All Chapters of The Sigma's Reluctant Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
204 Chapters
Chapter 131
I’m vaguely aware of Keller coming in and putting a sandwich in my hands. I may have even eaten a few bites, but I can’t remember for sure. The words move from the computer screen into my brain and nestle in, making themselves comfortable until it feels like my head is full of alphabet soup. My eyes are dry and itchy from staring at the computer for so long. I save my documents and lean back in the chair to rub my eyes. The clock behind the whiteboards says it’s four-thirty. I take time to stop and look out the window for a moment. The snow in the dying light of the day makes me smile. Serene and quiet. It's a beautiful sight. How is this my life? I thought it would take years to prove myself in scientific circles to work independently on a project. Let alone one that helps me. What would Mom and Dad think if they could see me now? I think back to my last conversation with Mom. She said she and Dad had orders from Alpha Williams. Were they just following orders my whole life, or did
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Chapter 132
Sometimes, I lose track of time, but Keller keeps me grounded. I swear he can sense when I’m getting frustrated. He comes into the office and pulls me away from work, so I don’t get burnt out. I’m so grateful to have him. He wipes my tears and pulls all the pens out of my bun. I don’t even remember putting them there. Sometimes I think he knows me better than I know myself. He never complains, and he never gets mad at me anymore. Sometimes I swear I can hear voices coming from the nursery. Keller can’t hear them. He checks every time I tell him someone is in there, but the room is always empty. He even had Phil come over to make sure there were no hidden cameras or speakers or anything in there that could make the noises. They found nothing. I don’t think they believe me. Sometimes, I lose track of what I’m doing. It doesn’t bother me that much, but I think it scares everyone else. One night, Amy and Phil came to hang out with me while Keller was working. I showed Phil how far I ha
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Chapter 133
I hand him the tablet and pull him up. “I don’t get my first paycheck from Dad until next week, and I knew you would get upset if I used my savings to buy you something.” “You’re right. I would get upset. Did you make me something?” His sweet smile makes me blush. “I was thinking we could make something together.” I turn toward him and hook my fingers on the edge of his pockets. “A little… artistic project?” “Artistic project?” A mix of confusion and mischief crosses his face. “What kind of art were you thinking? I’m not very creative, Zara.” “I’ve seen your directing capabilities.” I motion my head to the tablet. “It’s not too bad.” “You… watched those videos?” He suddenly looks pale. “Keller, please don’t be mad. I was curious to see what you were so worried about.” I smirk and slide my hands under his shirt, letting the sparks of our mate bond flow. “Besides, you just deleted everything. Seems like a perfect time to start a new collection. No?” He stops walking. There is no
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Chapter 134
I wake up to Keller’s rosemary and basil scent, close to my nose. He has one arm under my head as a pillow, bent at the elbow so his hand is covering my breast. His other arm is around my waist, with his hand tucked between my hip and the mattress. Another deep breath lets me know we’re the only ones in the room. I open my eyes and look around to confirm, but Jasper is gone. Thank the Goddess. It would be really awkward if he was still here. I lay my head back onto my mate’s arm and stretch with an enormous yawn. My movements rouse Keller from his sleep, making him tighten his arms around me. As he pulls me against his body, I can feel him already hard against my ass. I arch my back to tease him. “Good morning, Zara Zhade. Happy Solstice.” His voice is scratchy from sleep. He kisses my shoulder and nuzzles his nose into my hair. “How did you sleep?” “Mmm, happy Solstice, Keller. I slept really well.” I raise my hand up and play with his hair. “Mmm… if you keep pushing your ass on
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Chapter 135
Estelle sits on the edge of the tub next to Keller and plops her medical bag on the floor. She has Keller pull away the towel. Her face turns into a quick cringe, then she takes the towel from Keller so he can get me a robe. While we wait, she holds the towel against the wounds again. “It will take a few stitches, Baby Girl. Do you remember what happened?” She is speaking to me, but focusing on her medical bag once I’m wrapped in my fluffy gray robe. She pulls out a needle filled with a slightly yellow liquid and lays it on the counter. Next, she pulls out a pouch that is paper on one side and plastic on the other. There is a curved needle and wire inside. When she has everything set up, she looks back at me intently, waiting for my answer so she can start working on my face. “I-I was washing my face and then I heard whispers? And then they got mad at me and started yelling, so I told them to stop. Doctor Khe told me not to believe any voices in my mind except for Lavender. That’s w
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Chapter 136
Keller gets in the shower and helps me wash up. He holds me when I break down and cry again. He shields my face from the water and rocks me in his arms, reassuring and soothing me until I’m able to calm down. He uses a damp washcloth to wipe any remaining blood off my face and neck.When he’s sure I’m clean, he wraps me in a fresh towel. He wraps one around his waist and leads me out to the bedroom. “Zara, I have a question. I’m not trying to call you out or anything like that and it’s not very good timing, but this is important.” He sits on the bed and holds my hands in his.“What’s wrong?” I don’t know if I can take much more right now.“Zara, this is far and away Mom’s favorite holiday.” He looks up at me and brings my fingers to his lips to kiss them lightly. “She is definitely going to ask what we got each other for Solstice. What do you want me to tell her you got me? I never want to lie to her, but I don’t think the truth will cut it here.”My mouth opens and closes, but no wo
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Chapter 137
“Zara, what the Hell happened to your face?” Mom gasps when I walk in the door. She grabs me by both shoulders and stares at me with panic in her eyes. “Keller, what the Hell?! What did you do?!”“Mom, it’s okay, I-”Before I can explain, Dad rushes past us and slams Keller into the wall next to the door. I hear Keller get the wind knocked out of him before I can turn around. Avalanche growls deeply, making the whole room rumble. “What did you do to her?”“Papa M! No! You’re hurting him!” Jasper yells. There’s a scuffling sound behind me as Sam and Estelle try to push Dad off of Keller, too.“Dad, no! Avalanche stop please! It wasn’t Keller!” I squirm out of Mom’s grip and push myself between Dad and Keller. “STOP! Avalanche! Please let me explain! Don’t hurt my mate. Please!”I feel Dad’s posture soften when he realizes I could get hurt in the fray. He lets go of Keller, who falls to the ground coughing and choking. Estelle and Sam drop to the ground to help him while Jasper stands b
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Chapter 138
“Zara, it’s safer to shift in the field, but if you want to go into the treeline, that’s fine too. Rocky is going to stay with you unless Lavender outruns him.” Keller hands his coat to Jasper and unties his shoes. “Lily and Avalanche are going to run interference in case Lavender tries to come at Estelle and the guys.” Mom and Dad strip down and make their way toward the middle of the field, hand in hand, to shift. There is about a foot of snow on the ground, making it a little more difficult, but it doesn’t seem to bother them too much. I look back at my friends and think about it for a moment. Jasper and Sam look really uncomfortable, trying to avoid looking at Keller’s parents naked. “Sorry, Sam, but you’re the only one here who hasn’t seen me with no clothes before. Today is going to be the first.” I give him a sympathetic grin and take off my coat. “Uh, it’s okay as long as Mom and Dad don’t react the way they did to Jas.” He rubs his hands together, trying to stay warm. “Th
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Chapter 139
“So it doesn’t bother you to work for werewolves? You’re not afraid?” I ask curiously, watching Estelle draw blood from Jasper’s arm. “Most of the time, no. Sometimes Phil can be a bit intimidating, but I know he won’t hurt me,” Estelle waves off the notion, “Keller’s brothers, though. That’s another story. Fortunately, they don’t have a lot of reason to come into the lab.” “Oh. Yeah. Amy told me they don’t pay attention to pack news, so they don’t know the trials were about Keller and me, but I think they know…” I frown, hoping it’s not true. “When I went for dinner, I’m sure Jensen knew he recognized me because he chased Lavender when we were in heat.” “I don’t think either of them is smart enough to figure it out. Alright, Jasper, do you need a lollipop like Keller, or are you good?” She motions to Keller, who is sitting in a chair, looking pale and clammy. “No, I’m good. Keller is going to take me upstairs so we can talk to Papa M about work.” He pulls his sleeve down and cla
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Chapter 140
“How the Hell did she have access to the detox cells, anyway?” I hear Keller whisper, “Her key card shouldn’t have worked on that door.” “I-I don’t know, Keller. She should only have access to the lab and storage areas.” A woman’s voice responds on a speakerphone. “I’ll get it figured out right away.” “Not a word to my father until then. He’ll have all of our heads if he finds out.” He growls. I try to focus on the conversation, but my head feels like there is an elephant sitting on it. I groan and roll over to get relief from the sensation. “Lavender? Are you okay?” I search my mind for my wolf. “Who were those girls, Zara?” Lavender whines. “Why are they prisoners?” “Zara? Can you hear me?” Keller interrupts before I can respond, sounding closer now. He takes my hand and kisses it softly. The flow of our mate bond dulls the heavy sensation in my head, and I’m able to open my eyes slowly. Keller is sitting next to the gurney I’m lying on. It looks like we are in an examining ro
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