All Chapters of The Roommate : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
77 Chapters
Chapter 61:Her eyes opened. Josh looked perplexed. "Randy lied, over and over. And you still believed him over Jackson, K. So is it the fact he lied, or is it because you're scared of getting hurt? Also, I can't tell you how to feel, just like on the beach, it has to come from you. But K, it's up to you to weigh out the cons and the pros." Kaitlyn could feel her heart pounding in her chest. Josh's words were like a knife, but she refused to recoil from the truth in them. "You're right. I need to think about this some more." She leaned against his arm, he raised his arm to hug her sideways. Instinctively, she leaned into it, seeking the comfort his embrace would provide. He was always the boulder, the older brother she always wanted. She was grateful to him. "What if I'm not strong enough to figure out the right answer?" He squeezed her arm, before pulling back. "What did I tell you bef
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Iced Out
Chapter 62:Kaitlyn wondered when the radio silence would finally come to an end.It had been days, with constant feedback from both Spencer and Hannah, about the missing man they each cared about deeply. None of them knew where he was staying, but he had at least made contact with Spencer out of all of them. It stung a bit to know he hadn’t chosen to reach out to her, but she was grateful that he at least didn’t abandon all of them. Apparently he had made plans to visit the both of them soon, before promptly disconnecting his phone. Kaitlyn was sure he did so to stop her from calling.It seemed, the only person he was truly avoiding…was her. Jackson’s words reverberated inside her head; that he was done with both Randy and her. The hurt that had been in his eyes still haunted her, and as she realized that her talk with Josh might have been for nothing, her lashes folded down. Jackson was making it
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Chapter 63: Restless.  It had been almost two weeks now. And Kaitlyn thought she’d feel better by now, but it was like living in a hell she couldn’t get out of.She didn’t remember Randy hurting this much, even though she was sure it did. But this time, there hadn’t been a Jackson to soften the hurt. It felt like she’d never get better.And that was why as she stared up at the building near his workplace, she was clutching at her purse. She had heard from Hannah that he was giving side lectures here now, and the idea of seeing him made her heart race. She pushed through the doors of the community college and glanced around. The white halls were eerily deserted. Kaitlyn supposed the emptiness was because the students were still on their holiday vacation. She wondered why Jackson would be here then, but she didn't want to question Hannah's information. She barely had any i
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Chapter 64: Spill"But I went there and I didn't see him! I went into his classroom and I left a note on his whiteboard telling him to come home. And he never showed.”  Kaitlyn explained with a groan, falling back on her bed. After her bizarre meeting with Randy and Josh yesterday, Kaitlyn had invited over the girls to hang out.Hannah grimaced. "Ooh, I think I know what happened there."Kaitlyn raised a brow. "Jackson told me the other day how the janitors annoyingly clean his white board every afternoon even though he clearly marks for it to not be erased."Kaitlyn groaned and fell back against her bed. "This shouldn't be so hard," she whined.Olivia comfortingly patted her leg. "Oh, K, I'm sorry. But you'll get through to him," she assured with a small smile, "Just don't give up."The redhead covered her face with her hands. "I'm not even sure if he wants to see me!"It was Hannah’s turn to groan in ann
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Always a Step Behind
Chapter 65:  "So, when are you planning on telling us where you're staying?" Spencer asked between bites of his lamb gyro. Hannah nodded. "Yeah, the mystery is making me worry." Jackson chuckled and shrugged. "I'll tell you when I feel like it." Truth was he was certain Spencer and Hannah would not like the fact he'd paid for a month's stay in an motel when he could've been at their home. He didn't want to argue with the couple about his decision; plus, he was tired of relying on his friend's hospitality. Spencer cut his eyes at him. "Just like you'll reconnect your phone when you feel like it?" Jackson put up his hands. "Whoa, I'm not trying to get into that argument again!" "But Jackson, what if something happens and we can't reach you?" Hannah argued, "Or what if something happens to you and you can't reach, well, anybody! It's not safe. Plus, Kaitlyn really has been trying to contact you." "Heh, now you sound just like
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Chapter 66: "Randy?" she questioned with a baited breath and auirked brow when she couldn't stand the silence any longer. His stare was an odd mixture of emotions. She didn't want to look at them. He cleared his throat. "I-uh, sorry. I spaced out. I was wondering if you were doing anything after this," he began with an almost buisness like smile, "'Cause if you weren't, I thought we could hang out?" Kaitlyn didn't know whether to say yes or no, a part of her felt on edge. But the other half felt like she'd be putting up an unneeded wall with how much time they've spent together. So against her whispering judgemen, she caved. "It'll be too late to go to the park anyway, so sure. What did you have in mind?" He grinned. "Awesome! I know this place you'll love." "Okay, just let me know when you're ready to go then." Randy seemed to bounce on his feet and as he fidgeted with the tie he was wearing, she was left feeling anxious. She eyed him cur
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Chapter 67:"I'm sorry I can't stay to help you put everything away." Kaitlyn smiled softly at Josh's apologetic face, the boxes piled high in the back of his truck catching her attention as she shuffled one of the them to end of the tailgate. "Are you sure you don't want to wait for me to get out of work? I'll gladly help then." He offered, his lips set in a frown. Red locks weaved back and forth, a simple gesture. "No, it's okay. Go ahead and take my car and get to work. I'm excited to get it set up, a little manual labor won't kill me, you know?" She teased lightly as he sighed. "I know," He agreed with a wistful smile, but then he crossed his arms. "Still, if it gets too hard, just wait for me and Olivia to help you out, okay?" "Okay, okay, you worry wart." Kaitlyn giggled out in reply, Josh gave her one last skeptical look before heading out into her car. It was odd seeing him drive her car instead of his f
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Jackson's Princess
Chapter 68: Kaitlyn was floored, unsure how to feel or what to say when Jackson apologized at the same time as her. She hadn't been expecting it. She had been expecting anger, or maybe even for him to tell her he had just forgotten something at the old place and that's why he had stopped by. She knew he said he had stopped by to talk, but who knew what that meant. And she knew if he did forget something, he very well he wouldn't seek out Randy--Jackson hated the guy. But to hear him apologize without a moment of hesitation hadn't been within her expectations at all. She blinked at him, slowly scanning his features. Jackson cleared his throat. His hand cupping the back of his neck, and she wished he was holding her instead. She wondered just when life without him had become unbearable. It wasn't that she knew she wouldn't survive without him, in fact, after Randy--she knew she would. But... she didn't wan
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Starting Over
Chapter 69: Jackson's warmth enveloped her. The feel of his arms causing her to freeze in place. He was so warm, and it was a jolt inside her veins. Slowly, her fingers came up to clutch at his clothes. Sandalwood. Home. The smell invaded her senses, and without even thinking, she burrowed her face into his neck. The little strands of his hair tickling her eyelids as she breathed in the scent of his shampoo. Jackson was finally home. She didn't dare say a word, afraid that she'd start crying again if she did. Or that he'd move away. But it seemed her fears were for nothing. Because his arms were pulling her closer, tugging at her body like he was afraid she'd disappear. She blinked once, realizing then that she could feel his heartbeat along the side of his neck. His heart was racing. The knowledge made her face grow warm, her chest tight. "Don't cry because I'm fucking stu
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Doubts & Fear
Chapter 70: The drawings had unnerved her for days, her moods fluctuating as she gathered her apartment together. It was hard to keep them a secret by this point, Josh and Jackson both noting her odd behavior as she drew into herself the last few weeks. It made starting over hard, as she tried to keep on a brave face in Jackson's presence. A part of her wanted to tell him about the weird drawings that kept winding up on her doorstep and mailbox, but given their recent reconciliation, she didn't want to do anything to hurt their relationship. She had a feeling the drawings had something to do with Randy, as he was featured in most of them. But she knew he wasn't capable of drawing at all. She also couldn't see him doing something like this--no matter how manupliative he could be, it didn't seem like him. So who? She didn't really know, but she was growing increasingly worried. Every picture was a moment she
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