All Chapters of When I Hacked the Snow Prince: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
100 Chapters
41. I want to hold his hands
I, Ty, and his Dad are in the living room watching TV when the doorbell rings at about 1 pm on Saturday. I quickly get up from the couch and go to open the door. It's Aaron, we were expecting him for some time. So the thing is, Ty's Mom invited Aaron for lunch. Yesterday, she came back home when we were just finishing the combine study. Then she asked us whether Aaron would be coming to study today. He immediately said 'yes' and she asked him to come at noon so that we can all have lunch together. And oh, Ty didn't protest. I open the door to reveal Aaron standing with his bunny smile like usual. But the next moment his smile fades and he shifts his weight uncomfortably on his legs as he sees Uncle sitting on the couch with an intimidating look on his face.Uncle had just come back from court after one of his client's trials, so he was in his official clothes, crisp black pants, and a costly white shirt after taking off his suit. "Hello Miller, Come in.." he says in his deep voic
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42. I miss you
"Tyler!" I yell. But it comes out like a whisper because I'm stunned at the sight in front of me. I can't believe my eyes. Ty and Aaron are HOLDING HANDS!!! I freeze there and watch Ty awkwardly holding Aaron's hands. He has his face turned away from Aaron but the latter is staring intently at Ty's side profile. I stand there watching them with an open mouth. Am I dreaming or something? I look at their intertwined fingers. Ty is now trying to squirm his hand out of Aaron's grip. But Aaron is holding tight. Aaron moves over and turns around, facing Ty while still holding his hands. He then stretches out his other hand and reaches to grab Ty's free hand. Ty quickly moves it backward. "No! And leave my hands!" he scoffs over the sound of the rain. "Please Ty....just one quick twirl. Please..." Aaron pleads. "No, I said! Jerk, leave my hands! You asked to hold for one second! Now it's almost a minute!" he scoffs trying to yank his hands away. "Please please.....just one qu
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43. Why do you want me to believe you?
"Damn! Why did you wear these clothes to school instead of washing them and giving them back to Ty?" I ask Aaron as I meet him in the locker room. He is wearing Ty's shirt and jeans he gave him the day before yesterday. He told him he would bring it yesterday but yesterday afternoon when he came for combine study, he said he washed the clothes and it isn't dry yet. Now he is wearing it to school! "Oh c'mon, do you think I'm giving this back?" Aaron asks. "Not giving back? Then..?" I ask. "I'll wear this to school at least once a week," he smirks. "Jeez Aaron, I don't know how Ty is gonna react after seeing you in his clothes. We have maths for the first hour," I groan. "Why are you getting nervous? It's me who is wearing right?" he chuckles closing his locker. I sigh and open my locker. Once I get my stuff, I close it and we both together head to the maths class. I'm anxious to see Ty's reaction when he sees Aaron in his clothes. We step into the maths class and Oh boy, was Ty
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44. Jumping Screen
Today while having lunch with Ty and our gang, I look around in the canteen for Asher. I've never seen him in the canteen having lunch. So does he bring lunch from home? "Guys, I'm leaving. I've to go somewhere," Ty says and gets up with his plate. " already finished?" I ask surprised. He is actually a slow eater. He finished his plate too quickly today. "Yeah..," he says and leaves before I could ask him where he was going. After I finish my lunch, I walk in direction of the computer lab. My laptop was with me in my bag but Aaron had left his in his locker. So he went to grab it from there. I reach the lab and boot my laptop, soon going to our gaming software. Aaron doesn't arrive even after five minutes. Deciding to call him, I fish my phone out of my pocket. But, right then he rushes in with his laptop in one hand and a paper in the other hand. He has a kind of puzzled look on his face. "What's wrong?" I ask him, frowning. He hands me the piece of paper, taking a
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45. Punishment
I stop in the corridors, a frown taking over my features as I see in the distance a crowd gathered around our football ground. I can see someone running around and all are looking at the person. And a lot of people are barging towards the ground to see whatever is happening there. I was actually walking to my last hour, biology which is on the first floor near the football ground. It's almost time for the bell. But I can't help my curiosity. Is some running competition happening on the ground? But why so randomly? I walk down the corridors and take the steps down to the ground. I can't see anything due to the crowd. I push a few people standing in front of me and somehow get to the front, only to get stunned at the sight. It is Asher who is running around. And he looks extremely tired. His feet aren't stable and he looks like he is about to fall. "What is happening?" It comes out of my mouth like a whisper because of shock. But the next moment, I manage to shout the same thing
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46. You did a great thing
"So Caroline, you are confirming that the principal or any other staff at school didn't try to threaten you or your friend by dismissal or suspension or any other means after the incident?" The young female police constable sitting in front of me asks. "No," I shake my head. "And they said they'll pay compensation to your friend?" She asks. "Yes," I nod. "Okay, thank you for cooperating with us, Caroline. Your friend told us the same. We'll be taking the necessary actions immediately. There's no need to worry about anything," She smiles and gets up from the couch. I nod and get up along with Ty and his parents. "If you or your friend face any problem from the school authorities in the future, you can call us at this number," the middle-aged male police officer along with her says handing me a card. "Sure, thank you," I nod taking the card from his hands. Soon, uncle walks them out of the house and Ty's Mom leaves a relieved sigh. So, the thing is, the video from the foot
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47. Because you are guilty
The second hour, I had chemistry. As soon as the bell rings, I rush out of Mrs. Cooper's classroom and hurriedly walk in direction of chemistry class, not wanting to be stopped by the people in the corridors. I had turned the left corridor near our Sports teacher's cabin and was quickly walking forward. Suddenly a hand seeps out of nowhere and grabs my right wrist before pulling me into a comparatively dark space. To say I was shocked will be an understatement. Imagine someone suddenly pulling you inside a dark room. I look up from my hand with a heavily thudding heart. My heart beat only races even further on seeing who was standing in front of me. It was Asher. And soon I realize I'm inside the sports store room. A lot of basketballs, footballs, and other items were around me. "What the heck!" I scoff looking at Asher. He just stares at me. "Why did you pull me inside here?" I ask "Cause there's something I need to discuss with you," he replies placing a hand on the wall beh
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48. This is crazy!
"So, we aren't working on our video game at lunch break?" "I need to finish the assignment. I don't want to disappoint Mr. Davis. But you can work on that new design alone. After school, let's stay back and work together," I say, grabbing my chemistry textbook from my bag. Aaron nods to me with a frown. "So, what were you doing yesterday whole night?" "Just slept. I was so tired," I say opening my textbook to the chapter we were currently dealing with before pretending to read it. I didn't want Aaron to ask me more questions. Fortunately, Mr. Henry soon arrives and starts the class. Although Ty's gang, especially Brent was dying to ask me a lot of questions during lunch, I quickly finish my plate and excuse myself, saying I need to finish my English assignment. Then I rush towards the back garden of our school, cause it had already past 1 pm. I reach the place to see Asher sitting under a tree with a book open in his hands. It was easy to spot him cause there was no one else
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49. What about a cup of coffee?
Although I asked Aaron to wait for me in the parking lot, he comes searching for me in direction of the biology class. I meet him just below the stairs. "Are you okay? Let me hold your bag?" He says proceeding to grab my bag from my shoulder. "I'm fine, silly," I sigh and smack him gently on the arm, causing him to frown. "I thought you weren't alright. And you were in a really bad mood afternoon. You just got up and went to the front like that. I thought you were mad at me," he says with a confused face. "I'm not mad at you or anything. I didn't know what else to do. I can't ask Rhett to give you the seat. You know, we all have lunch together. He's also like my friend," I reply. "Yeah, I understand.." he nods. "But what are you going to do now? Ty's friends are all trying to hit on you? Whom will you choose?" "Rhett doesn't have a crush on me or anything, although I think Brent does." "I bet they are competing on who could make you their girlfriend first," he says makin
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50. What's under the pillow?
I and Asher don't talk much on our ride back home. I didn't know what to talk to him. After all, we've only got a little close now after being great enemies for two weeks. Also, Asher switches on his car stereo, playing some melody songs from his playlist. So we have a more or less silent ride, listening to the songs. However, the atmosphere inside the car is a lot less awkward than before. "Thanks for the ride," I say unbuckling my seat belt as Asher pulls the car near our gates. He doesn't give a reply. So I hop out mumbling a 'Bye.' After he drives away, I walk towards our front door. It wasn't locked, so I walk in and close the door before walking upstairs, directly to Ty's room. He thinks I won't come until 6 Pm. Let's scare him. I slowly walk up to Ty's room door and quietly grab the doorknob before quickly twisting it and pulling the door open, barging in with a loud scream. Ty was lying on his bed on his stomach, facing the opposite direction from the door. Still his whole
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