All Chapters of The CEO's Dirty Little Secret: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
84 Chapters
Chapter 41
Eve walked into her parents home and hung up her coat. Then she took a deep breath and fixed a smile on her face before she walked down the narrow hallway. She stopped at the doorway to the lounge and her smile slipped a little.  Her father was in his hospital bed, watching his programs and looking more depressed than she had ever seen him. Most of his equipment surrounded him in the small room, a constant reminder of what his life was now.  And it was all her fault. "Hey, dad." As always, the moment he heard her voice, the mask he always wore around her appeared as the fake smile formed on his lips. "Hey, baby girl," her dad said with that smile
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Chapter 42
Evelyn walked up the driveway of the house she almost bought for her parents. It looked so different. The shrubs and trees had been trimmed back and the driveway widened, and there were workmen at one side of it. It looked like they had extended it.  Roman was so insensitive to bring her here. How did he expect her to feel? But of course, Roman never cared about anyone's feelings.  She walked further up the driveway and saw her car parked in front of the construction trucks. Has it been repainted? It looked brand new, even the tyres.  A man in a high-visibility and hard hat came out of the front door holding a clipboard. She walked up to him quickly. 
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Chapter 43
Roman heard the soft sound of the door closing as he walked back to the kitchen and let out the breath he hadn't realised he'd been holding.   Step two was done. She was here, breathing the same air as him after so long. But she was still looking at him like the piece of shit that he was. He deserved that. He'd expected it. He just hadn't expected it to stab him in the chest like that.  He walked to the coffee maker without looking back and pulled out two mugs. As he was stirring the hot liquid, he heard the shuffling behind him indicating Evelyn had returned to her seat.  When he turned back to her, she was gripping her car keys so tigh
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Chapter 44
A knock on her window startled Eve out of her thoughts.  She looked out and saw her mother standing there with a coat over her dressing gown and a rubbish bag in her hand.  How had she even got home? She was still in shock and was close to hyperventilating. Her head was a mess, trying to understand what had just happened.  Was she off the hook? Or was this another of Roman's tricks? Was he about to hit her with something worse than her parents becoming homeless? Her mother knocked again, making her realise she was probably worrying her by sitting there like an idiot. She was gripping the steering wheel so tightly she was surprised she hadn't broken it. When she released it, her hands were still shaky
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Chapter 45
It fucking killed him to walk out of that restaurant and leave the one thing he wanted with every fibre of his being.  Especially knowing that she still believed every word that she had said on their last weekend together. He could tell. She'd walked around the restaurant like a jumpy, terrified little rabbit the whole time he'd been there that he was starting to doubt that he could pull this off.  Evelyn didn't want to be in the same room as him, she wouldn't welcome his touch either.  Did the thought of him touching her still make her skin crawl? Had she not missed him? Didn't she see him in her dreams as he did? Did she still think he had women tucked away all over the world waiting for him in thei
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Chapter 46
Eve brought the food back to the service counter and mumbled an apology. "That's the fourth table, Eve," the chef, Andy, said with a frown as he pulled the plates towards him to throw the food away. He looked pissed off, and he was right to be. She'd wasted his time and the restaurant's money and she was only just starting the teatime rush.  "I'm sorry," she said again. "I'll pay for it." She couldn't afford to pay for the wasted meals from all those tables, especially when she needed money to cover the shift her mother had lost, but she didn't want to risk her job.  "Maybe take a break instead. Have a coffee or something to wake yourself up," And
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Chapter 47
"I would like to kiss you one last time, Evelyn." Roman watched the way her breath hitched and the fire that flared in her eyes before she took another step back from him. It was just for a moment before she started trembling again. It gave him hope.  "That's all I need from you. And then when my project is done, I'll go back to London and you'll do whatever makes you happy." "You can't ask me for that," Evelyn said as she looked around the car park.  It felt like she was going to run at any moment.  "I have lain awake so many nights thinking of how things went wrong," he admitted, n
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Chapter 48
What had she done? Eve lay awake all night thinking of Roman's lips on hers. Her body had come alive as if she had been dead all this time.  But after what he had done to her? After all the tears she had shed? Why did he still have that effect on her? She had destroyed her life just to get away from him, and now just one kiss had shown her that all the work she had done on herself was worth nothing. All her pep talks were bullshit.  By the time the morning came and she dragged herself out of bed to prepare for her morning shift, she was still kicking herself. But at least this was the end of it. He'd given his word that she wouldn't have to see him again. Once the paperwork came from the lawyers, she could finally stop looking over her shoulder and live her life.&n
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Chapter 49
Roman cut the call and then looked around the kitchen.  Why was he suddenly second-guessing this? It was what he wanted. She was on her way so he had to get his shit together. There was no turning back now.  But this was happening sooner than he expected. The furniture wasn't even there yet. He'd thought it would take a few more days of this before she broke and came looking for him, not the very same day their picture got splashed in every paper and magazine. He walked over to the kitchen island and gathered up the newspapers and magazines he had been looking at. He stuffed everything into a drawer to get rid of another time.  He was sure he hadn't left anything incrementing lying around but he did a
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Chapter 50
Roman had the beef simmering, water boiling in a pot for the pappardelle and the red wine already breathing on the table when Evelyn walked tentatively into the kitchen. He met her gaze and knew she hadn't yet decided what she was going to do. Her arms were wrapped around herself and she still looked like she was going to run out of the house any moment.  He had to do something to make her stay.  But what the hell was he supposed to do? How could he make her comfortable around him again? Make her say those words, that she loved him? He'd been a fucking fool that night to let his insecurities get in the way. She must have worked up to that for a long time and he'd just thrown it in her face. But she had proved she had more guts than he had. Opening up like that, say
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