All Chapters of The Hidden Billionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
171 Chapters
Chapter 21: Meeting the Butler
"Of course not. I've only been to Indonesia for a few months. It's also the first time I've been to this house," Valentino said, looking friendly at Sriani. Sriani sighed in disappointment. She thought she had seen the child of Budi Araya she had been looking for a long time. She thought David's guest really looked like that boy. Only the posture was very different. Valentino used to be fat and Calvin looked tall and thin. No. No. Not skinny but more precisely proportional. "Oh, I see. I'm so sorry, I thought you were someone I used to know," Sriani said. "It's all right, ma'am," Valentino said. Valentino was forced to say that because he saw the silhouette of David Araya reflected in the glass. He didn't know if David was suspecting him or just eavesdropping on the conversation. But he'd better be on the safe side so as not to make him suspicious. David then appeared suddenly and immediately looked annoyed at the butler. "Why are you still here? Just go back to the maid's
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Chapter 22: Illegal Business
Good stuff? repeated Valentino in his heart. Valentino was very interested. He guessed that the item David was referring to was not a legal item for sale. Surely the goods he meant were items that were not worth buying and selling. And out of curiosity that made him want to know more about it, Valentino decided to follow David to where he was going. David and Valentino use their respective cars. "Are you sure you're doing this, sir?" Ruslan asked. "Yes. Isn't this a good opportunity to find out more about you like him? I'm sure if this business also definitely can't be official," Valentino replied. "Unofficial? How can you think like that?" Ruslan asked. "David said it was good stuff. The good stuff here is definitely something that can be banned," Valentino explained. "And besides, David mentioned the club we're going to right now. The club he was referring to was also not clear. But soon we will know what they are doing," Valentino said. Valentino saw a magnificent buildi
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Chapter 23: The Three Bastards
Valentino still found it hard to believe what he was seeing right now. In the large box that had just been opened by David and Bara, there was a wine which was quite rare. Wine should not be traded in Indonesia. The Indonesian government had even issued a strict prohibition not to trade the wine. This was because the wine with the VN12 brand contained compounds that were harmful to health. Valentino himself had also heard about lots of people who end up being addicted to that one drink. Where he used to live, in England a decree limiting the consumption of dangerous drinks had been issued by the government. Then how could his stepbrother deal with something like this? This was incredibly dangerous. "VN12. Don't you know that there are many officials who really like this wine because it has extraordinary benefits?" Bara said proudly. Benefits? Had Bara gone mad? How could he call this dangerous drink a benefit? Valentino was starting to feel more confused but he always remembere
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Chapter 24: Stained Eyes
As if not all of it was enough. Valentino was being led into a special room for a few people who could afford the larger funds. The room was quite large and had lots of luxurious amenities in it. But strangely all of it only consisted of a very large mattress and also a very luxurious sofa. Even more surprising for Valentino, Valentino had to be forced to stain his eyes. In front of him there were several girls with very seductive minimal clothes lying on the bed and also some on the sofa with seductive gazes. Bara and David just rushed at the women and did something very disgusting in front of their eyes. Shamelessly, David groped the women and what was even more astonishing was Valentino having to watch them make love. "Hey, don't any of these girls suit your taste?" David asked. "Oh. It is not like that. But I just did it this morning. And now I don't want anymore," Valentino said. The woman who was playing with her breasts by David could only roll violently. Meanwhile, now
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Chapter 25: Caught by David
Valentino for the first time walked into a Casino. He shouldn't have to do this, but he also needed to know what kind of business David was around so that one day if he ever needed this information, it would at least help him. "Want to play?" Stefan asked. "No. I'm just a spectator," Valentino replied. Stefan didn't respond to Valentino's words and instead he immediately joined the game. There were already several people at the table who seemed ready to take part in the gamble. Stefan was in need of an outlet so that his anger could subside because the woman who was his mistress had almost escaped from his grip. Valentino himself was observing the room which was really very crowded. "Just alone?" a woman asked as he looked seductively dressed. One of the best Lady Escorts in the casino was greeting Valentino. "If you're alone, can I accompany you?" the woman in red dress asked. Valentino shook his head politely and he quickly turned to the corner to pretend he was gett
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Chapter 26: The Real Identity
"What!?" Valentino and Agusta shouted together David nearly jumped from his spot in shock. "Where did you come from to have such thoughts?" Valentino asked with quite a bit of astonishment. David was too lazy to respond to his unimportant employee. "If it's not dating, what's the name? You two often spend time together. And I also just realized that. If not dating now, what's the name? Friends? It's impossible for Agusta to want to be friends with lowly employees like you," David said. Valentino restrained himself from being rude. "But we are ...." "Yes, sir. We are indeed dating," Agusta said in which made Valentino glared at him. "And right now we're going on a date so can we go now?" Augusta asked. David was now surprised by the confession he had heard directly from Agusta. "Excuse me, Sir." Agusta then took Valentino and told him to get into his car while David looked like he had just seen a ghost. He was too shocked by the sudden confession that had just been m
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Chapter 27: A Beautiful Detective
Detective Ferisha got up from his seat and then stretched out his hand. "Good afternoon, Mr. Agusta," Ferisha replied. Agusta and Ferisha shook hands with each other. "Ah yes, this is Valentino Araya, my best friend who wants to ask you for help," Agusta said. "Ferisha," the female detective said firmly. Valentino reached out his hand to Ferisha and shook it. "Valentino," Valentino replied. "Please, sit!" Ferisha said. They were sitting opposite now. Valentino still couldn't understand it because it turned out that the detective hired by Agusta was a female detective. And until the few seconds he had sat in front of the beautiful woman, he still couldn't say what was going on in his head. He was still very surprised because it turns out that in Indonesia there were female detectives who also seemed quite great. "So what can I do for you?" Ferisha asked politely to Valentino. Valentino, who had been daydreaming, immediately focused on the female detective who was a
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Chapter 28: The Gossip
"What you mean?" Valentino asked in disbelief. "You can't keep using a false identity because it's against the law in Indonesia," Ferisha said, scribbling something on a piece of paper. "But didn't I tell you if I did this it was because it was one of the ways for me to get into the Araya family?" Valentino said. Ferisha looked directly at Valentino. "Your goal cannot be justified. Even though you are not proven to have bad intentions by using three identities at once, it is still very against the rules. So I suggest you no longer use a false identity to advance your goals," Ferisha said. Ferisha immediately got up while Valentino now just froze. "I'll excuse myself first. I have a meeting with another client. See you later on the next agenda," Ferisha said calmly and she walked very casually. "Okay, Detective Ferisha. Welcome back on duty," Agusta said. Valentino didn't answer because he was still too annoyed with the female detective. "Have you forgotten how to be polit
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Chapter 29: The Changing
Alfredo was surprised by Valentino's change in attitude. Previously, the man he knew as Aditya Putra was known as a geeky man who was weak and couldn't do anything about it. But that day he was flabbergasted when the geeky man grabbed one of the other employees who had commented on his same-sex relationship with Agusta. Alfredo could even see the angry glint clearly visible in Valentino's dark brown eyes. It was the first time he had seen the employee he disliked glaring at everyone who had insulted him so viciously. He even challenged all the employees who dared to insult him. All the employees who had insulted him so many times could only be silent because they were too shocked and shocked by what had just happened in front of them. A geeky man who had always been insulted by them had now turned into a cold man who was ready to pounce on anyone who has insulted him. However, Alfredo was increasingly curious about what had made his employees change drastically like that. And now
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Chapter 30: The Missing
"How come?" Valentino asked, now standing up in a huff. "I don't know. They suddenly didn't come into the office and no one knows where they are now," Agusta answered. Valentino ran a hand through his hair in confusion. "They couldn't have just left. Something or someone must have made them leave. Do you think this had something to do with David?" Valentino asked. Agusta looked turned towards his friend. "Could be," Agusta said. "Because this is too strange. They disappeared at the same time. And neither of them knew their tracks. I think they must have been told to hide by David or Rosa," Valentino guessed. "You're right, Valen. No one dealt with both of them at the same time except for Rosa or David. But the question is why are they hiding?" Agusta said in confusion. Valentino took a mineral water that was in the refrigerator in Agusta's room and then drank it until there was almost nothing left. "Don't you know?" Valentino asked with a furrowed brow. "Know what?" Ag
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