Tous les chapitres de : Chapitre 31 - Chapitre 40
Chapter 31
The ritual part 3Moriah The sweat ran down my face. I don't know what triggered such a reaction in my body. I just wanted it to end. When I considered this, I felt like my limbs were being stretched to the maximum by the thorny branches that held me. “Arrr!”While fighting the force, I felt a presence that stunned me. A terrifying figure was walking towards me, my body froze, I was struggling to breathe, the thorns that held me moved vigorously around me, welcoming him.He stopped in front of me, I stared at him, I couldn't blink, he didn't look away either; he looked at me with such intensity that it was alarming. I had the sensation that the air wasn't getting into my lungs, I felt like I was drowning. My vision became blurred, and I kept seeing this morbid being stand
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Chapter 32
The QueenMoriah “More, more,” I yelled desperately, like an addict demanding the next dose. “Armaloth, more, give me more.” He smirked wickedly, dumping the rest of his load on me, pushing it deeper. My body was experiencing the heights of delight, so I closed my eyes to be able to feel how high my mind was. Armaloth kept unloading his seeds, and it seemed that there was no end. He held me by the head again with his hands and kissed me deeply.I kissed him in response. The pleasure he had given me was so much that all the previous suffering had remained in the past. Our tongues were tangled with each other, I still felt his fangs ripping and piercing my skin with each kiss, but I didn't care, I felt in the clouds.
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Chapter 33
The catacombs Moriah My husband placed his hand on my head, then bent down and lifted me into his arms. I rested my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes, and breathing deeply into his neck to absorb his essence. Simply being next to him caused my heart to pound and my stomach to shudder. I could feel his immense strength centred around me, my husband. I opened my eyes and saw his face. Furthermore, I was so engrossed in him that I wanted to jot down every little detail in my mind. Then he lowered his head and looked at me, and without taking his eyes off me, we disappeared into the darkness. I felt my body being sucked into nothingness, my head spinning incessantly, making me close my eyes. But when I opened them again, we were in a completely different place. I was nervous about this, f
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Chapter 34
The forest Moriah   The man in front of me was Armaloth, my husband, who I had forgotten about until now. With my mouth open, I watched him. What could he want now, why come here, in my forest? “Moriah, my wife, I have come for you, it is time for you to return to me.” I narrowed my eyes to what he said, why now? After getting up from the ground, I stayed in the same place. His gaze was firmly fixed on me, but I was just figuring out what to say next. My husband was looking at me with his eyes lit up like magma emerging from a volcano as he realized I did not want to return to him. “My husband, I want to stay here. It's a beautiful place.” After saying that, I turned my back on him and started to walk. Back to my beautiful life here. But a terrifying sou
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Chapter 35
Destroy themArmaloth After leaving my wife asleep in our chambers, I made my way to the throne chamber. Now that Moriah is safe and out of harm's way, it's time to deal with the clans once and for all.My mind went over and over again to what the Dragon Demon told me, the clans were organized, all against me. Forming a council, what did the Dragon call them? Ah! Yes, “The Council of Seven” is pathetic. And with the queen in power, let's just say they might have the upper hand over me, in case I didn't know, but Oh! Surprise, I know. Those damn traitors won't know what hit them when I'm done with them. And as for my queen, let's just say, her reign will be very short. For now, I will gather the demons I need to put an end to this.
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Chapter 36
The crown protects her Armaloth   Sadly, Persephone's crown protects her from me. It is the symbol that identifies her as the beloved of the king of the underworld. However, I had seen through the ghoulish plans of my enemies. It was brilliant, just brilliant. At the moment, I cannot attack her. I need a compelling pretext to get the crown to abandon her. Everything will happen in time; I can only be patient. As Drickblood strode towards me, her steps were powerful and determined. This demon has grown so much in power that it would be fair to say that if she faces me in a battle, she would cause me some trouble. Therefore, I need to end her as soon as possible. Lean my head against the back of my throne, and silently wait for her to speak. "My dear king,
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Chapter 37
Thinking about the humanArmaloth I watched her carefully as I leaned on my elbows, my desire to have her surpassing my reason. As I approached her mouth, I bit her passionately, drawing blood, Mm!! Moriah's tasty blood, Moriah Mm! The human occupied my thoughts and I did not understand why.I decided at that moment to forget everything and take my queen again. We did not leave the throne chamber for a long time. When we finished, I stood up and offered her my hand. She took it confidently and got up from the floor.I held her hand tight as we transferred to the catacombs. I saw the human in the distance once the cloud of smoke had dispersed. She was curled up, her eyes were red, and her skin looked pale. I do not remember seeing her like this before I left
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Chapter 38
I'm going to die hereMoriah I've been here for days, or so I think. I don't really know how long it's been since Armaloth confined me to his catacombs. Not only that but I'm chained to a wall, like a wild animal. My neck is shackled with a metal chain that is hooked to the wall. It is so short that I can hardly lie on the floor to sleep without hanging myself.My feet and hands are chained too, and my body is not good. I have a lot of pain in my stomach. From the first day that I felt a pain piercing my insides until today, it has not stopped. All the time it is present, the only moment it stops is when the king is resting. And I am having a hard time recovering from the damage they are inflicting on me.I feel very sick, my body starts to feel hungry and there is nothing I can do, no one has fed me in all this time. The times when
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Chapter 39
They laugh at my sufferingMoriah The king and queen materialized as always, and they were doing something or other. After a while, I felt the king approach me. Despite everything, I could still feel the connection we once shared. It was almost imperceptible, but it was still there.I didn't open my eyes, even if I wanted to, because it was a lot of work. So I stayed put without moving, doing nothing, until he spoke, "Human, get up." Since I could not answer him, he kicked me several times.He kicked me so hard that I ended up several meters away. And then I heard his footsteps approaching, then he grabbed my hair and lifted me into the air. The pain in my body resumed, and only a small moan left my lips. I opened my eyes as best I could. Although my vision
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Chapter 40
Its a horseMoriah The blows continued to rain on me, some struck several times in the same place. It seemed that they took turns between them, my crying did not reach their deaf ears. No one had mercy on me, my strength was leaving me again. I could no longer distinguish what was happening anymore.  I only felt the pain in my back, blood began to come out of the wounds. Not only that, but I could see how it dripped through my legs, and they ended up being absorbed by the dirt.I also felt blows on my head, a lash reached my cheek, breaking my skin. There was no place that was not marked now. My voice ended, I had nothing else to scream, my tears also ended, I had to close my eyes to wait for everything to end.In the distance, I heard a shout saying,
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