All Chapters of No, I won't let go of my Alpha: Fighting for what is mine. : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
98 Chapters
Charter 81
Monica Brid   I rolled out from under the truck and stopped immediately. Like a gazelle, I ran until I reached the metal door that Han had told me about. My heart was beating wildly. I flattened myself against the wall to try to be less visible. A few seconds later, I looked at the door handle. I took it with trembling hands and turned it over. It opened with a click. With wide eyes, I contemplated it for a second. Then I opened the door slowly
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Chapter 82
The nursery Brid   This was the laundry room. There were washing machines and areas for handwashing. Four women were fixing clothes that were coming out of one of the washing machines. We crossed the place until we reached another door that was at the end of the laundry room. As we crossed it, the smell of children filled my nostrils. We were approaching a place where they had several children concentrated. It was obvious from the smell. We climbed some stairs until we reached the place. The door had a window through which you could see inside. Monica pointed her finger at me telling me to peek out. As I did, I saw through the glass that it was some kind of nursery. I counted about twenty children. They were being guarded by a guard and two women who were attending to them. “This is the place where they put children that are ready to be sold
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Chapter 83
Be careful Han Brid   The knife that was hiding in my hand, was buried in his neck below his ear. The man had no time to do anything. His eyes widened and glazed over. A stream of blood began to drain from the wound disappearing between his clothes. His eyes slowly closed. Until his body froze in the same position he was in. Behind me, I heard a moan. I turned around immediately, and one of the women had her mouth covered with her own hand. The other was looking at the man with hatred.“Can you keep these kids safe?" I signalled for Monica and Karla to come inside. They did not take their eyes off the corpse that was in the middle of the room. “Monica, I need
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Chapter 84
The she-wolves Brid   “Karla, where is the button that opens the cells? We have to move fast." Apparently, Karl woke up from the trance she was in because she blinked several times. She quickly went to a panel on the wall and pressed a series of buttons. The lights on the buttons changed from red to green. And at that moment I knew that the cells were opened. I saw her smiling with tears in her eyes. I took her by the hand and pulled her towards the door. We had no time to lose. As we ran out of the office, I told Karla. "Take me where the she-wolves are." Without answering me, she kept runn
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Chapter 85
Where is my girl?Brid Looking at Han, I saw him getting up with a lot of effort. I ran to help him. “Han are you okay? You can walk?" I checked every single part of his body thinking he had been shot. But I didn't see any blood. He lifted his face and gave me a small smile. That calms me down a bit. Then he said. “There is no time to lose Brid, we have to evacuate everyone. The main gate is not open. We cannot go out through the service door. There are many of us, and we can run the risk of crushing the children.” The gate is not open? What to do? What to do? Han was right. We couldn't risk a stampede. We needed space. “Han, arrange the women in group ten. The woman will be in charge of her own children. Get as far away from the gate as possible and tell them to cover their ears. Hur
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Chapter 86
My mate is here Brid “Pa. I knew that. I told you, remember? You are very strong and intelligent. I never doubted it. You and Brid.”Hearing my name in her voice warmed my heart. “It won't be long, little one. Don't come out until we pick you up. Do you understand Mary?” "Yes, Pa. I can't wait to see Ma. Don't be long." Han turned his gaze to me. His eyes were teary. But his smile said it all. “Thank you, Brid. I will never forget what you have done for us. Never." I smiled at him wiping my own tears. "It's time to go home," I told. He nodded his head and turned his back on me, addressing the women. “Be very careful when you go out. Carry the children. Don't let them out of your sight. And pregnant women, be careful with the pieces of rocks on the way. We have to leave this place as soon as possible. Once outside, we will meet on the plain in front of this place. Hurry up.” And just as Han pointed out, the women took their little ones and began to rush out of this hell. In the di
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Chapter 87
We have to get everyone out of here Kael   My heart was jumping in my chest. The fear that was squeezing my soul seeing that human point the gun at my mate began to fade. I was still in shock from everything I was seeing around me. Damn! Brid has a lot of explaining to do. My mate's eyes were looking at me with fear. Wind was showing his authority and power without anyone being able to stop him. I backed him. Brid will have to pay for this. It didn't matter what the cause was. S**t! S**t! I could see from Brid's expression that my fingers were pressing into her neck painfully. I reduced the force slightly, but I kept possession of her body. Brid and Leaf were cowering, but I also saw the disbe
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Chapter 89
What is this feeling? Brid Kael hasn't taken his eyes off me since he found us escaping from the compound. But that is not all. There's something he and Wind are doing that's getting to my bones. The vibrations that his purr is generating in me, are doing something inside me. It's like Leaf and I are drifting apart, and she's taking the place of being aware. It gives me chills. Every time I make the mistake of looking Kael in the eye, I only see Wind. My Alpha is terrible, and worst of all, his fury is directed at us. Leaf is completely in a state of submission. I haven't been able to talk to her. It's as if Wind has forbidden her to communicate with me. I only hear her whimpering every time Wind makes a sound or growls. What is he doing? I had never heard of such a thing. I get the impression that Wind is punishing us by separating us. Like Kael forbade me to speak, and I obeyed him, Wind is doing the same to her. This cannot be possible, she is mine. She lives in me. Leaf is part
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Chapter 90
From a distantBrid Kael took me by the shoulders and I turned to face him. His expression was serene. He seemed to know what he was doing. Kael flipped my hair back off my shoulders and began removing my clothes. Naked in front of him, he ran his finger gently down the length of my neck. Until he reached the scar that Wind left when he marked me. It is exactly on the ridge between my shoulder and neck. The feeling was magical, and at that moment I just felt. There was nothing else on me but his fingers. Kael lowered his head, directing his mouth towards the mark. His tongue moved up and down, and when he touched my mating mark with his tongue, my body convulsed with pleasure. My head jerked back withou
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