All Chapters of Hunter and the Hybrid princess: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
120 Chapters
The girl became a monster
Digging deep into the bare holes of her soul the compulsion worked on triggers, what she wanted most in life, her pain, the suffering, and what she has lost that meant dear.Rebecca stood in one spot shaking as the voice conjured deep hate from her.'Your life was ruined, your joy taken away, what hopes of the future do you have young princess?'"I..." She tried answering, but the voice came with hands, she did not see them but they grabbed the memories like physical objects and drew them in front of her.'Villa was killed... Your mother was killed... Your father imprisoned you...'"Stop!" She yelled holding her head.'No, don't fight it, deep in you you have a flame of vengeance burning, it needs fuel'"I don't want..."'Stop lying to yourself! You have insulted yourself, others have insulted you, underestimated you! You are Princess Vladimir Tamaska, the first Royal Hybrid, take your throne! Show those who smeered mud in your face who you re
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Pure joy
"So you're the infamous assassins I heard so much of?" Danté asked still standing with his wings well hidden.Jane and Duke didn't like his method of stance, they saw he was attempting to hide something."Come quietly Danté, we mean you no harm as long as you cooperate" Duke said.Danté watched the two closely, he was still uncertain of himself, a world has opened up filled with colors and lines, lines lead to things he has yet to discover and the clouds of light around people told him more, more than just reading someone's body language.He looked at Jane, her cloud a murky grey, his new instincts told him she was uncertain, that was obvious in her body's posture, legs slightly widened to be ready at the drop of a dime, and hand forward as insurance should she need to defend herself.But if he could read her uncomfort with merely seeing her, what's with that cloud around her, Duke has one too, its situated around their hearts.Mayb
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The first werewolves?
"Cradle of man kind?" Danté asked."Yes, years back archeologists discovered skeletons in a cave, they presumed these where of the first humans on the African continent, but, when Vlad asked the knights of the round table to do everything in their might to prevent her from rising again, someone had the initiative to keep the skull until a suitable hiding spot could be found""And?" Danté asked."Mrs Ples, that's the name of the skull currently on display at the Ditsong national museum of history in Pretoria, but little does everyone know that skull is actually the one of Rachel, swapped out when no one was looking"Jane typed in the details and found the pictures on the web "This?" She asked holding a photo clearly taken of this scull inside a glass case."That's the one"Jane looked at Duke "What do you think?""Its obviously the perfect hiding place, but just to be sure, I suggest we go burn it, crush it, whatever it takes" he said.
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She's helping Hannah
"Skyler, you must go after Rebecca, she must be stopped!" Asena said rolling her shoulders and sizing up Sebastian who got up from his fell position.Skyler stood in awe over her at first, double her length but covered in fur, not fully werewolf but halfway there at least."How did you?""There's no time Skyler! Go after Rebecca! She must not reach Svalbard!" Asena said and moved.Sebastian wanted to take Skyler down but Asena was too fast for him now, she tackled him to the ground and pinned him.Skyler hesitated."Go!""But what about you!?""I'll be fine!""Promise me!"Asena looked up at her worried face."I promise"Skyler took a step back, giving Asena in that form one last good look, then darted out and took off.Sebastian kicked Asena from him but before she could clear his personal space her claw slammed into his kicking leg, she roared swinging him over and with the momentum she built from his kick she slamme
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Would you kiss your death?
"Amber has a broken neck, but she's still alive, Rebecca doesn't want to talk to you" Raphael said."Did she... Did she bring the limbs to Hannah?" Danté asked."Yes she did"He clenched his fist, what on earth has bevel Rebecca!? Why would she!?"Very well, I know the location of the head, I'll let you know once I have it""We're at the Velvitali castle" Raphael said and put the phone down."Kane caught your assassins?" Hannah asked."He made a grave mistake though" he said typing on his phone "That computer tablet Jane uses has a tracker in, I can go get that head""Let me!" Rebecca said stepping forward "I'll go get it, and kill Kane whilst I'm at it""I still need his blood!" Hannah said."Then I will bring some"Raphael handed her the phone, showing the location of Jane, and a tracking system that will guide her there."Give me a day" Rebecca said and left the dungeons.Outside she gave the tracker a glance, chose her direction then flew o
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Ripping at my life
Lynette watched Danté drop to the ground, his body giving one last shake before it went still, tears rolled down her cheeks as she realized her last hope just died with him.Rebecca stood watching his heart in her hand, it as well gave a few involuntary quivers before it stopped its final beat, deep in her she felt a sadness roll over, thinking it would have made her feel better... But now both her mothers gone, her father wanted nothing of her, and Danté, the one man she came to love, lied dead at her feet, his blood on her hands.She sighed trying her best to push away that feeling, a new world as a hybrid opened up thanks to Rachel, and even though it wasn't her own feeling, the compulsion made her want Rachel to rise.There was a thud behind her and she turned, Sebastian walked over and held a flask up "Don't forget the blood"She held the heart up and dripped the blood in, Sebastian then closed it and held it to her."And the sk
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What I can do, what I want to do
"What will you do from here on? Rebecca has your blood and the skull, Rachel is moments away from being revived" Lynette said.Danté looked at her, then brushed over the scar Rebecca gave him, that moment her hand clasped his heart he felt everything, all her sorrow and pain.Two mothers lost, her life upside down thanks to the Silver cross... Danté felt no hate towards him, it was merely a misperception caused by that compulsion.Then her father, slamming her in a cage... Rebecca was hurt, she only wanted a family, she wanted a normal life, it was a feeling she has hit to the world, a secret she has kept, Villa Du Bois has given her something like it, but that's all in the past.He looked into the sky, the stars sparkled their shimmering light down millions of miles away, lines drawn between them as guides, a compass to those who know what to look for."There is the thing I can do, and then there is the thing I want to do" he said looking down
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Asena came in and embraced Tala "I can't believe you got killed"Tala laughed "That sounded odd, considering you can't say that to a person who is alive"The two parted and looked at Danté."Thank you" Tala said "I had so many things I still wanted to do""I know, I felt it in your soul adrift, my Queen, do you know where Vlad is buried?"Tala frowned "Yes, why?""I need him""Can you bring him back? He ashed up?"Danté knew he ashed Lynette up, and if Guinevere could do it, so could he."Leave it to me"She looked at Asena, clearly worried."Please my Queen, we need to go, Asena, I want you and these three men to head to Svalbard, if Rachel rises I need her to stay there, and not fly off to go kill any innocent person"Asena nodded "I have just one question""Yes?""I've heard, even seen the fey's ability to return life to a dead one, but it comes at a great cost"Danté knew it, the ulti
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If it wasn't for Asena
Vlad stood up and looked at Danté, then at Victor and Mishka, the only two who seemed on edge about him being out of that grave."Who brought me back?" He asked."I did" Danté said."You don't seem to fear me..." Vlad said looking around "I gather that wolf is still alive?""And she's Queen" "Blasphemy""Is it? Human..." Danté mocked him."Human!?" He yelled feeling is neck "How!?""It's my gift, and I brought you back because Rachel is also being revived"Vlad shook "Rachel!?""I want you to help me stop her""You idiot! Rachel has lost her mind! She is not sane! I cannot stop her, not now that I'm a human!""I need you only to calm her, leave the rest to me" Danté said."Futile, you will die, she will probably kill me too""Will she?"Vlad glared at Danté."Did she love you?""She... Did""Do you love her?""Make no mistake about that!""Then
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She must not pass
It started with the thrashing during her sleep, then the deranged demeanor, wanting more and more blood every day, Vlad knew it wasn't wise for Rachel to have some of Asena's blood, but what could he do? He loved Rachel enough to allow her that exquisite taste.She started isolating herself from Vlad, not even spending much time with Victor, the boy realized this, he noticed his mother changed since she had Asena's blood.Hannah was standing outside the door of their room one night listening to them fight, she heard her father's good intentions by trying to help her, but Rachel wanted nothing of it.She quickly stepped aside when the footsteps came to the door and it burst open, Vlad came out and saw her worried face."Be at ease my child, she will be better soon""Yes pappa" she said and he left.She watched him vanish around a corner then looked at the door, she slowly opened it and found Rachel on her bed again, her back to the door."Mamma?" Sh
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