All Chapters of The Mates of Monsters: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
54 Chapters
Chapter 41
Since our discussion of sorts in the rain, the air between David and me has felt off-kilter. Ironically, his preparations for his new third have limited our time more than ever, and he has yet to officially tell me about it. I overheard his conversation with his father, and sometimes I catch snippets of his conversations with Tarlo-both in person at the house and over the phone-but David hasn't told me outright that he's employing a third in command. He must know that I hear things, so maybe he thinks I've put two and two together and don't need an explanation. Maybe he's waiting to tell me once everything is in place, and the person is equipped. To make matters worse, Nicodra and Aurora are scheduled to arrive tomorrow afternoon. David is so utterly consumed that we have yet to decide what to do about Aurora and her dire need of protection let alone her poisonous thoughts of murder.
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Chapter 42
I wait in the sitting room, prettied, dressed up, and alone. I sit on the couch looking over the backrest like a widow longing for her husband to return home, to come marching up the front yard, through the weeds and untamed growth of her garden. I feel timeless, like the young woman captured in the black and white photograph back home that my father says is his great aunt. She sits on the mantle with the other members of our family history and surveys from her post. But, most of all, I feel helpless. I can fight for the Lunas—for their daughters and their Alpha blood—but I can't save them from their bonds. I can't save Aurora. She is tied to her mate as intricately as I am to my own. It is a deal that flows both ways. David's words are instilled in my mind, in Aurora's mind: No Alpha will let his mate be taken from him.
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Chapter 43
Nicodra and Aurora leave at once. "Helena," David calls, prompting her from the kitchen. "I need to you look after Brigette." Helena, having heard everything, nods with a paleness to her face. I move around the table as David leaves the dining room. "You will stop this right now, David. I swear to the Goddess I will-I will hold you down myself if I have to." He takes his phone and holds it to his ear. Everything moves so quickly, that I'm worried I might faint. "Tarlo, come to the house now. Bring Lyde," he says, and that's all it takes. "Can you just stop for one second," I urge and grab onto him. David looks to me finally, and I ask, "Why? Why do you have to do this? Because you don't. Drag him from the land and be done with it.
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Chapter 44
I didn't tell him I love him. I should have. There are so many things I should have said, but there would've never been enough time for me to say them. There are so many things I wanted to do with him, and half of those things are the repetition of others. He said an hour, but nothing feels real, not since he agreed to the rite. My head is scrambled, but I can focus on one thing: the bond. The roar of the wind at the edge of the cliff blows against my bareness and sways my hair from my back. I hold my legs to my chest and stare out at the sea of forest below-an expanse of green and shadow. All I can hear is the wind as it crashes and drags and swells like monstrous waves. I'm perched at the tip of the rock, at the edge of the sheet, and Lyde monitors from behind. It wasn't long unti
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Chapter 45
I hear the front door open and close and I call, "Any update?" It had only been ten or so minutes since Lyde left. I had been typing a response to Bonny's latest update regarding the campaign and her approaching visit, but I have yet to send it, and when Lyde doesn't answer, I look away from my proofreading. "Lyde?" I stand from the table when David enters the archway. Little cuts and developing bruises sprinkle his skin, and I notice white gauze on the base of his neck. He's been patched up-Nicodra aimed there with purpose. My head goes nauseous at the thought. All of his marks and scrapes bring me to ball my hands into tight fists, pushing my anger out that way. My eyes scan over him. My lip quivers. "Nicodra is dead?" I ask, forcing down my need to run to him, to cling and cry an
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Chapter 46
"What did you do with the body," I ask, my back to my mate, the spray of the shower falling down on us like rain. "Aurora asked us to dispose of it," David says, rubbing up and down my shoulders. "How?" He sighs. "We burned it." "I'm starting to understand you were gone for so long." He leaves a kiss on my nape, and I turn to face him. "I have to speak with her after this. Tarlo is bringing her to the house, and you're welcome to sit in on our discussion. Maybe she'd appreciate your presence. You're her friend, after all." "How much did she see of it?" "Nothing. She stayed i
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Chapter 47
Part 3 "Good morning, dear. How was your sleep?" "It's was fine," I tell Helena as I enter the kitchen, clad in a robe and shrugging off the mental residue of lovemaking. "Did David get something to eat before he left?" "He did," she assures me. "And I've got some stuff for you as well; the things we talked about yesterday." Yesterday I told Helena that I may be pregnant soon. I couldn't help myself, with all that's been happening, it wouldn't be a complete surprise. I sit at the counter island as she displays some pregnancy-related goods in front of me. "I've got the teas, the salve, and I even found the necklace I told you about." She holds up a dainty metal ch
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Chapter 48
"I think it's done." I lift my eyes from my computer screen to look at both Bonny and Jeremy as they sit at the dining table with me. Jeremy says, "Let's hear it." "Okay," I mutter and straighten up in my seat. Bonny watches with encouraging eyes, and I loosen up my shoulders. "Here it is." We've been working for the past two days since Bonny arrived. We leave for Germany the day after tomorrow, and the final piece of our preparations is my speech for the main discussion. And I think I've done it. "Hello, good afternoon, I am Luna Amin of the Amin Pack in North America, but please, call me Brigette. It isn't a secret that I am new to the Union, to leadership—I haven't been a Lun
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Chapter 49
"They're drawing my circle." I stand at the back doors in the kitchen. It's pitch black outside. We've either launched ourselves into the night sky or have stumbled into a place we are not supposed to be. "It's time," David says as he comes up behind me. His hands reach under my arms and caress my bump. Something moves inside of me, and my eyes shoot down to my round, ripened stomach. I gasp and swiftly turn to my love. David kneels before me and looks at my very pregnant belly. Fear strikes my core. "I-I don't remember—" "It's coming," he tells me. "It's time." I jolt and wake in my seat, submerged in the strange atmosphere of the airplane. Bonny is in the seat beside me, and i
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Chapter 50
Sunlight is diffused into a soft glow by the sheer curtain pulled over the large window in my room. I have been awake for a while already, yet I haven't left the bed. I lay on my back with my head propped against two pillows, and I rub my flat tummy as if casting a spell. The incantation is a murmur on my lips. "If you're in there, just hang on. We're only here for one more night, and then we'll get back home to your Daddy. I just need you to work with me, okay?" It's almost eight o'clock. Jeremy will knock on my door any moment now to make sure I'm getting myself ready for the day. There are meetings in the late morning all through the afternoon, then tonight we have a formal dinner which I packed a very sophisticated dress for—clean edges, all business. Without David, this is no more than a business trip, but maybe next time we can come together and explore Germany for an extra few da
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