All Chapters of Alpha Osiris: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
292 Chapters
Chapter 71
Lily’s pov I’ve been hanging back at the packhouse while Osiris goes through the finances with Neron before we leave. After taking a short nap I went down and talk to Jean. She had changed a lot since my first visit here, she seems less tense and scared. She has really opened up to me how it has been living under Alpha Kendrick and how everything has changed for them. “My kids are so much happier right now. Roman and Anne are even thinking about going to college. Anne really wants to study to become the pack doctor.” I smiled “that is wonderful. I am so happy for you.” Jean looked down at my stomach “I can’t believe it has been so long since I carried them in my belly. Time goes so fast.” She stopped and looked sad “I don’t want to scare you, but I know you’re close to the point where you won’t be able to shift. You should really try to get your wolf out as much as possible. It can be really frustrating for you both not being able to shift.” I was feeling bad for Ar
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Chapter 72
Osiris’ pov Everything between me and Lily has been great, like really good. I still find it hard at times to let go, I’m imagining all the things that could go wrong or could hurt Lily and the baby. Especially now that she’s passed the halfway point. I know it’s much harder for her than it is for me, but knowing she won’t be able to shift if something happened is driving me and Santos crazy. Santos is missing Arya already, even though we let them run together as often as we could. Lily is finding it harder to sit or stand for long periods of time, so she hasn’t painted as much. I am secretly happy she’s mostly at the packhouse, so I know she and the baby are safe. She has decided to paint and decorate the baby room so she at least has something to do. Meadow is helping her and they’ve seem to be gotten close the last few weeks. Lily didn’t really get a chance to hang out with Meadow before and after Meadow was allowed to stay here she kind of shut down. I t
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Chapter 73
Lily’s pov Osiris had asked, well demanded that Jara and Emma stay at the packhouse with me. Meadow was still staying at the packhouse and Mia had to work, so she couldn’t join Riker. So we had a packhouse filled with girls. After dinner Emma surprised us all with someone who came by to give us massages, face masks and mani’s and pedi’s. “You need to relax more” Emma said, the baby is almost coming and then you won’t be able to have much time for yourself. I loved how Emma thought of this, especially the special pregnancy massage she got for me. My lower back had been killing me and it felt so good to have someone apply pressure there. “During labor your mate can do something similar to ease your contractions” the massagist said. I just nodded, it was feeling so good and I was honestly scared I would start moaning if I opened my mouth. When she was finished massaging my back there was a knock on the door. “Did you invite someone else?” I said as I walked to the door
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Chapter 74
Osiris’ pov “I am going to kill them all” I shouted. Perhaps I didn’t needed to say this out loud, I was currently having dinner in the dining hall with half of the pack. I stood up, ready to shift, when Riker stopped me. “What is going on? What do you need?” I growled “I am going back home now, you find whatever you can on Alpha Bernard of the Dark Wood pack. He will pay for this.” I left without saying goodbye, I was pretty sure Riker would apologize for me. I needed to be with my mate and baby now. I shifted and ran as fast as I could and let Santos go. I was wrecking my brain, why would an Alpha of another pack come visit us without being invited first. I merely contacted the Dark Wood to check if Meadow was a member of theirs, I didn’t inquire further. Meadow had asked me not to get involved. I knew better than to mess with pack politics and I didn’t want to start another war back then. But at this point I didn’t care if it would lead to a war, an Alpha
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Chapter 75
Lily’s pov I was so happy Osiris got here in time, I was worried he would miss the birth of our baby. I had been high on whatever drug the doctor had given me and I didn’t mindlink Osiris to keep him informed. I was also too worried about the baby’s safety to think about anyone else. It was so strange, suddenly the most important thing in live was this tiny little human. Who we still hadn’t found a name for. I thought once we met him I would know, but looking at him with all the wires on made it hard to concentrate on anything else. My poor baby, he should have still been inside my belly if it wasn’t for that evil Alpha. What in Goddess name was he doing here anyway? Did he really think I would just hand him Meadow?! Osiris was sleeping, but I couldn’t. I was staring at our baby sleeping in his crib. I wish I could hold him all day, but the doctor explained he needed to rest. Besides I needed to pump every few hours if I wanted to give him something to drink
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Chapter 76
Osiris’ pov I didn’t just leave to get a shower and some clothing for me and Lily, I also went to the packhouse to talk to Meadow. Emma told me she hasn’t left her room and I want to make sure Meadow isn’t feeling guilty over what had happened. None of this is her fault, it’s that evil bastard and his Alpha’s fault. I grabbed some clothing and noticed some packmembers had brought tiny baby clothing for Asher. He wouldn’t be able to fit in the regular size baby clothing yet, but the human town had some in smaller sizes for preemie baby’s. I made a mental note to thank whoever did this, because it was a really kind gesture. When I finished packing I headed down to Meadow’s room and knocked on her door. “Meadow it’s Alpha Osiris. Can we talk?” It may sound like a request, but when an Alpha ask to talk you aren’t allowed to reject this question. Meadow opened the door, I didn’t want to enter her room. Not only was it inappropriate for me to enter another female’s room,
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Chapter 77
Lily’s pov I’ve been trying to get Asher to drink on his own, with help from the nurse. It’s going better each time and the doctor believes that if he doesn’t need the feeding tube anymore he could come home this week. I’ve been with Asher in the hospital for almost two weeks now, Osiris comes by as often as he can. This isn’t how I envisioned the first two weeks of my baby’s life would be. I thought I would get to take him home with me and now I have to ask permission from the doctor or nurse to hold him. I know they’re doing their best and they know better than me, but once Asher is home I am taking him everywhere with me in a sling. I don’t want that baby out of my sight. “Are you turning into Osiris?” Arya joked. “I might, I am understanding his behavior much better now. I always felt he was exaggerating, but right now I would do anything to make sure Asher was safe.” Osiris entered the room and saw me nursing Asher. He kissed the top of my head and then
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Chapter 78
Osiris’ pov Asher has been home a few days, which means it’s really time for me to go handle this whole Alpha Bernard situation. His feeding tube has come out and he had gained enough weight. Asher is turning into a little chubby baby and it’s so cute. I hate leaving Lily and Asher alone, especially since Lily has been a bit emotional since giving birth. “A bit?! Her hormones are all over the place. Don’t tell her I said that though,” Santos said. I wouldn’t dream of mentioning the word hormones to Lily right now. Just yesterday she was upset with me because I didn’t have sex with her yet. I told her I wanted to wait until she felt ready, it’s a lot for a body to go through. She started to cry “you hate how I look don’t you? I’m too big now? My stomach isn’t back to normal, my boobs are huge and I feel like a freaking cow giving milk every few hours.” Honestly Lily was still the most beautiful woman on earth to me. Seeing her give birth made me only apricate her mor
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Chapter 79
Lily’s pov “Hi Alpha Gabriel. Osiris just mindlinked me to check if everything is okay. Should I be worried? Is the pack under attack?” Alpha Gabriel looked nervous “it might be.” I was getting nervous now, but I was holding Asher in a sling around me and didn’t want to send out any negative vibes his way. I don’t know if baby’s work that way, but I knew baby’s are sensitive. Who knew what he could pick up on. Alpha Gabriel looked at me again and his soldiers came into the packhouse “This will soon be over.” I didn’t know what Alpha Gabriel was talking about “what do you mean?: Alpha Gabriel pointed to the sofa in the living room “just sit down for a bit. Don’t worry.” Telling me to not worry only makes me worry more, but I knew I wouldn’t get anything useful out of Alpha Gabriel right now so I mindlinked Riker. “Riker are you in your office? Alpha Gabriel is here and he is acting really weird. Saying that everything would be fine if Osiris just does what he is aske
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Chapter 80
Osiris’ pov “I know why you’re here. I know you want to punish me and take over my pack, but I have another offer for you. I want your pack and the Midnight Blood pack in exchange for you mate and son.” I growled, I didn’t answer but mindlinked Lily straight away. “Lily are you safe?” Lily replied “yeah, one second. Alpha Gabriel just came by the packhouse with some of his soldiers to check if everything is going okay. What’s going on?” Alpha Gabriel couldn’t be betraying me right? He has been so helpful the last few times and I was just planning to see how I could reward him for his trouble. He was Lily’s brother in law, I was sure I could trust him. Well, I was until a moment ago. I didn’t know who to trust now. Luckily I didn’t have to wait long before Alpha Bernard told me everything. Apparently evil Alpha’s like to give big speeches before they plan on taking over your pack. “First Alpha Kendrick and now this?! Less talking, more fighting.” Santos said
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