All Chapters of Hellbound: The Last Tribute: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
104 Chapters
30| For Us, Yes
~Rory~ A sound caught between choking and chortling slipped past my lips. “Is that even real?” What I asked sounded stupid even to my own ears. Just a month ago, I would laugh at anyone who says vampires and werewolves exist. But in light of the events I witnessed since moving to Salvatore Hills, the possibility that what Elijah told me is true sent shivers down my spine. Worry flowered on the pit of my belly, but I swatted it before it bloomed to a full-grown fright. Nolani tilted her pretty head to the side. “Destiny? Fate? For us, yes.” She reached for the clothes scattered on the bed, lifting one after the other in front of her. “We are cursed, blessed; however you want to put it, to have a mate, soulmate, one true love, as humans like to call it. Some find their
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~Elijah~Rory’s heartbeat lulled. Her continuous turning and flipping on my bed five rooms away from my study stopped, and she had fallen into a dreamless sleep.It was a mistake, coming here in Salvatore Hills, revealing what she is to me… all of it. My fucking existence is a bane.“So, she is your soulmate.” Jace, dressed decently in his borrowed clothes from Henry, approached me as I stared at the billowing storm.He wasn’t asking, but my reply validated his statement. “Yes.” I tipped my glass of Macallan Peter Blake 1926, taking a gulp.Jace stood beside me with a huff, hands shoved in his jeans pocket. Our reflection on my study’s glass wall was both solemn. I can feel his
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32|My Reason
~Elijah~“My God,” Tayen murmured as soon as I stepped inside their humble abode. “I never thought we’d cross paths again.” She wrapped me in the cocoon of her familiar embrace.I tightened my hold on her as her shoulder trembled, sobbing silently against my chest.Jace stood on the side, regarding Tayen and me with a look that could form an encyclopedia of questions. Even now that we’ve formed a bond, his thoughts are still shielded from my abilities, just like Tayen.~~It was a gloomy day. The lake reflects the clouds looming over the treeline. The evidence of the storm surrounds Salvatore Lake. Tree logs that didn’t withstand the punishing gale fell to the ground. Leaves swept by
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33|Riled Up
~Elijah~If it were up to me, I’d rather fight alone than have people like Tayen, Nolani, and even my best friend Henry put their lives in danger for me. But as Mingan told me long ago, a commander could have a thousand soldiers under his command, but he is nothing unless he learns to accept that he is not a one-man army. And I understand this is a war I can’t win on my own.To keep things low-key, Tayen and I agreed to only meet when necessary. We put to good use what technology this generation offers. We don’t need to use magic anymore, unlike we did before. But I knew all too well that there’s always a loophole in these advances.She also took it upon herself to tell Jace what he needed to know but kept him in the shadows of who I truly am. It might not stop Jace from searching for the tru
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34|So Wrong
~Rory~I expected Eloisa to slam the door in my face or an earful at the very least. She never liked it when people ghost her, especially me. But the moment she saw me on their doorsteps, she flung her arms around me, holding tight like a koala on a tree.“Rory…” she sobbed, waking me from my stunned state.“Hey.” I wrapped my arms around her trembling form. “What’s wrong?”My worry grew as she continued to sob and held me tight to the point that I was losing air in my lungs.When Eloisa finally calmed down, we sat on the couch in their living room. Crumpled tissue and empty ice cream container studded carpeted floor and coffee table. Eloisa hated baggy clothes, but she was pra
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35|His Flame
~Rory~I followed Elijah out of James’ apartment. He kept a steady two steps ahead of me as we walked to my GMC parked in the visitor’s parking slot of the building.He opened the passenger side for me. I hesitated before hopping inside, confused at his calm demeanor. It’s not that I wanted him to act on his threat about ripping James’ head. I’m grateful, really, but he even apologized for breaking and entering James’ home.With a puffed-out chest, James threw us out of his place and slammed the door in our faces.I should be relieved, but I fear Elijah would explode any minute.He slipped on the driver’s side, started the car, and drove under the speed limit through the lively street
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36|I Can Be Quiet
~Rory~We both remained frozen at the moment, lost in the simplicity yet intensity of our lips joining for the first time.Elijah was first to pull away, gazing at me with fondness in his eyes.I smiled at him; his thumb kept drawing circles on my cheeks. He breathed out as if a huge weight had been lifted off of his chest. Here, in the shadowed light of my room, I noticed his blinding smile. It exhilarated me beyond belief; everything had finally fallen into place.We laughed lightly before our lips met again. It lasted longer than the first time, and our lips moved in perfect sync.Elijah pulled away again, meeting my eyes before angling his face so he could kiss me deeper. He sucked my lower lip, tugging, then my upper one
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~Rory~Aiming to get dressed as fast as humanly possible, I pulled a hoodie and sweatpants on while Elijah fixed an overnight bag for me. I gazed at my reflection in the mirror, seeing a woman I didn’t recognize.This version of me is better than the one I saw while getting dressed this morning.Despite the crazy events that took place this weekend, I look happy, contented.This giddy feeling in my belly caused the stain on my cheeks. My lips, full and swollen from Elijah’s kisses, stretched to a wide grin, but I had to bite it, preventing the girly squeal from tumbling past from my lips.He told me he couldn’t read my thoughts. I’m grateful for that because if he can, he’d probably call me crazy
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38|Gentle Giver
~Rory~I was still gasping for air when Elijah flipped me onto my back, depositing me in the middle of the bed with ease.“Hi.” He smiled, considering me in the dancing light of the fire. Tenderly, he brushed the hair away from my face, laying on his side.As if seeing him in another light for the third time tonight, I run the tip of my shaking fingers over his cheeks. “Hey.”“You’re so beautiful, Cara mia.” At this point, I was positive that my heart would burst from the affection he was showering me. “Bellissima.” The tip of his fingers tantalizingly traipsed down my collarbone. When he reached the middle of my heaving chest, I held my breath as he circled one of my nipples and lowered his mouth onto the other, roll
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39|Once Upon A Time
~Rory~The fire’s crackle descanted in duet with the thumping beat of my heart. My temple pulses, trying to wrap my mind around what had transpired. My sex was overworked, but I am not complaining.Elijah laid beside me. I’m jealous that he didn’t need a minute to gather himself like me.“That was…”“Amazing,” he completed, turning on his side, fingertips tracing my flushed cheeks. “You are amazing, Cara mia.”I turned to face him, reddening at our nudity. “Uhm… so…”His eyes traipsed where his fingertips had been, admiring, ogling. My blush deepened, soaked by his undivided attention.
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