All Chapters of Imprisoned Wife of Mr. Baxter: Chapter 321 - Chapter 330
468 Chapters
Chapter 321 The Fallen Mask
"Miss Davidson, things are not exactly what they look like. Violet must have her own reasons for her actions. Whatever it is, it's still up to Mister Baxter to decide. Stop screaming. It's not going to change anything," said Robbie as he held Alice."Her own reasons?!" Alice was so angry she started tearing up. She stared at Robbie in disbelief and turned her head to Everly. "What could be the reason?! Carson is such an elegant person, yet he confessed to her in public! He even treated her when she was injured! He still wants to protect her after stealing company data! What other reason does she have?!""Robbie, are you out of your mind as well?!" continued Alice. "Don't forget, you are Carson's secretary, not Violet's! You've been with him for so many years. What are you going to do when Baxter Group no longer exists? How are you going to take care of yourself? Did Violet drug you as well?! Let go of me!" she screamed as she struggled in Robbie's grasp.Robbie did not know how to
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Chapter 322 Everly
Everly's hand almost got stepped on by the high heels. She quickly withdrew her hand and looked up subconsciously. It was Angelica.Angelica's eyes were full of anger. She pulled Everly up from the ground with incredible strength. "I've warned you!" she scolded her.Carson immediately came forward to stop her, but he could not overpower her. As a major shareholder of the company and a mother of Carson, Angelica could not tolerate Violet's behavior any longer!"Violet, who do you think you are? Do you think you can do whatever you please just because you got Carson's love?" said Angelica as she clasped Everly's arm. She saw Everly covering her face with the other hand and attempted to pull it away."Mom, stop it!" Carson quickly grabbed Angelica's hand to prevent her from pulling Everly's hand.This got Angelica even angrier. She stared at Everly with her teary eyes. "Look what you've done to my son. You think you are all mysterious under the mask. Let's see what your true face loo
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Chapter 323 Yes, I'm Back
Carson looked at Everly. His expression was still the same.Austin quickly came over to Everly and separated her from Carson.She quickly glanced at Austin, only to see his complicatedly anxious face.Lisa's voice came from the corner of the room. "Violet, explain yourself! Is this all plastic surgery?! Are you really Everly?!"Everly withdrew her gaze from Carson and looked at Lisa. "Scared?" she said to her with a cold smile.Everly did not want to reveal herself at first because she did not want Oliver to have high hopes and be disappointed. Moreover, it was also because of the Whites.Everly did not want the Whites to be involved in her plan of getting custody of Oliver. However, her true identity had been exposed, and everyone had seen her face. Everything that happened today was obviously Lisa fanning the flame. At this moment, the resentment between Everly and the Whites, especially Lisa, had been brought back to the table once again!"You!" cried Lisa, her hatred towards
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Chapter 324 Touched Her Face
"Mom!" exclaimed Carson, as he frowned in disapproval."I'm not done with you yet!" Angelica scolded Carson and walked closer to Everly. "If it weren't for us, you would have died in the streets! We gave you a good life, and this is how you repay us?! You ungrateful bastard!" she yelled at her."Enough!" Carson shouted angrily, looking at Robbie, "Send them out."Robbie came over instantly, but Angelica resisted. Lisa also rushed over quickly to help her, and eventually, several people were all tangled up in a noisy mess.Everly just stood there in silence in the midst of the commotion, not responding to Angelica's question. Her fists were clenched and trembling.Indeed, back eleven years ago, when Uncle Baxter had brought her into the Baxters for the first time. Everly thought that was the new beginning of a beautiful life ahead. She could finally throw everything in the past away and live like a normal human being. However…Everly could not imagine what would happen if she had
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Chapter 325 Eve
"Eve, I can't," Carson said finally.The last glimmer of hope in Everly was extinguished. She pursed her lips, avoided his hands, and stood up in silence.Austin said, "Everly, this matter..."Bang!Before he could even finish speaking, the door of the office was suddenly slammed open. In came a bunch of reporters with all their camera equipment.There were flashes everywhere as the reporters started taking pictures. Everly immediately covered her face as they approached her and felt relieved instantly the moment she realized she had her mask on.Oliver still did not know about her yet. Her plans may have failed, but she still did not want her identity to be revealed to Oliver.Before she knew it, countless microphones were aimed at her."Violet, please explain your behavior!""Violet, may I ask if you have found a way out for this commercial crime?!""Violet, do you have anything to justify your crime?"…The flash from the cameras crackled incessantly as the reporters b
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Chapter 326 So Cool
The reporter stammered, "Mister Baxter, is there anything I can do for…" "What's going on?" asked Carson, interrupting the reporter before he could even finish his sentence. Carson was wondering how the reporters and police knew about the whole situation. He wanted to find out everything and resolve this matter. Robbie was already conversing with the police officer. The reporter breathed a sigh of relief, seeing that Carson did not reprimand him. He said, "Didn't you know, Mister Baxter? Whatever happened earlier was all broadcast live. We were all very outraged that Violet had threatened to take your company's confidential information public!""Live broadcast?" Carson's eyes narrowed, looking dangerous."Yes, Mister Baxter. You didn't know?" The reporter was stunned. He was very careful with his words. He was in the president's office of Baxter Group, after all."What's the content of the live broadcast?" said Carson. He pursed his lips tightly. It would be trouble if the scene
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Chapter 327 Everything Was Approved
Countless netizens also agreed. "Yes! Let's boycott her!" Suddenly, the live broadcast was turned back on.The footage looks messy and blurry. No one could clearly see what was happening."What's going on here? What just happened?""Look at Violet's expression. It seemed that the matter was not resolved peacefully. Did Mister Baxter regret his decision?""I don't know about Mister Baxter. Alice and the rest won't let Violet go that easily. Don't forget, Angelica is there as well!""Ah! Violet is gone… Look! The police are here!"There were some quick adjustments, and finally, all the live broadcast platforms were playing the same footage."What's happening?""What are they going to do?"Suddenly, Carson Baxter appeared in front of the screen."Everyone," He spoke as he looked at the camera. His tone was full of seriousness.All over the internet, netizens squealed the moment they saw him. Carson kept a calm composure on his face as he spoke."I just learned that what happ
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Chapter 328 What She Wanted
Nobody could understand why Carson was so protective of Violet. After all, Everly was the only woman whom Carson cared for. She even left him a son!That being said, Carson had never been serious in pursuing any women, not even Everly. What is going on now with Violet?!Discussions and gossip erupted all across social media online.Meanwhile, in the president's office of Baxter Group, Carson stood up as Robbie shut off the live broadcast equipment.Several police officers at hand had also come forward to clarify Carson's information earlier in the broadcast.The reporters were taken away for questioning. Whoever that showed up in the office to stir up such a commotion must be up to no good. They must be investigated as well!Apart from Carson, the three women, namely Alice, Angelica, Lisa, were still present in the room.As Robbie sent the reporters away, he came back into the office and closed the door.Earlier during Carson's live broadcast, Alice was still immersed in the sh
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Chapter 329 Are They Real
However, it was not Everly's intention to destroy the company but to leave Carson…She took the documents from him. It only took her a glance at it to become even more furious."You!" Angelica was so angry she threw the document back at Carson. “How dare you!” she said resentfully.Angelica glared at Carson, turned around, and left the room.Lisa followed her behind. Seeing that everyone was leaving, Alice also got up quickly and hurried out of the room. Carson and Robbie were the only ones left in the president's office.The documents which Angelica threw at Carson earlier were scattered around the floor. Carson reached out and picked them up, and stacked the papers together.Robbie also helped him out, “It's a good thing that I organized the documents. Otherwise, it would be troublesome now.”Carson just remained silent as he picked up the papers one after another.Robbie was feeling a little awkward. “How witty of you, Mister Baxter. The information in these documents was
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Chapter 330 He Knew
Everly sat in the driver's seat of the Masheruti by herself. She leaned back on the seat and stared at the desolate and cold parking basement around her. In her mind, the episode in the president's office earlier with Carson kept replaying incessantly.Everly felt extreme sadness as she thought of Carson. His face, his words, everything. It all just kept looping in her head.She did not understand how things could wind up like this. The plan was to blackmail Carson with the information, and he would give her custody of Oliver in order to protect his company. Then, she would take her son and leave the country. However…Carson said that he could promise her anything except let her go.He…Everly could not understand anything at all. Her head was in a mess. All she felt was the emotional pain within.Buzz...Suddenly, her mobile phone started vibrating.Everly calmed herself down and grabbed her phone. It was Robbie.After a little hesitation, she touched the answer button. "Ro
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