All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 281 - Chapter 290
292 Chapters
Chapter 266
Osiris’ pov “I want to talk to you about it first, because it might cause some issues amongst my daughters.” Alpha Edward sounded nervous on the phone. “I can come by the pack. Can I bring the kids, they have been asking to see their cousins.” I replied. “I’d love to see them. I’ll tell Charlotte and Eros you’re coming.” Edward said. I wondered what that was all about. “Maybe he finally wanted to hand the pack over to Eddie?” Santos asked. “That wouldn’t require talking to me first. It’s been fours years now. Eddie’s twenty two and he’s gone to school, traveled with Mei. He’s ready.” I replied. The only way we would find out, was by going there. Kate and Asher had been asking to go to their grandfather’s pack. They loved playing with Amelia, even though she was really bossy at times. And Kate loved the twins. Tao just turned eighteen and he hadn’t met his mate yet, but I was sure it wouldn’t be long. He was busy training to be Eddie’s Beta. It was like Riker heard me think abo
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Chapter 267
Lily’s pov “Please tell me, Os. Please.” I pouted. “I promised your dad. You’ll find out tomorrow.” “No, Os. I can’t wait. I have waited a month, tried to be patient. But I need to know who my dad is dating.” I replied. Osiris laughed, “my love. Patience.” I started kissing Osiris’ neck, right on his mark and tracing his abs with my fingers, down to his boxers. “I can reward you if you tell me.” Osiris growled in frustration, “I promised.” “I don’t care. Tell me.” I said as I slipped my hand inside his pants. “It’s Nora.” I let go off Osiris and stepped back surprised. Now Osiris was the one who was pouting, “what about my reward?” “One second, okay. How, why? Nora is like Charlotte’s age, why would she want my dad? Do they even have something in common?” Osiris sighed, “I don’t know. I didn’t ask. Your dad just said that he met her while he was scolding her son and that he’s scared to tell you all. She makes him happy though, I could tell.” She is nice. I spend some time
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Chapter 268
Osiris’ pov Now that the sisters and Eddie finally met Nora and they were okay with it, I could plan a run with Riker and Cyrus. Asher was big enough to hold onto me now. He was almost eight and already as tall as Lily. We’ve been training together and he is really strong and fast. “He’s going to be a good fighter.” Santos growled approvingly. He is such a sweet boy, but he is really protective of Katie, Sierra and Leia, which is cute to see. Cyrus came over, while the kids were playing outside. Riker and I were planning on running with the future Beta and Alpha another time, but this time was just for fun. Lily was going to take Kate with her for some girl time and Mia would take Roman to play with Rain, so no kid felt left out. “Are you fucking ready? I can’t wait to show Leia how fast her dad can go.” Cyrus said. Riker winked, “but not as fast as some of us.” “Fucker. No one can compete with Osiris, he is the fucking Alpha.” Cyrus laughed. “Let’s go get the kids.” I said, t
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Chapter 269
Osiris’ pov Ever since that first time, we’ve been running with the kids often. Sometimes Lily and Mia join and we take all the kids with us. Something it’s just the girls and moms that run together, but often it’s me, Ash, Riker and Sierra. The current Alpha and Beta and the future Alpha and Beta. I’ve been trying to teach Asher everything that’s important to me. I don’t know if it’s because I lost my parents so young and I wish I could have learned more from them. “You aren’t going anywhere. This pack is as safe as can be.” Santos tried to reassure me. But my parents were killed outside of our packgrounds, so you never know what could happen. I valued the time I spend with Asher and with Kate so much and they’ve both grown up so much. Asher was almost as tall as me and he was just fourteen. I really hope he doesn’t outgrow me, but I think since he has Lily’s genes too, I'll be safe. He has curls that Lily is crazy about, every time she gets the opportunity, she tries to run her
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Chapter 270
Lily’s pov Meadow and I were playing with Roman, Rain and Kate when I felt a link snap. Once or twice a year someone would die of old age, but when I felt the pack link snap today, something felt different. It was mostly the intense panic, fear and sadness coming from Osiris that made me freak out. Who was hurt? It wasn’t Asher was it?! I asked Osiris what happened and all he told me, was that it was Riker. I mindlinked Meadow, “something happened to Riker. I think it’s bad. Can you take care of the kids?” Mia was watching the store, she must have felt something happen too. “They’re in the woods. Meadow is watching the kids. I am meeting you at the border of the woods.” I said, mindlinking Mia. “I can’t feel him, Luna. I felt pain and now I feel nothing coming from him. It feels like I am going to break in two.” Mia replied. “Sierra is there too. She needs you. You can do this.” I said, hoping I sounded convincing. I didn’t know what I would do if I felt something like that. I
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Chapter 271
Lily’s pov Once Asher was asleep, I got dressed and went downstairs. Mia had broken the news to Roman and everyone was crying. Sierra was still covered in blood and staring ahead. “How can I help?” I asked Arya. “Maybe that’s what you should ask Mia? See how you can help?” Arya advised. Mia was busy comforting Roman, telling him they’d be okay. “Can I help? What do you need?” I mindlinked her. “I need Riker. But right now, Luna, I think the kids need to shower and sleep. And I’ll need help preparing the funeral.” Mia said calmy. I was surprised at how calm she sounded, but she was probably still in shock and going on adrenaline alone. “I will make sure you get all the help you need, Mia.” I said. “I think I have to announce it to the pack though, if that is okay with you?” Mia sighed, “okay.” She took a deep breath and looked at me, “okay, Luna.” I mindlinked the entire pack, “This Afternoon one of our own was killed by a hunter. The hunter is dead and we are doing everythin
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Chapter 272
Cyrus’ pov “I have barely seen him now, for three weeks. He works and then at night he goes out and patrols. He didn’t even attend the funeral. I am so worried.” “Luna Lily, I’m sure he’s okay. He’s just dealing with Beta Riker’s death in a different way.” April said, trying to calm Lily down. Lily shook her head, “no. this is different. I can feel such hate coming from him. He’s not talking to me.” “I’ll go see if I can talk some fucking sense into him?” I suggested. I had no fucking clue if it would help, but Lily looked desperate. “Thank you Cyrus. Damian has been helping with some of the Beta duties, so has Easton. But it’s hard. Asher needs a lot of help, he has nightmares every night and I’m trying to be a good friend to Mia.” Lily started to cry, “I just need my mate back.” She said sounding so fucking sad. “We can talk to him together? Two might be better than one? Fuck, I don’t know.” I said, feeling so bad for her. Lily shook her head, “I’ve tried. But it’s like talki
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Chapter 273
Osiris’ pov “So what was the first time you felt like something was your fault?” Was I really doing this? Going to therapy? I thought I could just talk to Lily and Cyrus, but they seemed to think I need more help. That it’s not just Riker’s death, but everything that happened. I don’t mind therapy. I think it can really work for some. But I am not sure I am one of them. “Alpha?” Doctor Angela asked. I sighed, “when my parents died.” “And now, do you still blame yourself?” She wondered. “No, I know it was my brother Kendrick who killed them.” I said, showing little emotions. “But?” “But what?” I said annoyed. “You know Kendrick was the one who killed them, but does it feel like that too? Or do you still feel bad about that day?” Doctor Angela asked me, I couldn’t understand why I needed to talk about my parents. I was here to deal with everything that happened when Riker died. Not my past. I was over that. “Are you though? You don’t blame yourself a little? Even not over that
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Chapter 274
Mia’s pov “Mom can you tell us again how you and dad met?” Sierra asked me. She and Roman looked at me filled with anticipation. I had promised I would tell them about Riker and me. What he was like when he was younger and how everything started. I had been avoiding it. Scared it would make me cry, thinking back to happier times. I was so close to breaking and Sierra and Roman were the only things that kept me going right now. Rationally, I knew I would get through this, but right now, it felt like I was stuck in this darkness and I couldn’t see any light. Just a sliver of light, would give me some hope that I would be fine. “Tell your kids about their dad, Mia. If you’ll cry, it’s fine. They can handle seeing your emotions.” My wolf, Sallie said. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself. “When I was young I lived in another pack, the Highmane pack. It was a really small pack and my uncle was the Alpha of this pack. But that didn’t mean that much, I didn't live in the packho
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Chapter 275
Cyrus’ pov “Dad, I know you have a brother and a niece, uncle Joshua and Melanie. But any more family, I should know of. I have to make this fucking family tree.” Leia said. “Language.” April yelled from across the room. I still sometimes spoke to my brother, Josh and Melanie, but not as often as I used to. It was fucking hard to keep in touch. I couldn’t invite them to our fucking pack and let them discover there are fucking werewolves living amongst them and I am one of them. “Yeah, that’s not a fucking good idea at all.” Fox laughed. I thought about visiting them, but I didn’t want to leave the farm for too fucking long. “You have a grandfather and a grandmother that you really don’t want to fucking meet. And then your uncle Joshua and niece Melanie. That’s about it. O, I had really fucking great grandparents. Grandma Edie and Grandpa rabbit, because he had a fucking rabbit.” Leia sighed, “so I have no relationship to my actual biological grandparents? On either fucking side?
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