All Chapters of Billionaire's Accidental Wife: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
169 Chapters
Chapter 71
  Seven hours later, Shawn stepped out of the cafe holding what Catherine assumed was a cup of coffee.  After Shawn gave the shooter to the police officer, the man took a gun and killed himself. Then, Shawn and Catherine drove to Gretna Green village and found out that they too had had a similar accident, and the people were on edge, as they rested in the cafe in front of the wreckage after Dr. Lanna Roundwater left them. They had a conversation earlier, and the piece of the tablet was given to Shawn, and now they were both relentless about what to do about it.  Their nerves were still tingling from the shocks. Now they know
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Chapter 72
Warning Rated SPG      "I think you two need to rest first. Both of you looked dead anyway. I have a guest room. Feel free to use it, and after dinner, we shall visit the orphanage." Doctor Lanna garbled and gestured to the guest room. They nodded and were grateful for the hospitality. "Thank you, doctor."   "No worries, dear. You two are always welcome"   As they close the door, Shawn kisses Catherine, "Shawn wait…" "I can't wait any more…" "We are supposed to be resting, sleeping…" "But I miss you already," Shawn added with a kiss.
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Chapter 73
Warning Rated SPG 18+ She slid onto the bed, not allowing their warm, naked bodies to touch in any way. She smiled at him. Knowing full well, Shawn was on the edge of his desire. Raising herself onto all fours, she let herself sway above him, and then, softly, she murmured, "So, husband? You may only use one hand.Nothing else." With a groan that sounded as if it were torn from his throat, he reached for her, his hand large enough to clasp her whole breast. "Wife, you are clearly enjoying this torture. Please," he gasped, his body jerking as he squeezed her. "Please? Both hands?" he pleaded. She couldn’t deny him. That one natural warm touch was curtailing her to pure passion, and even as she expected to put forth her power over him, she couldn’t say no. She bobbled her head with a small moan, because she could ha
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Chapter 74
    After dinner, the three prepared for a long drive to the orphanage.   Winter was knocking on the door, and the temperature had plummeted to the point where going outside in short sleeves was out of the question.   "Doctor, are you sure you're coming with us?" Shawn asked.   The old doctor nodded. "I may as well come along. It’s what Anthony would have wanted." "That’s the spirit," Catherine chimed in. Shawn lifted his backpack off the floor by the door and slung it over his shoulder. Catherine grabbed his tablet and phone as well and waited for their host. Doctor Lanna disappeared int
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Chapter 75
    "Now, Dave, this is how it is going to work. See, I have been drugging you for days now, and until you won't succumb to my request, I won't stop. And your girlfriend will suffer the consequences, understood?" "How would I know where to find Shawn and this key? I didn't even know such a key existed. If you want a damn key, I have a fucking dozen keys in my apartment. Do whatever you like. If you must, pawn it! Jesus!"   An extraordinary slap followed. "Fuck!"   Alfonso whirled the enormous desk like a big feline sizing up his quarry. "You are telling me that you do not know where your sister is?" H
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Chapter 76
    Three hours later, Doctor Lanna, Catherine, and Shawn were seated in the old doctor's white SUV as it eased into a parking spot in front of the orphanage administration officer’s house just next to the massive old building of Julia and Mason Orphanage. The three got out and looked around; the neighbourhood was completely lifeless. After all, it was almost nine in the evening, save for the stereotypical random dog barking in the distance. Even for a Friday, it was unusually inactive.   "The children must be asleep now." The doctor murmured as if answering his silent questions. Shawn supposed the outrageous late-night board games would have to wait for the weekend for the administrator and her family. It was not a life he’d been interested in pursuing, but with Catherine, he might want to
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Chapter 77
  "This is a very charming residence you have here, Sir."  Catherine broke the proverbial ice with her ambiguous compliment.  "Thank you, dear." The old man’s smile was sincere. "I and my wife appreciated all religions and cultures and appreciated each one’s contributions to the world." He drifted off in thought, then returned from his office, where he took the number of his precinct officer's contact. "Here, this is the calling card of my dear friend. Sgt. Vasquez." "Thank you, sir," Shawn replied as he held the card. "I agree with my wife, sir, you have a very interesting residence here. It would be a shame if you closed this orphanage." "I know, Mr. Richmond." He sighed and added, "To some, this decoration might be confusing, but I believe that we all came from one place in history and t
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Chapter 78
  "What theory are we talking about here?" Catherine asked. The old man answered, "Well...he believed that there was one God, but he wasn't sure which one though. Don't ask me. I shared his sentiments. This is where the search for the Buddha started. He believes that there is something inside the statue that may answer his questions. I thought he had given it up. I never thought he was still obsessed with it." "So he is monotheism," Shawn said with a nod and went to see the nearby statues and deities.  "What is that?" Catherine asked and followed Shawn's gaze. "Monotheism is simply defined as the belief in one god and is usually positioned as the polar opposite of polytheism, which is the belief in many gods."
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Chapter 79
"You know what? I think this is just an ordinary rune symbol. Let me see it on your tablet. We can perhaps decipher this." Catherine said after she held the tablet when Shawn had given up looking for something. "I think you're right." Shawn spun the chair at the desk around and plopped down while she perused the pages as she paced the small room. Catherine had only begun to pace back from the window in the room when, suddenly, she stopped. Lifting her head, she smiled at Shawn. "This is just a simple conversation. This is futhark." "What?" Shawn asked and went to her side as she read. "Futhark was a Scandinavian runic alphabet that evolved from the Younger Futhark after the introduction of stung (or dotted) runes at the end of the Viking Age. These stung runes were regular runes with the addition of either a dot diacritic or bar diacritic to indicate that the rune stood for one of its secondary sounds (so an i rune could become an e rune or a j rune when stung). "Makes sense, it w
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Chapter 80
    Warning Rated PG   Shawn finished examining the map of Warsaw, Poland, still puzzled. Poland? Jesus, grandad! Warsaw was big enough, but that was all the old man managed to give? This was unlike his grandfather. He was a detailed man. Yes, he loved this sort of game, but it was never this puzzling or tough for him to not even be able to decipher the place. He set the paper down respectfully on the desk when Catherine managed to pull off some of the conversion of runes, and it gave them more confusion.   Her jewel will signify your guidance and that of the boats of bliss, the darkness, and the wings will lead the way on your voyage home. I am the key. My holy bones lie. Make every stride natural and loosen the pits, for they sha
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