All Chapters of Imprisoned Wife of Mr. Baxter: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
468 Chapters
Chapter 131 That Night
She sat down opposite him and saw the red wine on the side.It used to be her favorite wine.It was also the wine they drank together that night.She looked at the wine and was silent for a while. She then lowered her eyes slightly.When she raised her gaze again, her eyes reflected nothing but clarity. She smiled at him and whispered, “Mr. Baxter?”He turned his head and glanced at her from head to toe. His eyes seemed to have a glint flashed through, too fast for her eyes to catch.“Mm,” he replied. He was more depressed now.She could not understand what he meant. After thinking for a while, she took the phone, switched to the news that he and Alice had dinner together, and asked, “Mr. Baxter, are you free? I got the news that you are going to be with Miss Davidson tonight.”He did not look at her but casually pointed to the wine on the side.He said nothing.However, she understood what he meant. She poured herself a glass and took a sip.It tasted familiar.She looked
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Chapter 132 Now She Cherishes Her Life
Carson steered the wheel and made a turn. He drove into another road.The surrounding street scenery kept receding. He had not looked at the woman beside him. After confirming that Violet was not her, he thought about everything that had happened before, and then he made sense out of it.As Robbie said, all this woman’s actions had a purpose. She did not obediently dress in all the clothes he sent her as gifts. Rather, many of her actions seemed to be unintentionally similar to Everly’s.This woman seemed to know her very well and was very similar to her.However, he knew that it was not her.All he needed was an obedient doll, and no one could ever replace her.Carson pursed his lips tightly, and he furrowed his brows slightly. His hands had visible blue veins surfacing from holding the steering wheel too tightly.He did not say anything, and the atmosphere in Bendley was suffocatingly quiet.In such silence, the car drove all the way towards the suburbs.There were fewer and
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Chapter 133 Just to Be Able to Enter His World
“Ugh!”The wind whistled, but the pain was not there. She slowly opened her eyes.The Bendley was still intact, and the big truck just passed them by.The car was going really fast, and everything around her seemed to be blurred. In the end, it was only him that she could see.For unknown reasons, she seemed to have traveled across time and returned to many years ago at this moment.He was in his prime back then, and he had the main attention among all other young masters in Cannesville. At that time, she liked him without her own realization. No matter where he went, she would always follow him.At that time, his Langborghini passenger seat would be hers and hers alone.She remembered the first time she held on to him stubbornly, insisting on following him no matter where he went.She remembered he raised his eyebrows slightly with a faint smile on the corners of his lips. He looked at her and said jokingly, “Aren’t you afraid?”At that time, although she did not know what he
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Chapter 134 Everyone Is Watching the Fireworks, but He Is Watching Her
The car was brought to a halt, and the two people in the car remained silent.Until the time he opened the door.“Get out,” he said.She looked up at him, but she found that his eyes were not looking at her. He walked to the other side on his own and sat on the slightly damp grass.Everly got out of the car.There was no fog on the top of the mountain; only the hazy shadows of everything could be seen.It was pitch-dark around there, and only a few meters of light came from when the headlights came on. She paused for a while, then walked to his side and looked at him, not knowing what to say for a while.Perhaps the atmosphere was doing something to her, she was dumbfounded for a while and forgot the purpose of the trip.In the end, she just found a place beside him and sat down just like him. Then, they looked up at the dark sky.They had been like this for a long time, and time seemed to have lost its meaning.A long time had passed, and a set of footsteps resounded. Everly
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Chapter 135 The Little Girl Who Sells Matches
The fireworks went on for an hour.Countless fireworks exploded in the air, and countless people admired the gorgeous fireworks. However, apart from the first few fireworks, all the other things around her never entered her heart that night.“Violet, this is specially prepared by Mister Baxter.” A voice pulled Everly back from her thoughts.She was slightly startled. She looked over to see Robbie by her side with sparklers in his hand, which they used to play with.“This?” She looked suspiciously at Carson over there and then at Robbie.Robbie smiled slightly and said respectfully, “Miss Violet, please don't misunderstand why Carson had asked you for a night.”Everly had long forgotten what happened before, and she did not come back to her senses straightaway.Robbie looked at her and thought that she was thinking of something else. She pointed to the pile of things over there and said, “Tonight is going to be tiring for you, Miss Violet.”When Everly looked over, it was obviou
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Chapter 136 He Still Misses Her
However, he still missed her.He missed her very much.He walked over the road they had traveled and did the things they had done over and over again as if they could always be together.She probably would never know that he never brought anyone else to the game with his buddies.She also would not know that that was the fastest he had driven in so many years.He had not known why. On the first day she sat in his passenger seat, he watched her being so scared that her tears fell, and her voice became hoarse, but she still pretended to be calm and said that she was not afraid. He found that she was actually quite cute.If his father brought her home only meant that he had another sister in his life. From the day she sat in his co-pilot, she had completely intervened in his world.Also, the fireworks…He never told her that all the large-scale projects in Cannesvillewere organized by the Baxter Group.He still remembered the first time he took her to watch the fireworks.At tha
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Chapter 137 She Is Not Who She Used to Be
She was stunned for a moment. After nodding subconsciously, she followed him back to the car.Bendley went round and round to the foot of the mountain, and arrived when the sky was completely lit up.The fog previously had already disappeared, replaced by more snow.The world gradually became clearer, and Everly looked out of the window, deep in thoughts.Since she was imprisoned five years ago, she could no longer enjoy the snow. Even after she was released from prison, the snow was nothing more but icy coldness that could freeze her deep into her bone marrow. In the snowstorm, she once again realized deeply that she was no longer who she used to be.Although she had only been away for a short year for her cancer treatment, everything had changed.Everything last night was like a dream, and everything was like the fog that had dissipated, leaving no trace behind.Bendley gradually drove back to the city, and the whole city became noisy gradually. Everly withdrew her gaze slowly
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Chapter 138 Do What You Have To Do
Everly soaked herself in hot water in the steamy bathroom.She knew very well that she said those words on purpose when she was in the car.She understood that he had always been generous to the women around him. Whether it was many years ago or now, as long as it did not cross his bottom line, he would give them what they wanted. However, she deliberately chose to say those words in the car.She knew very well the consequences of saying those words, but she said it anyway.In the end, it just forced him to say the word 'Go!' without hesitation.She did so to strengthen herself once again and warn herself clearly not to repeat the same mistakes.No matter if it was in the past or present, no matter who the person standing in front of him was, he never loved her.He loved himself from the beginning to the end.“Everly, your purpose is to get Oliver, and then nothing else,” she said softly. Then, she immersed herself in the warm water.At this time, Carson, who had come to the B
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Chapter 139 I Don’t Understand a Man’s Heart
“Congratulate me?” Alice got even more indignant. She widened her eyes and asked, “What is there to congratulate me on? Being kicked out by him?! Mom, don’t you know that we didn’t have dinner at all? He just sat in front of me for a while, and I did all the talking. He only gave a few responses and left! Mom, how could there be anyone like that?!”“Oh, my darling.” Aunt Davidson said coaxingly, “I know everything about him leaving you, but look at all these years. You are the only one who can invite him to dinner alone! He already shows you that he values you for showing up!”Alice’s anger subsided a little. She was right. In fact, she also knew very well that before the incident five years ago, the only person who could be with Carson was Everly. Those so-called girlfriends of Carson back then rarely had the chance to be alone with him.Ever since Everly was imprisoned, the only person who appeared beside him was Lisa White, but that was also because Lisa was Layla’s sister. At fi
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Chapter 140 Everything Makes Sense
“Yes!” Aunt Davidson replied with a wide-eyed smile. She said, “According to the information we got, after Carson had dinner with you, he drove the car directly to this mountain, and then he set off fireworks all night. He didn’t leave until it was dawn in the morning!”“Mom, you mean…” Alice’s voice trembled involuntarily because of excitement. “Everything he did was for me!”Aunt Davidson nodded.“He only ate with you alone, and then he went straight to the vicinity of our villa in the mountain. I guess, perhaps you said something wrong in the restaurant and made him unhappy? Otherwise, he would not have plans for later.”Aunt Davidson continued, “Later, perhaps he regretted it as well, but because of his ego, he went to set off fireworks near the villa, hoping that you would react as you did just now when you see it and go to him. However, it’s a pity that you’ve been away since last night. We started looking for you non-stop, but you didn’t answer any of our calls, and you even
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