Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Demon-Wolf King: Kabanata 101 - Kabanata 110
147 Kabanata
Chapter 100. Just Bad News
Hunnie"I want you to say my name," Kris groaned while nibbling on my ear.He seemed to have found himself inside my tight lady parts that felt every inch of him squeezing his way inside my quivering canal.A throaty gasp bursts out of my mouth when Kris slides his cock half way out and pushes it back in against my g-spot. I was laying on my side and one of his hands was spreading apart my ass cheeks as he kneeled behind my bottom, thrusting in at an angle that made me teary eyed.It was as though what he was doing with his fingers, he was now doing with his shaft, but faster! I whimpered agonizingly
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Doesn’t Hurt
Bahm"Shit!"  Mirah curses. I stand straight right away! Her fingers were deeply inside of my mate and she says she has bad news! Everyone's heart beat in the room begins to race, as Mirah tells Hunnie to prepare for her withdrawal of her fingers. Hunnie sits up and Hay Lee runs to her side, offering her a towel to wipe her bits filled of gel. 
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Hunnie Inzotta      My feet move down the stairs of the somewhat slippery concrete. My ears picked up on clanking from the armor that the guards wore, and I hurriedly disappeared through the doors after using a quick spell to unlock them. I didn't want anyone stopping my quick hello to Draconius just yet. It was dark down here and the lights were flickering on and off around the corner to the cells
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Rough Mornings
Bahm     I couldn't stand listening to the sound of my mate crying. She was so hurt and I worried about the stress she would be causing on herself and the babies. I wished she would let me hold her. She went into the shower with Kris and they've been there ever since. Draconius left an imprint on her heart and it made me feel even bad that it was my idea to put Cyn in the same cell as him.  
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Hunnie"You asshole!" I cried, when Jo Jo and Hay Lee soothes and caresses my hands, knees and stomach.  "Why wouldn't you say something ahead of time!" "I forgot baby...I'm sorry."How could he forget to tell me this old looking carriage flies! Wouldn't that of been the first thing you would tell a pregnant woman, or a being that has never been on a flying carriage! 
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Hunnie"What the hell did you both just say!" Kris raises his voice, frightening me at his sudden change in tone."Young master!" Jo Jo calls over to him softly, trying to stop whatever kind of altercation he was about to throw his self into. I begin to panic at his movements and it seemed like the midwives were too. They bit their finger nail in a panic and looked around the area suddenly.My heart drops in my stomach when Kris throws his arms out to his side, blocking my stomach and pushing me behind him.The women bow half way and stands up straight, looking at each other before speaking."We all thought to believe Cynthia Vladorian, our Queen, was with The Young Master today." The thinner one of the two speaks. Her voice muffled under the scarf she used to cover her face. Only her green and exotic looking eyes shined sinisterly under her face covering."We see no it is just one of your pregnant toys, excuse us for following." The other one speaks with a much more heavier voice and
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Hormones Running Wild
Hunnie"You still want to be my Queen right?" Bahm holds his hands out to me, wearing a shiny, long sleeve shirt and black pants. I avoid his gesture and walk straight off the carriage, taking Leolo's hand in assistance. I was still a bit disappointed in him for not punishing Cyn the way he should of, hangry, and ashamed that I had two mates who couldn't even control their tempers! I feared my children would have to see this on a daily, and that I didn't want!"Hunnie! Come on!" I hear Kris closely behind me. I don't even turn to face the two. Bahm had looked like he just woken up and I was feeling disappointed about the muffin Kris and the ladies bought for me earlier. The pistachios inside were extremely soggy! I could cry!Tears began flowing down my eyes involuntarily. My hormones was sky rocketing and I didn't even want to be bothered. I just wanted another bath and to be left alone with more food and some sleep to follow right after!"Baby...why are you so mad at us?" Kris sa
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Little Devil
Bahm"No! Wait Hunnie!"She turns her back and tries to rush away down the hall. I roll my eyes at everyone. She came at the wrong time, and why was she cloaked suddenly? Now she's a crying mess as she wobbles away with Suki to her side, believing I really don't care what she wants. She still looked so delicious with her swollen and big body. I don't know how much she heard, but I was only trying to protect her. I figured she wouldn't want to go back to The Kingdom so soon either."No!.... Get away!" She sobs while walking down the hall. I had to dismiss Suki at her side, she was getting in my way of getting closer to my mate, and Hunnie wasn't listening to me. She was too much in her feelings, being a woman! Something just need to be stuck in her mouth so she could stop crying away."Hunnie! I do car-"'t! I'm leaving!" She cries cutting me off and I grunt before lifting her off her feet. Leaving! I had enough of her not listening to me!She shrieks, telling me to put
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A New Queen
BahmHunnie looks back and forth as I tease her with my erection through my trousers. She was hot and nervous, in fear that my mother or Nyku would look behind them, catching me acting the fool, but little did she know...My mother stands up first, sending me a glimpse from the corner of her eye, while I quickly let my groin go and rest my leg over my knee. Hunnie smiles brightly, hoping I'd get caught. "Well then, before I was rudely interrupted." She glares at Kris who wore a crooked smile plastered to his face."Tomorrow after lunch, expect guest to arrive. I've already sent invitation earlier, but I have more, so I'll be very busy. Suki will bring a gown they've been working on lately for Hunnie to wear prepared parents in less then a week." She rolls her eyes my way while Nyku and her walk towards the halls. My eyebrows furrowed. What did she mean by that?"I have to finish the nursery for the twins." Kris comes into the link, walking over to Hunnie and e
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Let Us Waste No Time
Hunnie Inzotta's P.O.V------------------------------Sleeping peacefully, in the middle of the night the bed sinks behind me, waking my heavy body that only began dreaming seconds ago. My body was exhausted, eyes dry and sleepy since we stayed up pretty late and my bladder was itching to release even though I released it before bed.The covers begins moving about before a hot body presses against me. Their hands snake to the front of my stomach, caressing my hard bump and I place on hand on top of theirs. Kisses are then felt all over my shoulder and then down my arms, sending a warm feeling down my spine and to my core. I endure it all, knowing it was Bahm and groan softly in my sleepy state to let his presence be known, but then the bed begins sinking in around the front of me!My eyes shoot open, only darkness fills my sight like usual, and the scent of Kris enters my nose heavily. The covers move about again and the body in front of me comes close, placing their hand on my stom
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