All Chapters of Conquering The Emperor: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
222 Chapters
My Fear & His Nightmare
When I looked up in surprise, I found that he was smiling a little at me. I wondered how he could read my mind when I realized that I had instinctively placed my hands on my stomach. Quickly, I yanked my hand away from my own belly. He’s getting it all wrong…but I don’t know how to tell him…It would be weird for me to tell him that I actually don’t want to get with child, right? I mean, I am supposed to be working hard to make a baby with Ren…and perhaps we are actually doing that…but…“Umm…” I said, not knowing what to say. “Oh…sorry if I embarrassed you. Please forgive me, My Lady. You just looked so worried that I thought…” the doctor apologized rapidly. “Oh no, that’s alright. You are right. I am a little worried about…conceiving…” I replied before offering him a tight smile. “Well, I am sure that there’s a lot of pressure on you. Please try not to stress and get enough rest. Stress can make it hard for you to get with child,” the doctor advised. I guess, I couldn’t ask him
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Finding Light
The time he spent with his kind and loving mother. The peaceful days they spent together that she would shower him with love and care. That was all before his mother changed as the responsibility of being the empress ate at her and killed her slowly from the inside out. “I wish that you had never been born! It’s because of you that I’m stuck here…” his mother screamed at him. “Mother…” Ren whispered in shock. “Don’t call me that. Why did you have to be born? Why? Why did you have to be born?! Why?!” she screamed louder hysterically as she started to cry. “Mother…please stop…” the boy whispered. “Don’t touch me! Someone…is someone there? Take him away! Take him away from me!” the previous empress yelled as if crying desperately for help. The dream always ended the same with the little boy being pulled away by many maids from his mother. The boy sobbed and cried but in the end, he was taken to his room where he would be far away from his mother. Ren knew that while the boy was cry
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Asking Me Out
I shook my head from side to side as I realized that I had gotten ahead of myself. Somehow, my mind had already assumed that Ren would allow me to go and that he would come along with me. That was clearly wistful thinking. It would delight me beyond description if we could go to the festival together, but I knew that the possibility of that happening was probably very slim. When I was about to arrive at my room, to my surprise, I ran into Ren. He didn’t send a message to me to tell me that he would be coming by, so I wasn’t expecting to see him tonight. “Rin, you’re back,” Ren greeted me as he came to my side and put an arm around my waist. “Yeah...I just got back. Were you waiting long?” I asked. “No, I just got here,” Ren replied. “I wasn’t expecting to see you tonight. You should have sent word in advance if you were going to drop by…” I said, sounding a little worried. “I wanted to surprise you,” Ren said with a small laugh. “Well, it worked. I am pleasantly surprised,” I a
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The Festival
“Umm…we don’t have plain commoner clothes here, My Lady,” the maid replied, sounding very apologetic. “Huh? But the other clothes that I have would stand out too much,” I said with worry. “We do have some clothes that might work. It won’t make you look like a plain commoner but perhaps a slightly wealthy commoner wouldn’t be so bad?” the maid suggested with a smile. Well, it wasn’t like I had a choice right now. I guess that would have to do. “Ok…let’s go with that,” I replied kindly. “Ok, My Lady. Please wait a moment while I prepare the right outfit for you,” the maid said before bowing to me. She left for a while and came back with what I supposed was the ‘wealthy commoner girl’ outfit. With the help of the other maids, she carefully dressed me in the outfit. After they were done with the clothes, they moved on to the jewelry. Although they helped me pick out more modest jewelry that what I normally wore, I still thought that it was a bit much. “Isn’t this a bit much?” I ask
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“That’s to be expected. This festival was designed to bring in food, clothes, art, performance and various other things from many cities across the empire. So, it’s normal if you don’t know them all,” Ren replied casually. “Do you know them all?” I asked curiously. “No…but I do know most of them,” Ren replied with a grin. “Tell me…please…” I pleaded as I smiled sweetly at him. We walked around hand in hand and Ren pointed out and explained the various dishes to me. For a while, we forgot about buying anything to eat. Ren was busy explaining things to me, and I was busy listening to him. We walked around like that for a while until we almost reached the end of the first row of food stalls. Seeing that it would take forever for Ren to explain everything to me, I suggested that he recommend some food to me instead so that we could buy some and start eating. “This is so good. The flavor of these spices is so unique, I’ve never eaten anything like this before,” I complimented as I sta
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My Freedom
Ren saw a horse that had gone wild charging further into the crowd, heading towards where he was standing, and he immediately understood the situation. There are so many people here, if that horse isn’t dealt with or brought under control many people will get hurt and some may even die. The horse will trample on many people and while they are in a panic, there will be a stampede in the crowd. He furrowed his brows as he thought hard about his next move. He should find Rin but at the same time he had to do something about that horse. His people are at risk and the harm is charging directly towards him.Stopping the horse would keep people safe and that also included Rin. Rin should not be badly hurt as long as she doesn’t encounter the wild horse. Without another thought, his body began moving towards the oncoming beast. Wait for me, Rin……Where am I? While being swept by the crowd I was somehow able to separate myself by stepping aside from the main path into a small alley. Peekin
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Indecision & Doubt
There was no one here who could help him look for Rin and going back to the palace to bring a search party would take too much time. If he asked for help and his or her identity is revealed, she could be in even more danger from thieves and the like. He had no option but to go search for Rin himself. The biggest question was where to look. Ren looked down the path that the crowd seemed to have travel. If Rin was swept up by the crowd, then she probably went that way, he thought before he began running at full speed down the path. The path was quite clear of people now as most people had already left. Running past a couple of men, Ren paused and asked them if they had seen a woman that resembled Rin. “Sorry, we’re not sure…” the man replied, shaking his head. “Thank you…” Ren thanked them softly. It wasn’t like he was expecting any leads. Rin was dressed up well enough, but she still looked just like any more well-off commoner. There was nothing on her that would be memorable to a
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You Found Me
“What happened just now was crazy!” “I know, right. Where did that mad beast come from?”“I just heard that it’s all good now. Some guy managed to stop the horse and calmed it down,” “Really? Wow…who would have thought that was possible…”The sound of two men chatting loudly brought me back to my senses. They just mentioned that someone had managed to calm down the horse that was causing trouble earlier. For some reason that I could not place, I knew immediately that the man those men were talking about had to be Ren. As if some magical spell had been casted on me, my legs regained strength and so did my resolve. Without any struggle and without any more thoughts, I was heading out of the alley back to the main road. My destination was clear in my mind. I wasn’t sure if he was there, but I have to go there. I must make it back to the town square where the festival was. I must make it back to Ren. …The sun had just set, and the sky was quickly turning dark. Still unable to find a
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Ren didn’t say a word to me, and I didn’t dare to start a conversation with him. That meant that the whole ride back to the palace past by in silence. I couldn’t understand why Ren was so angry all of a sudden and I wasn’t sure if I had the courage to find out. What I knew for sure was that I would find out when we got back to the palace…It was completely dark by the time we arrived back at the palace. Without saying a word to me, Ren took me to his palace. To my surprise, a worried-looking Shin was waiting for us when we arrived back. It seemed as if he had been waiting for us there for a while. “You’re back later than I thought. I heard there was some trouble at the festival…” Shin said, clearly worried. The news regarding the incident with the horse must have reached the palace. It wasn’t surprising, considering that the festival was a big one and so many people attended. I figured that Ren must have told Shin that we would be going. Ren was silent and didn’t answer Shin’s que
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Worthless Apologies
“You thought it was the perfect opportunity for escape because you were out of the inner court and out of the palace,” Ren stated coldly. “What are you saying?!” I cried out in shock. He’s getting it all wrong. “Look me in the eyes, Rin. Tell me that not once did the thought of escaping cross your mind. Can you tell me that?” Ren challenged. “I…” I whispered quietly. I felt a warmth against my forehead as Ren touched his forehead to mine. It was such a gentle and tender gesture yet at that moment, it did nothing but scare me. For some reason, it felt like Ren could read me and he knew exactly what I was thinking. My body shivered in fear. “You can’t say it, can you?” Ren asked in a disappointed whisper. I bit my lower lips in frustration. He was right. I couldn’t say it. If I did, I would just be telling Ren a lie and he would realize it straight away anyways. He was right, I did think of escape. I even went as far as to think about how to make it feasible with the resources tha
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