All Chapters of The Succubus' Temptation : Chapter 11 - Chapter 18
18 Chapters
The Vow of Silence
"Perhaps I  can return this evening during the time of recreation and speak with Sister Agnes ", Ender replied evenly. Sister Ann pursed her lips, "I will relay your request but I can't guarantee that she will agree to it"Ender studied the nun thoughtfully before he spoke, "I will see you this evening then. I'll  see myself out"Rising from his chair, Ender left the room and Sister Ann leaned back in her chair, her hands steepled under her chin and her eyes closed in thought. As Ender strode down the hall, the door to the nun's office opened and the Mother Superior stepped inside, closing the door behind her with a soft click. The sun was now high in the sky as Ender walked, seemingly aimlessly, through the town's streets, stopping every now and then to look through the windows of random shops. More than an hour had passed before he made his way to the town's only hospital and pausing briefly just outside the entrance, his head cock
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The Seduction
The next morning after breakfast, Charlotte decides to go and see Samael in his study but finds it empty. As she's heading back to the front hall, she meets, Harris, the butler, "Do you know where Samael is?""Master Samael has gone out for the day", the elderly man replied, "He will return this evening""Right....OK......thank you",  she turned to walk up the staircase. "I will inform Master Samael that you wish to see him upon his return", his face unreadable. "Thank you", she answered and nodded.Later that evening, as Charlotte was having dinner, Samael entered the dining room much the same as the previous night, immaculately dressed and glass in hand. His jet black hair was wet and glistened under the lights while his eyes shone a vibrant hue of blue. He sat next to her at one end of the table, letting his eyes roam freely over her. Charlotte kept her eyes lowered and tried to concentrate on her food while every fiber of her b
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The Possession
The Mother Superior stood swaying before Ender, her face twisted into a horrible grimace as her serpentine tongue slithered from between her lips, "Ender Tsekov, second son of Count Kyril Tsekov, the first being.......Samael""Is this the part where I'm supposed to be suitably impressed?", Ender snickered as he lounged nonchalantly in the chair. "It's going to take a helluva lot more than that to impress me""I don't fear you vampyre!", a sibilant whisper from the nun. "That is your second mistake", he shrugged as he studied his nails, not bothering to look at her, "Just tell me what I want to know and I'll consider making this quick". The demon sniggered, a grotesque sound, that seemed to echo in the confined space of the room but still, Ender remained unmoved, his interest focused only on his hands. "You can't save her, poor pathetic human! Four hundreds years has made you arrogant vampyre, but you know nothing of me and the power I wield", she hissed through clenche
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The Taming of Charlotte
Samael had carried Charlotte out of the dining room and upstairs to his room where she now lay naked on his bed, her body bathed in perspiration and her silken, black hair spread out across his pillows. The vampire was lying naked between her legs, his head buried between her thighs as he licked and sucked her dripping wet sex until she came in his mouth while calling out his name. In time, Charlotte returned the favor, sucking his large cock while he fucked her mouth, almost gagging her before he shot his hot cum in her throat which she hungrily swallowed, feeding shamelessly off his orgasm. Where Ender had been gentle and considerate, allowing her to set the pace and take control when she wanted, Samael was rough and exerted a primal dominance over her, forcing her into submission. Both brothers were well endowed with thick, long cocks that they knew well how to use to evoke the most overwhelming feelings of pleasure but she had been right about Samael the first time
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The Past
Samael grinned broadly, not making any attempt at hiding it, "You did say to take care of her". His brother glared at him, his blue eyes glinting under the lights before sighing heavily and turning to look out the windows as he rubbed his hand over his face. The silver-haired vampire lounged lazily in the chair, one of his legs hung over the armrest and his head resting precariously against the back of the chair with his eyes closed. He was still wearing his long, black coat and his black shirt and pants remained smoothly pressed inspite of his exhausted appearance and disheveled hair. "Rough night?", Samael teased while his eyes shone with concern for his younger brother, who only clicked his tongue and gave him a brief wave of his hand to indicate that he was fine. "The Mother Superior was possessed, I tried to save her.......", Ender's voice trailed off, without explaining further, with Samael, he knew he didn't have to. Samael watched him, not saying anything as he
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We Had A Deal
Sébastien lay on his side, looking out the windows at the night sky as a faint breeze gently stirred the curtains and whispered softly through the room. Something had woken him, a feeling of deep foreboding gripped him and he knew that something had happened to his brother. He pushed himself up and sat on the edge of his bed, settling his legs on the floor as he ran a hand through his long, silken hair. He closed his eyes and cleared his mind, focusing his thoughts on Zeke until he could sense him through their shared blood bond.  He drew in a sharp breath at the sudden feeling of pain that ebbed and flowed through his body, he was burning. Something was tight around his neck, burning through his skin and spreading like poison. He was struggling to breathe, his chest growing tighter and tighter with each labored breath. His wrists and ankles were bound with chains that bit at his flesh and burned him, the putrid stench of his own burning flesh filling him with nausea.&n
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When Charlotte awoke later that morning, she spent the day in the library, researching Amahl, the king of the night demons. The vampires had an impressive library filled with books relating to every topic about the occult and supernatural and she spent the rest of the day reading everything she could find about Amahl and the night demons. She was so engrossed in her research that she didn't realize that it was already evening until Harris came to inform her that dinner was being served in the dining room. Entering the dining room, she found both Ender and Samael already seated, their eyes following her as she walked to take her seat. Feeling self-conscious and awkward, being in the presence of the vampires after having had sex with both brothers, she kept her eyes lowered and remained silent while eating her dinner. "How is your research going, sweet Charlotte?", Samael inquired, a sly smirk on his face. "Very well, actually, but I still have much to discover", she answered truthfu
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Night Visit
Charlotte was startled awake but she didn't know by what, she lay on her back staring up at the ceiling thinking about nothing in particular. A soft thud at the window drew her attention and she turned on her side to get a better look. She heard it again and sat up, rubbing her eyes as she strained to see the cause of the noise. The third time she heard it, she climbed out of bed and padded silently across the floor to the window. The moon was full and bright, its radiant light casting a warm bluish hue over everything below. Narrow beams of moonlight penetrated through the open curtains and Charlotte parted the curtains wide inviting more light to spill into the room. She stood in front of the window, staring at the balcony outside when movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She gasped, feeling her breath catch in her throat as her eyes focused on the figure standing at the very edge of the small balcony. He was half concealed by shadows and he was so still that
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