All Chapters of E.C. EDWARDS - The Mighty Antimagic Spell: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
76 Chapters
The Magic Ice Golems
After all the students got the keys and capes needed to participate in the contest, Nakutsck continued: “As you know, the first test will be the last one for three of the competitors, one from each team. And the three who’ll leave the competition will each win a parchment of fire. Will he be the best competitor of the event ... or the weakest participant in the competition? We don't know exactly. But what we know for sure is that after winning the magic he/she will leave this competition.”A brief pause, when Nakutsck saw a smaller group of four young spectator students not listening to what he said, so a magic of his pulled their sideburns one at a time or ripped their ears. There was silence again on the stadium. “No one will be hurt in this challenge. But I don’t guarantee for the second challenge. We don’t know in which of the other eight possible locations it will take place,” smiled the white wizard slightly.
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Trying to Remain Alive
“Johnny you’ll get the parchment!” Alexander ordered sharply. “I’ll deal with the Golems.”In an instant, the two ice monsters also showed up, just as the three of them entered the arena. “They’re ... huge,” Elizabeth managed to say, looking up at the terrifying face of one of those walking mountains."Yes, they look bigger when you're in their way," Johnny added.But the two golems didn’t want to talk. They prepared to attack the three competitors. “Johnny, I'm taking the parchment! Give me your power!”Johnny took his wand and shouted that magic so famous because of him:“Imperium.”And the spell was cast on Alexander. The young boy began to run towards the cave where the ice parchment was. But unfortunately he wasn’t alone.It seems the two golems didn’t expect Johnny and Elizabeth would bother them, so they started chasing Alexa
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The Corridors Under Elmbridge, Myth or Reality?
In Alexander's so extravagant bedroom, he, Elizabeth and Johnny got ready to take part in the second round. The only thing known about this second quest of the contest was that it would take place in the Burning Desert.Alexander wondered how he could win this event, while Elizabeth hoped and prayed to stay alive during and after the event.“Maybe we’ll have to fight with dragons ... I just hope we won't fight with the Northern Spotted Dragon from Iceland or the Danish Striped Spike ... I heard it can spit lava, not fire.”The only thing Elizabeth managed to say with that mess in her mind showed how scared the poor girl was with every word of Soimesti:“How to ... fight dragons? We’re just children…”That beautifully set up bedroom at Elmbridge magic school was adorned and furnished to the boy's taste. Of course, everything happened following numerous insistences from the Magic Consulate, in which Soimesti
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Totaly Ignoring The School Rules
 “But you know they don’t let us walk through the school after bedtime. We don’t lose points any longer for we lost them all, but we risk being kicked out.”The other two looked at him inquiring, so he had to tell them the reason:“No one should know we are going there, because we could be sent home ... or worse, punished and eliminated from the competition. Surely, if we went down by day to look for the Lost Lne, the chances of being discovered would be much greater.”He looked at Johnny, but it seemed Davies didn't understand. “Certainly there are professors who walk at night in the school corridors after bedtime and there are stone elves whose job is to prevent anyone or anything to enter those lost corridors or vice versa, prevent something in the corridors from entering the school. By day anyone walking around can see us ... but at night we have the darkness on our side.”Convinced tha
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Wich Is The Solution? Transmutation.. or Translocation
Alexander looked at him with a gaze that would say “I feel like punching you right now” reproving him:“I really don't want to hear your bad jokes.”“But it's not a joke. Someone left something in front of my door and I saw it’s a strong potion. And I also have three brooms borrowed from Smart's workshop.”As he realized that none of them got what he meant, Johnny continued:“Drink from this potion, each of you and you will ...” “ARE YOU INSANE?!” Alexander snapped at him to the extent permitted by the situation, paying attention to not be heard by anyone. “Do you think is the water from the fountain of the wise? Maybe it's something bad ... left by someone who wants to hurt us. Haven't you heard a stranger was on the corridors of Elmbridge?”“That stranger couldn’t enter our rooms to hurt us ... he had no way, with no key.”“Ye
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A Sphinx Below The Elmbridge Magic School?
What to follow, where to go? Elizabeth and Johnny looked at each other in confusion, but in a moment everything got clear. The wall as thick as the three of them altogether opened.Alexander grabbed a bar that a long time ago was probably used as a torch holder and a hellish noise was heard as the wall moved out of the way.The three listened for a few moments, as they thought the loud noise might disturb someone. But as nothing happened, Alexander started to move forward lighting the path with a candle, followed by the other two. They entered a corridor, took a few steps and stopped in front of another obstacle. It was a ... mirror. “Why is this mirror in this basement?” Alexander said, annoyed. “I haven’t read anywhere about a mirror here ... And why is it here? Sure it's a spell, a magic mirror, but how could we activate it?”Alexander began to inspect that wall that exactly reflected their image and which was huge,
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Hair-raising and Bloodcurdling Places
Elizabeth understood what this meant, as for Johnny, his face looked as if he needed explanation.So Johnny was helped by a hard sleeve pull to take another route and follow the other two.Noises that only in the depths of the Earth could be heard, scared the three kids. And that awful feeling that anyone would have thinking that mountains could collapse over them at any moment, gave them even more thrills. As for the air ... every breath of them was a real struggle.At one point the three children turned right onto a narrower corridor, which was derived from the main aisle. After a few dozen steps, they saw this aisle was much safer than the main one, because it was supported by strong roots."Dry poplar ..." Johnny told them, looking at those roots that were as thick as marble columns from an ancient temple, but these columns were wooden... made of woody roots."We've come down quite a bit, but I don't think we'll find a sprout here," Alexander s
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Anything Else But Recovery Magic School
Tzurtzurk looked at the children who didn’t understand him at all.“You should be told. Do you know why the corridor is called like that? Not because no one finds it anymore, but because whoever enters it’s really lost. That’s why it’s called the lost aisle, of the lost one ... for anyone who dares to enter it ...”The kids didn't say anything. Because what they experienced made them realize what dangers they faced and they could experience something even worse than that.They looked down, ashamed.Tzurtzurk waved his wand in his hand and they all disappeared from the crypt, reaching the place where ... they were likely to hear their punishment.… “You haven't been told since you came here that there are some places where you don't have to go?” the stone elf responsible for the surveillance of the crypt walked very furiously around the three children, in Mr. Knudlac's great room.
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In the Depths of the Purple Oasis
The first train ride was a more than incredible experience for Elizabeth. Along with Professor Knudlac, Johnny and Alexander with whom she spent the journey in that train compartment, she learned many things and stories.Out of the window, they could see the sand caves of touareg wizards. Those magic caves crossed by the train, which they left behind, were dwellings of those touaregs that changed size and shape according to their inhabitants’ will.The sand moulded with those nomads’ wands formed mansions, castles or magnificent palaces, as never seen before.And their interior ... could take any shape. Pyramidal, spherical or even in the form of an icosahedron - a geometric body that has no more or less than twenty corners.At that window, when they came to the surface, they could see the magic river and the imposing magic waterfall, both of them bearing the same name, Bighaar, which was different from any other waterfall because the water fl
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Succeding by Using Eachother Knowledge
The boy began to inspect the door. Elizabeth did the same.It seemed that door was locked. It could only be opened by solving a riddle.What can burn like the most terrible fires,To put out any flame or glare, such as water,But also to float like a flake,Which makes it very pleasant to the touch ... “Riddle again. I don't like riddles,” Alexander sighed.“I do,” smiled the girl. “Let's see. What could burn like fire? But also can put out the fire. A liquid ...”“Yes, I know this has to be, but what exactly?”“In chemistry we talked about substances ...”“Yes. Theoretically, Nitrogen, Hydrogen or Oxygen can be liquid, if they’re cooled to very low temperatures, but ...” “It might be water,” the girl tried to interrupt Alexander.“Nitrogen burns under certain conditions the skin and cools everything, so it can be use
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