All Chapters of The Alpha Expansion: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
12 Chapters
Celebrations of Life and Death
  The Redwood Valley Pack lands were a quiet place, serene almost: beautiful forestry full of ancient redwoods to the west, central open planes of lush grass and wildflowers, and to the east an enormous salt lake that shimmered like a sapphire below a clear blue sky. It was truly idyllic. Contrary to what the humans make out in the movies, werewolves are inherently good. Alpha and Luna McGowen were strong Celtic warriors, but they ruled their pack with compassion. They never sought lands or power, simply peace. But where there is good, there must be evil, and peace is never everlasting. ********************************** It was a warm October evening, twenty years ago, and most of the Redwood Valley pack were gathered near the lake pier for a celebration of life. Alpha Patrick and Luna Fenella McGowen had had their first baby just two weeks ago; a beautiful baby girl with flaming red hair. They named her Fianna after a group of an
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Fire and Ash
Abruptly, the starry night sky is no longer filled with song; it wis filled with the screams of men and women as Alpha Rivera leads his warriors from the trees down into the valley. The air is thick with panic and fear, and Alpha McGowen desperately tries to organise his warriors and mount a defence, but it was no use. Dozens of Redwood’s in both wolf and human form are taken down before they even know what hit them and the rest are slow to shift due to the alcohol. The ground is soddened with Redwood blood before one of them even lands an attack. The sound of growls, snarls and teeth clashing together intensifies as the Redwoods start to fight back. They may have been foolish tonight and be peace-lovers, but they are also Celtic wolves, born warriors. As the fighting intensifies, the Redwood’s defence turns into a counter attack and they begin to gain the upper hand. Hearing the commotion outside, Luna McGowen had ushered the mothers and children to the pack
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Enola Grey
Tss, tss, tss! Ya! Ya! Hiiyah! *WHACK* One last powerful roundhouse kick to the stomach pad ends my sparring session with my best friend, Hannah Chan-Jones. “Moons Enola! Go easy on me!” She chuckles out, “we’re back at college tomorrow and I don’t want to be black and blue.” “Sorry Hannah, I got carried away” I say sheepishly, wincing. “I know, I know” she laughs, giving me a nudge with her elbow, “it’s that hair of yours - always so fiery.” I roll my eyes at her comment. She is right though, in fairness to her; there is nothing mild about me. I’m Enola Grey, nineteen year old daughter of Moon knows who. I’m an orphan you see – both of my parents were killed during The Expansion nearly twenty years ago, as was Hannah’s dad. We were both just babies when it happened so, sadly, we have no memories of our lost family. It’s been hard, growing up without a family, but we were taught at school why Th
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The Queen Bee Stings
The blaring sound of my alarm rings out beside my ear and pulls me from sleep. I jump up quickly out of bed – there is no time for sleeping in today, and I don’t think I could even if I wanted too. My mind is buzzing thinking about what today might bring. Everyone is going to be talking about the Lycans, and I admit I’m pretty invested myself. I don’t usually care for gossip, but Mr Silver-Blue eyes is as much in my thoughts this morning as he was last night. It’s weird, I scold myself. I don’t even know him. He looked at me once when I was a kid and now, I'm falling asleep thinking about him? Get a grip of yourself, Enola. I tell myself it’s not like that. I do not fancy this guy, it’s just the same, normal level of curiosity that I’m sure everyone else in the school is feeling. It’s not every day you see a Lycan, let alone have five rock up at your school. I take a little longer getting ready for school than I usually might this morning, first day
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Enter, Lycans
By the time Hannah and I had found another parking space there was no time to drop my books off at my locker, so, they all ended up coming with me to our start of term assembly. We are late, but we manage to make it to the auditorium just in time for the beginning of our Principal, Mr Hales’ speech. Principle Hales is an older werewolf, and let’s just say the years haven’t been kind to him. He doesn’t have any Expansion battle scars like most of the Were’s of his age in our pack. No, you can tell he hasn’t got a warrior’s bone in his body. He is a pure academic, dressed head to toe in neutral coloured tweed and corduroy, with a snooty face that has been weathered over the years by nothing more than insolent students. He scowls at us as we enter the hall, an ice-cold glare. So, we creep as quietly as we can up the bleachers and find some free space in the back to sit. “Good morning, everyone,” Principle Hales begins, clasping his hands together. “I hope you have all h
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Daydreams and Denials
“Gee whiz Nola, slow down!” Hannah shouts out behind me as she struggles to catch up. I slow down but only come to a complete stop when I’ve made it to the science block building. Doubled over and breathing hard, I turn around to see Hannah stop just behind me, looking at me like I have gone mad. “Nola… you know… that I’m all for a morning run…” she breathes out, “but… what the heck was that all about?” I straighten up and place both my hands on my head in anxiety. “It’s him Hannah!” She looks at me curiously, clearly needing more information than that. “I mean, uh, it’s them!” I sound panicked. She continues to eye me, her bewilderment evident on her face. I roll my eyes in exasperation. “It’s the Lycans, the same ones from the orphanage way back when. The ones that we spoke about yesterday, remember?”  “Oh right, yeah… Okay.” Hannah doesn’t understand the relevance. "So then, why did we just make like Usain and bolt out of there?” she a
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First Encounters
After biology class finished, I let Hannah know to go on ahead to next period without me – I’m going to finally head over to my locker and drop off some of these damn books before my arms fall off from exertion. I’m moving through the halls with speed, keen to not be late to any classes on my first day. As I round the final corner, I suddenly and unexpectedly hit a solid wall, and all my books spill from my hands once again. “OH FOR THE LOVE OF THE MOON!” I shout, having had just about enough and regretting my decision to bring them all in on the first day. It seemed like a good idea at the time, as bad ideas often do. "These damn books," I mutter as I crouch down to collect them once more. I hear a chuckle above me before a deep voice as smooth as velvet chimes in the sexiest Irish accent I’ve ever heard, “we really need to stop meeting like this.” I still for a moment, eyes wide, before I dare to look up at the huge form before me which is i
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Bitches and Bad Feelings
I feel their presence as soon as they walk through the cafeteria doors. The Lycans glide across the room to a large table near the back. All heads, including mine, turn in near unison as they walk by, eyes transfixed on the superior beings. I notice two things: firstly, our future Alpha, the tall, dark, and extremely handsome Darius Rivera, is eyeing the males up and down with a look of distain plastered across his face. I can only imagine that he is feeling slightly inadequate in their presence and that it is bruising his Alpha sized ego. Secondly, I notice the blonde female is walking side by side with Kallan. She laughs musically at something he says, latching on to his forearm whilst leaning her head on his thick bicep as they walk, stepping in harmony. I can’t lie, the image stings me a little, but of course they would be together; look at her. I’ve never seen anyone look as close to an angel on earth in all my life. She is fair but with a very light tan on her
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Nervous Energy for Two, Please
“Hannah it was weird, seriously,” I tell my best friend on the drive to school the next day. “Those windows only open from the inside, and I had already locked up. It was like 10:30pm, no one else should be anywhere near the gym at that time.” “Could you have just forgotten to lock that one?” she asks. “No. Hannah, I locked them all, and besides, I felt something; it felt like I was being watched.” I try and explain again. She looks across at me, a flash of concern on her face vanishes as quickly as it came. “Well, what about Brandon Mayers? He works at the gym too, right? So doesn’t he have a key?” Hannah reasons. Brandon Mayers is the boy I share work shifts with at the gym. He is tall and ripped, of course. But like, seriously ripped; he has bigger boobs than I do. He has a mop of mahogany brown hair, light tanned skin, and deep brown eyes. He is a great fighter too and we spar sometimes if we’re at the gym together; his dad Edward is one of the ma
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Cafeteria Catastrophe
I stand there in the hallway for a moment dumbstruck, trying to analyse what just happened. Kallan talked to me, by choice, and he was nervous! In all my life I never thought I’d see a Lycan nervous. I know he didn’t strictly ask me to go to the party with him, that would have been absurd, I tell myself. But he did ask if I was going… and he seemed pleased when I said yes… A small flurry of butterflies quickly appears behind my navel. But then, just as quickly, I shake the thoughts from my head. Don’t get ahead of yourself Enola. You have a mate somewhere and when you meet him, you’ll forget all about that irresistible sexy Lycan. Hannah and I meet up at lunch and I’m itching to tell her about my latest encounter with Mr O’Dreamy, as she’s taken to calling him. She gets the table today whilst I queue up for food. The food here is okay, if you don’t mind everything you consume being beige and fried. Luckily with our fast metabolisms and traini
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