All Chapters of Hellbound: The Last Tribute: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
104 Chapters
69|At His Mercy
~Rory~“Sight,” I replied without hesitation. I figured it was my best option because he had my hand tied on a bed before. And I wanted to see him so badly.Elijah chuckled, standing up to remove my blindfold. My brows creased, eyes adjusting to the light to find him smiling down at me, amusement filtering his face. “What?”He shook his head. “Remember the rules.”I bit my tongue from further questioning him and remained standing. My eyes flitted across the room. Indeed, I was standing on the side of a king-size bed, scattered candles providing warmth, light, and a sensual aroma in the air. The source of the sultry tune was a record player on the side of the bed; beside it was a bottle of wine, a half-filled glass, and another filled w
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70|Fool’s Hope
~Rory~“Again,” I demanded.Elijah chuckled. “Again? I did it three times already.”I nodded, “please?” My eyes were dreamy, and my heart was warm with affection for this man.“Alright,” he conceded.Naked from waist up, hair tousled from our previous coupling, he cradled an acoustic guitar in his lap. His smile was mesmerizing, and the way he bit his lip as he glanced at the strings, strumming and changing keys, made my belly flip.Tonight, I discovered a lot of things about Elijah.One, I love his domineering side in bed more than the gentle giver. Just thinking about what we’d do
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71|When I’m Gone
~Rory~Looking at Jace, holding the steering wheel with one hand, the other clenched into a fist pressed on his lips, elbow resting on the windowpane as we thread the route to Seattle made my stomach twist bitterly.“Stop staring,” Jace groaned, keeping his eyes on the road.It was his schedule to ‘babysit’ me, a joke going around my odd circle of friends lately. Today was Saturday, my day off from work. Eloisa and Gail guilt-tripped me into meeting them for a drink with a couple of our friends. For all I know, they just want insider gossip about my relationship with Elijah.“I can’t help it,” I leaned back in my seat, giving Jace a scrutinizing side eye.Can he blame me? I had known
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72|Untamed Flow
~Rory~“What the hell is Jace doing?” I grumbled under my breath. Blood pumping fast in my veins, I stepped out of the pub.The guys told me that Jace and Paul had an argument with two other fellows in the booth next to us. ‘They are going to settle it like adults,’ were Ethan’s exact words. He was wise not to get in the middle of the situation. Four men in an alley will gather less attention than a larger crowd. I can’t really blame Ethan for trusting Paul. He had done this too many times back when we were together. He knew how to keep things on a low profile, but knowing his true identity sent gooseflesh to rise on my arms and legs.Jace was a wild card. He never does anything without intent, but it was unclear what he wanted to get out of this one.
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~Elijah~“You have been warned.” I could practically hear Jace’s smug voice in my head as I watched Rory step inside her parent’s home.Sadly, I can’t even argue with him. Nolani and Henry, who swore to serve me for eternity, sided with Jace when we were planning this night.I had word from my spy that Greco recently learned of Jace and Paul’s existence and aims to capture one of the twins. Jace would die first before bowing to the dark king, leaving Paul a defenseless prey for Greco’s spy and Tauri.Henry was still digging deeper into how Paul was given to the Lewis family. The Lewis’ had been one of the founding residents of Salvatore Hills. I came across a few of that family’s ancestors. Through time, they’ve
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~Rory~ Lilacs. It hit me like a wind brought by a super typhoon. Someone was watching me from the couch. I couldn’t see in the dark, but like Elijah said, I don’t need my eyes to see what’s around me. A strong current in the air, like static energy, flickers in the dark. Two other individuals are inside this house. One stood right across from me where mom’s beige couch sat, and one was upstairs, right inside my room. The one downstairs wears the static energy. It’s my dad, or who he should be based on his scent and his silhouette that’s becoming visible as my eyes adjust to the darkness. The other’s essence, the one upstairs, glows like a bulb with a day’s life left on it. Fear had my heart galloping wildly inside my che
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75|How Powerful I Am
~Elijah~I should’ve met with Rory’s parents before I started dating her. I’ve seen them from a distance yet felt and saw nothing out of the ordinary. After Rory moved to Salvatore Hills, Tauri must have cloaked himself as Loren Grayson, but the spy… it’s another question I couldn’t put out of my head. How did I not feel his essence or his energy? There were only a few individuals powerful enough to hide from me, and most of them lived inside the castle, never setting foot in the human world.“Where is Loren Grayson?” Nolani asked. Inside the cell was another cage made of steel from the fae world. It was specially made to hold supernatural beings inside. There was a spell binding the cage together, restraining whoever was inside from using any kind of magic. It was once used to hold the untamed wolf spirit warrio
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Hi loves, How are you doing these days? I won't be able to update the story today. A lot is going on in my personal life these days. One is that I'm moving out of my current residence, which is taking too much of my time and energy. I apologize for the delay, but I aim to finish Elijah and Rory's story this month. If not, the longest would be the first week of May. Thank you for understanding. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 4.19.22
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76|In Sapiro
~Rory~I agreed to Andrew’s bargain - it felt strange to address him as my father anymore. Even trusting his words was formidable.He understood my inhibitions.He put the barrier around the house down so Ali could walk through. I watched Ali take Tala’s limp human body out of my room. We exchanged a few words, and I told him I’d be fine, to tell Elijah I could handle myself, and this was my way of fulfilling my promise to Tala.Ali was hesitant to leave me behind, but Tala’s essence was fading fast. She looked like the woman in my dream, but in her worse state. Her eyes were half-open; green eyes were like leaves deprived of sunlight for weeks, drained of their natural glow. Her skin was wilted from being soaked in water for a long time. I rememb
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77|Wolf’s Cry
~Rory~There was no reason for me to feel any kind of resentment for Elijah about his past. He was two thousand years ahead of me. He didn’t spend it waiting for me as much as I didn’t spend my twenty-four years waiting for him to come and sweep me off of my feet. Yet I can’t push aside the pang of seeing him reach for another woman’s waist with my naked eyes.They disappeared through the crowd. Elijah took the woman to the narrow path on the side of the street.This is probably what Andrew aimed at taking me back in time, to break whatever bond Elijah and I have by toying with my emotions. Rationally, I shouldn’t follow Elijah. I shouldn’t subject myself to more jealousy when I know in my heart that Elijah loves me wholeheartedly. My feet had a mind of their own, though.
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