenge when we finally got a hold of him. We would make him suffer as he had done to our mate.I knew Zach was trying to get in her head, she would wince every time, but she tells me that she is doing what my mother had taught her and putting up a metal door.“It does not hurt, it’s just like an itch that I can’t scratch”When Ripper tells her to come home with us, I hear her say she will consider it only if we shift back to human form. I was not sure if it was even possible not now we had gone Rogue. She gives us another option and Ripper turns us away, walking into the forest.“It has to be her choice”I agreed with Ripper and the only way she would see that it was better to come with us was by seeing Zach for who he really
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Sixty nine.
Alpha Zach’s POVI had lost control of my pack and what was happening on my own land. My second in commanf had gone missing without my permission and had cut off all contact.Charlie was about to kiss me when that idiot Max burst through my door. I knew she wanted me, I could smell just how much she wanted us to be together and without a doubt I knew her panties would be wet.I can hear her talking, even though she has somehow frozen me to the spot, my mind is still working and she no longer talks to the wolf through mind link. I hear her tell him that she regrets coming here, that this would not have happened if she had stayed with Max. It wasn’t true, whatever Adam was trying to do, it would have played out even without Charlie being around. I just wish she could see it.My office was a mess, I had trashed it in anger, and I am guessing that was why Charlie had frozen me to the spot, to stop me and what I was doing. Her eyes were glazed over
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Charlie’s POVAs I leave, I almost run into that little girl, Katie. She stops and drops the lolly she was sucking to stare at me. Her body was visibly vibrating as she backed away and moved to the stairs. I was not intentionally trying to scare her, but it did mean that she would stay out of my way.I wanted to go for a run and glance back at the closed door of Zach’s office and start to shift but this shift was different. It was painful and Gypsy kept apologising over and over.Hardly any hair sprouted from my limbs and I seemed to be growing taller and more muscly rather than my Lycan form which was almost like a wolf.“What’s happening?” I ask Gypsy“We are a hybrid”“What does that mean?”“You will see!”My bones cracked as I grew and my clothes could no longer contain me and break apart falling to the floor, My hands and feet were large with claws protrudin
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