All Chapters of The lost hybrid: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
552 Chapters
Deciding to shower before we start watching a movie I grab some clothes and head into the bathroom. My head is still filled with the idea that both Dante and his mother could be right and that I am his destined mate. Dante told me once that I was his and his mother had hinted at it but until my birthday tomorrow it is hard to believe. Still, until the mating process has been completed I am nobody's mate anyways.While washing my hair I decide that I would like to get to know Dante a little better in case I am his mate. I mean, we barely know each other and I have heard that once you find your mate you don't spend that much time at first talking, if you know what I mean. If there is any chance that he is, in fact, my mate this would be an ideal time to get to know him as well. After I get dressed, I head downstairs to the smell of fresh pizza with the opening credits of The Lion King playing. Grinning, I look at Dante who is waiting by the food and say, "I didn't
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I wake up to this delicious scent. It reminds me of my mother's cinnamon rolls fresh out of the oven. I leave my bedroom and walk downstairs without even looking at my hair or my pajamas. The smell is divine so I follow it in a daze. As I enter the kitchen I see Dante in there and oh my goodness, it is cinnamon rolls! He even made bacon to go with them. Then, just as I get ready to attack the cinnamon goodness, another scent hits me. It went along with the cinnamon rolls so well that at first I did not notice it. It has a slight vanilla and cinnamon swirl smell, kind of similar to a snickerdoodle cookie. As soon as I register this scent, I look up at Dante with my eyes wide. The smell is coming from him! This is absolutely amazing!Not being able to control myself, I leap at him. He catches me, chuckling. "I warned you that you are my mate. I can't believe it took you this long to notice.""Is that why you smell so amazing?" I ask nuzzling into him like I was in my wol
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When Amora arrives to the packhouse I have finally built up my nerves enough to not want to bolt from the room. She knocks on my bedroom door and walks in when I call her. "Happy birthday, dear." She says."Thank you. This isn't exactly how I pictured my birthday to go. Hiding in my room, away from my mate." I say rather sadly."That is quite alright. After this you can go and talk to him if you would like. I did not realize with you being so young when your parents died that they had not yet told you about how the mating process works. I have had to give this talk to a few other young ladies in the pack a few times so I should be able to answer any questions you might have." She says nicely."Alright. I just want to know what I have to do." I say nervously."It is so much of a have to as what you are going to want to do later on. Whether you want to now or not, eventually your bond will drive you both crazy until you end up completing the bond. It'll be
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After taking a brief nap, I decide it might finally be time to brave the rest of the house. I did not wait impatiently for my birthday just to hide in my room after finally finding my mate after all. Heading to the kitchen I find more cinnamon rolls still on the counter so I grab one and head towards Dante's office. Before I can even knock I hear him yell, "Laina, come on in."I walk in to the sight of him sitting at the desk, sorting through some papers. As I sit down across the desk from him, he looks up. "I am sorry if we scared you. I just did not want you not knowing what you will be getting into. I am in no hurry to complete the ritual though so please, do not worry about it. Everything is up to you. Right now, I am looking for my favorite cookie recipes though. Which kind would you like to make?" He asks.I had forgotten about making cookies but the thought makes me grin back, "Any. I loved cookies. Chocolate chip, peanut butter, monster, and sugar cookies. My f
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The afternoon was spent fantastically just telling stories with Dante and getting to know him better but as dinner rolled around I found that I was not quite ready to leave his company. Luckily for me, he had other plans. "So, I hope that you are not tired of me yet. I kind of made some dinner plans for us. I thought that you might like going out to eat for your birthday instead of having a big pack dinner." He said."That sounds really nice. Do I need to change or anything before we go?" I ask."No, it is nothing fancy. You look great just as you are anyways." He says helpfully.Blushing, I take his hand to get off of the couch and we head out to dinner. It is such a nice evening that we opt to just walk to the restaurant. Luckily, pack life means not needing vehicles much unless there is an emergency. Dante leads the way and we shortly arrive at a little Italian restaurant that looks nice and cozy. When we walk in they direct us to a table immedia
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Waking up after the best night's sleep I can remember, I notice that the bed is empty next to me. Reaching over, I notice a note laying on his pillow. It simply says thank you for the great night's sleep and that he will be back at lunch after a meeting. Stretching, I notice a cart sitting at the end of the bed. Walking over to it, I lift up the metal lid to find an array of chopped fruits, bagels and some bacon. Grabbing a piece of bacon, I walk into my room to get dressed. After I have some proper clothes on, I go back to my breakfast. This is the closest thing to healthy I have eaten since I got here and my stomach begins to growl a happy thank you. Once my food is consumed, I decide to walk to Scarlett's house and see if she is free to hang out for a while. Luckily, Dante has a map by the door of everyone's residences so I have no problems finding out where she lives. It is only about a block away and the walk feels nice. I have not actually done anything alone sinc
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Shopping with Scarlett was quite fun even if shopping is not really my thing. We got to talk a bit and I did not feel pressure, intended or otherwise, about the expectations for me. No word of me being Luna besides the talk of the present, no talk of the mating ritual, and no talk of my past. It was a nice change. Dante and I have been doing well, but even though he is not pressuring me about mating, there is always that sense of anticipation. We both know that it has to happen and we both know that eventually it will but he has not been pushing it. The anticipation still makes it a little harder to relax so having what Scarlett called a 'girl's day' was nice. After we get back to her house, I help her unload the gifts and try to help wrap them. Turns out, wrapping presents is more difficult than I thought. Sure, it is easy to cover each present but to make them look nice, that is ridiculous. She picked out a yellow wrapping paper with storks carrying werewolf pups in a
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Dinner is going to be something new again. Dante said that he wants to make me a steak dinner with baked potatoes. He asked how I like my steak and at my blank look he just chuckled and said he would make it the right way then. Now, I am trying to decide how I would like my hair done if I were to go and get a haircut. I cannot imagine short hair but maybe I should go that far? Time for a whole new me. I am sick of being the girl that does not belong and that lived in the woods. It is time to find who I am. Maybe shorter is better. Not short short like I saw some of the women wearing. Maybe just shoulder length or so. There is one that I saw at the pack dinner the other night that I liked. It was shorter in the back and longer in the front. I look into the mirror in the bathroom and I do not fully recognize myself. I have little ears that my mother used to call fairy ears, a nose to match but nice, full lips. My hair is the same red of my cardinal and reaches almost all
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When we sit down, Dante places a steak on each of our plates. The baked potatoes are all wrapped in aluminum foil so I grab one of those as well. I cannot remember if I like these or not but I am willing to try. Dante also made some asparagus to go with the meal. That, I know that I like so I grab some of that as well. I am still not sure what the butter sauce was for but after watching Dante pour some onto his steak I follow suit. Taking my first bite, my tastebuds erupt with flavors. The butter sauce adds an amazing kick of garlic and herbs that pairs well with the asparagus as well. Before I know it, I am done with my steak and moving onto my baked potato. I open it up and cut it in half like I saw the other do. I slather the inside in butter and dig in. This is not my favorite out of the food on my plate but I do still like it. I can understand why people eat it with steak. I eat only about half of it before giving up and admitting defeat. I am stuffed. Looking arou
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For the first time, I wake up with plans for the day. That has not happened as long as I can remember. Sure, I have had things that I want to do but I have not made plans for the day before. These plans are with a friend too at that. I can't remember ever having a friend before either. These are entirely new grounds that I am trying to circumvent. Not sure how excited I should be, but I do know that I am excited, and nervous. Very nervous actually. A new haircut seems really daunting considering it is something as silly as having having something cut that will grow back. Still, it is slightly nervewracking to be taking on something like this only a week after leaving behind a life of solitude.Dante and I eat a light breakfast together and talk about some of the pack members. He tells me a bit about the one that is pregnant and how her mate tragically died not long ago, meaning that the fact that I picked out a present for her means more than it might have for any other pack
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