All Chapters of Beyond the abyss: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
61 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chaotic as his life is, the lawyer resolved not to add more problems that would only make him and the people around him more miserable. In his mind, he had to see his son more often and hope that he will be acknowledged by his son as soon as possible. It is not easy for him not to think of the little child, and not think of his mother too. After all, she had given birth to him, loving him unconditionally, and giving him the nicest thing a mother could possibly give. The lawsuit against Chairman Ruiz didn't get further, for the victims of the family settled down amicably. It was known that the chairman paid each of them enough money, to silence them. Although he knew this is sure to happen, he still had been trying to gather some evidence about the abuses against the workers under the supervision of the said chairman. Regarding his son, he once called his mother to tell him that when he had done some works at his office, he would like to meet him at the park where they could play his
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Chapter 12
Coming home was never as fun or as exciting as it was before he met his former girlfriend and his son. It seemed like some heavy loads were weighing him down. Nonetheless, he had to show his face to his wife and live with her. He was glad when he arrived and found out that his wife was not at home, making him feel more relaxed. As his habit of not going to sleep early, he went to his library and took a book to read. Glancing at his watch, he saw that it was eleven o'clock at night, and still, not a sign of his wife. Half an hour passed, he heard the creaking sound of the door and saw his wife coming in. She curtseyed at him, not saying any word, and went to her room. They have been sleeping separately after the unexpected incident at the beach.     She, in her room, laid her body on the soft bed, trying hard not to think of the changes that had suddenly occurred in their lives. They were once a happy couple, with so much anticipation of the future, but now, no
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Chapter 13
     Daniella woke up from her sleep to a telephone call coming from a police officer. She got up quickly when she heard that her father was involved in an accident. Hurrying up to the police station, she forgot to call her husband to inform him about what had happened to her father. She, at that time, had no clue whatsoever, of the name of the victim, knowing only that the victim was a young child who almost died because of his father's negligence. Chairman Ruiz was sitting on the chair, along with the officers who were questioning him, when suddenly, Elijah's grandfather came and threatened to put him behind bars. Daniella, who also came afterward, kissed her dad and assured him that everything will be alright and he just need to trust her and her husband.Chairman Ruiz, who left the office did not go back home but instead went to the station to see the old gentleman who hit his grandson with his car. The accused only bowed his head, kept his cool, a
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Chapter 14
 No case was filed against chairman Ruiz. After a week at the hospital and after different kinds of testing were done on the young boy and the doctors' assurance, he was allowed to go home but was instructed that he had to come to the hospital to check his progress. Before going home, he was visited by his aunt, Jane who was glad to see him well again.      "I'm so happy to see you going home, Elijah! Your cousin is waiting for you to play with him again." Jane said to the kid, who was busily putting his toys back in his backpack. Cassandra, meanwhile, was on the phone talking to Imman, who was on his way to the hospital to take them home.      "Auntie, do you know that my dad is coming today? He is going to play with me now and Billy could join us if he wants" said the excited child who was smiling and laughing, waiting for his dad.     "Jane, can we talk outside?" Cassandra asked her cousin after s
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Chapter 15
     After a busy day at the office, Chairman Agustin went home and was welcomed by his grandson who was too glad to see him. He ran towards his grandpa and gave him a big hug and showered him with kisses. "How's my little Elijah? I'm so sorry I did not take you home, grandpa is so busy!"     "Don't worry grandpa, my dad brought me here and ate with us - mom. grandma and auntie Jane. I ate so much that my stomach almost burst! ha!ha!ha!     The chairman was irritated to hear that the lawyer, whom he disliked so much, even spent the time eating lunch with his family. Trying to hide his feeling from the young boy, he faked a smile and continued playing with him until his daughter came and welcomed him home. "Good evening dad! Let me take my son, he must go to bed now and tomorrow I will bring him to Jane's house. It should have been today, but I let him rest, right, Elijah? Come now, my dear!"     Elij
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Chapter 16
 The new hotel that would be built outside the city has been the subject of discussion between the lawyer and his ex-wife when they were seen by the cousins at the restaurant. The lawyer suggested hiring laborers from a construction company that won the bidding but his ex-wife wanted the same company that worked for them for years but with higher compensation. Since they have a different opinion regarding the said subject, both agreed to let the chairman decide.      The lawyer upon reaching home called the chairman to ask his opinion, relaying to him what they have discussed during their meeting. "We'd better talk about it at the office, Imman. By the way, how's Dani, is she doing great? I have been busy these days that we are not seeing each other for a while. Would you come on Monday to discuss the details with me?"     "Sure dad! She is doing fine, don't worry. The case is going smoothly and we will remain, friends, as we p
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Chapter 17
There was a commotion at the barricades where the protesters were seen grouped together. The chairman came to finally talk start a dialogue with them, but one of them threw a bottle at him which made his bodyguards look for the culprit and hit him with a baseball bat that all of them were carrying.     Enraged with what had transpired, the gentleman told their leader that he would not negotiate anymore and that all of them will be terminated without any payment and that all of them will be charged with assault although only one person attacked him.     "Sir! Please forgive that man! He was feeling emotional for his daughter had been in the hospital for a week and he badly needs money for her operation. Please reconsider sir your decision! We won't go home! We will stay here until you listen to our demands!"     Chairman Agustin did not want to reply to the protester because he had already made his mind. He was conv
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Chapter 18
The chairman and his wife brought a basket of fruits for the patient which their daughter received thankfully. The heiress is happy to see her parents together to visit the lawyer. Armando Gonzales has not yet been introduced formally to the heiress' parents. He only saw them on the way to his son's room without any idea who they really were. Cassandra finds it her obligation to introduce them to each other. "Mom, Dad, this is Imman's father - Mr. Armando Gonzales!"(looking at the old man who was standing near his son's bed).     "Nice to meet you, sir! I'm Amelia Agustin and this is my husband(motioning the chairman to come forward and shake hands with the old man). We are glad to have met you at last!"     The chairman shook hands with Imman's father and then went to the corner of the room, giving way to his wife who wanted to check on the lawyer's condition. "I'm so happy that you finally woke up. How are you feeling dear? Elijah woul
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Chapter 19
After a month of the incident, Imman returns to his office. The chairman welcomes him and wished him well. It was obvious that the gentleman missed him a lot. He gave him a warm hug and a welcome gift - a new car. He gave him the key and told him that the said vehicle was parked in the basement and he could drive it immediately. "Dad, it is not necessary for you to give me such an expensive gift. What a shame! I did not deserve it!" giving back the key to the chairman which he did not take.     "Imman, you deserve it. You have been working hard all these years but I have never compensated you well. Please accept it as a token of my appreciation for your diligence."     The lawyer wanted to talk anymore, but the chairman signaled him not to begin speaking, that he has to accept the gift, if not, he would feel sad. "Okay dad, thank you for the gift! I don't want you to feel bad but please don't spoil me too much...I might get used to it, h
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Chapter 20
 Excitement was the only word that could describe the young boy's face. He had already taken a bath and was instructed by his mother not to interfere with the discussion of the older people which he assented by bowing his little head. The young boy even promised his son to stay close to her and will not make any noise so as not to annoy his own mother. "Mom, I'm not going to talk too much but if they will ask me first then I have to answer, right?"      "Of course, and you have to be polite all the time especially to your grandpa Armando, okay? I want you to be very nice to him...if you do, your dad will be very proud of you and that would make me extremely happy!"      "Mom, I heard that aunt Dani's father will also come...can I also ask him to play with me? And mom is aunt Dani your friend? When we were at grandpa Armando's house, I saw you getting angry at her...but I don't know the reason why..."     "Elij
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