All Chapters of THE NETHER ALCHEMIST: RISE OF ZEGRATH VOID: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
112 Chapters
**************************************FLASHBACK********************************************* As he traveled through the forest, he kept his head low, as though he were a goat chomping on the leaves of the plants. He unbelievably directed his breathing, just taking one more breath to calm the strain in his lungs when he felt like he was going to drop without a moment to spare."did you hear that?   Something moved around there," a voice said, guiding its focus toward the brush where Nelanian had taken asylum. He delayed the slightest bit, winding as though it would assist him with trying not to be seen.Another voice, with a more profound tone than the primary, commented, "Go look at it." A surge of adrenaline fixed Nelanian's muscles, making him shiver. He remained unmoving, trying not to utter a sound that could validate the men's premonitions. The footfall arrived in a musical rhythm, as though steel drums were getting ready to play a champi
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**********************TWO MONTHS BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE WAR********************* He was flabbergasted when the lift came to a shocking end, and he leaped out, unfortunate that the steel wires keeping the contraption intact were going to fall, and the lift would tumble seventy stories beneath, ending his existence with it. He was questionable of everything, and you would mull over welcoming him to your party. The lights on Jalon's entryway were still on, and the entryway was totally open, he could see from the opposite finish of the hallway.He contemplated to himself, "For what reason don't I welcome him first?" He realized it was anything but a brilliant thought, yet he expected to move the good tidings. He strolled towards the entryway, confounded, contemplating whether his choice had been astute."hello! There he is. I was expecting a call from the clinic illuminating us regarding your burial service date?" Jalon laughed as he threw a sack
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Seolarans, Lorths and Yulcites had all develpoed a united front to counter the plans of Ithea.The island they were on was plain, and barely any individuals knew about its presence. It laid on the barren oceans of the Dead East Sea, the waterway that separated Ithea and Trerth. The other world idea the waters of the Dead East Sea to be reviled and harmful, and after the Trerth crossed it to arrive at different realms, they announced it reviled once the contention finished. Nobody had at any point thought about wandering in excess of a mile into the sea oceans, or to drift such a long ways out that he was unable to see the coast. Fishing ships that had once overwhelmed the water had deserted it, and it created the impression that the fish could at long last cheer. There was likewise a gathering of lone islands way out in the sea. Those islands were believed to be home to indeginious populaces, however nobody dared to wander far out into the sea domain where they stayed. They w
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 *****************************KING VONNER'S PALACE******************************************** Her face was flushed with a cold, scorching sensation. As the sensation pressed on her flesh, she shook violently. It jolted her awake, bringing her out of her unresponsive stupor. Her eyes began to clear, and she looked around to see where she was. The deteriorating concrete floor had stains on it. Water had accumulated in puddles on the floor in numerous spots. It reeked of death. The rushing water she had previously heard was actually a stream of sewer water running behind her. She saw the two giant people standing in front of her as she gazed up. One had an empty bucket in one hand and a polythene sack in the other. She had gone back down to her feet when she noticed the wetness soaking her clothes. The man appeared to have splashed water on her to rouse her from her slumber.
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"No, I'm not going to offer them that sort of delight. I need them to know who the individual they've been living with for the beyond couple of years is. They should know about what you did," says the tall man. Nelanian was going to intervene when one more man rose up out of the older man's room, conveying a little chest. He gave it to the tall man and opened it for him. There were nestled into with wax seals on the edges inside. They were instantly distinguished by Nelanian."I knew it, along these lines you have a disciple," the tall man commented, pulling a small bunch of the looking over papers out of his pocket."Madeline Myers, Louis Stevenson, Mr Starkridge... So these are the casualties he's killed up to this point?" the tall man pondered as he leafed through the papers."Would you be able to enlighten me about he?" The Elderly person's significant other, noticeably astounded, asked. The transcending man's look was attracted to her."Allow me to p
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                                   THE LORTH MAGICIAN SANCTION The island they were on was unmarked, and few people were aware of its existence. It rested on the desolate seas of the Dead East Ocean, the body of water that divided Ithea and Trerth. The rest of the world thought the waters of the Dead East Ocean to be cursed and poisonous, and after the Trerth crossed it to reach the other kingdoms, they declared it cursed once the conflict ended. No one had ever dared to venture more than a mile into the ocean seas, or to float so far out that he couldn't see the coast. Fishing ships that had once dominated the water had abandoned it, and it appeared that the fish might finally rejoice. There was also a group of solitary islands far out in the ocean. Those islands were thought to be home to
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                                   ITHEA: THE KING'S PALACE  My forefathers are faithful to them, and the Kingdom was promised to them if Cythis and Bevana prevailed, which they did. For decades to come, my forefathers were titled rulers of Ithea. That is why I am in this Castle, sitting here. because my forefathers understood what it meant and, more importantly, what they needed to do to achieve their objectives That is exactly what I am doing, and you are regrettably in my way. You have this preconceived perception that I am a bad person. I am to be feared, and my face is to be discussed by both youngsters and adults. You want to paint a picture of this world as if it were a paradise, and I am the evil that has to be exterminated from it?” According to King Vonner. The King sto
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Luciana was back in the king's palace. It was one place she vowed never to come back to.He walked out of the cabin with an empty bag in his hand, which he turned upside down and began shaking. As he continued to shake the bag, bread crumbs and dust poured outside before he put it back across his shoulders. He was living uphill and could see the marketplace below him as he looked down. He searched about in his pocket and discovered several coins. It wasn't enough money to get him a decent meal, but it would certainly get him enough food to see him through the night. At the very least, it was preferable to sleeping on an empty stomach like some of the market villagers. Nelanian had taken refuge in an unfamiliar village, cut off from the outside world. It was a primitive village that relied solely on its agricultural prowess and a strong belief in the ways of the past. In the village, there was little to no technical advancement. The only obvious trace of technolog
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The older man of honor moved closer to him. " Child, I've effectively let you know this. I'll tell it one more. You can't fix what you've done; nothing remains at this point but to attempt to manage the repercussions. You're not good for this job on the off chance that you don't have the solidarity to perform it,""Anyway, why bother filling the role of the means to an end assuming everything we do is kill individuals at irregular?"The old refined man rose to his feet, battling to get to his feet. Nelanian could hear the clicking sound his knees made when they practically clasped." The means to an end fills in as an offset. There is Great and Abhorrent, similarly as there is highly contrasting, light and obscurity. We don't do how you help the purpose of self-protection; we do it to keep the equilibrium. A great many people use the Sustenance Fields to make positive energy, while others use it to make pessimistic energy. There are irregularities inside those t
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Please accept my apologies for her actions; she is a bit hesitant around new people. Mrs. Greensmith remarked, "This is Miriam, Norval's younger sister." “Hi there Miriam, my name is Luciana. Luciana extended her hand towards her, anticipating a handshake, and continued, "It's nice to meet you." As Luciana's hand reached Miriam, she tucked her head back behind her mother's arm. For a small moment, the situation grew uncomfortable. Finally, a doctor broke the stillness by pushing the room door open and left with a clipboard in hand. Norval's mother was the first to spring to her feet. She ran to the doctor's office door. “Hello, doctor, how is my son?” She queried, her voice shaking as she questioned.“Good morning, Mrs. Greensmith. Yes, he is no longer in danger; in fact, he was never in danger in the first place. We were able to straighten his shoulder after it had been d
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